


139. sampling#

  • throughout musical history composers have often fallen back on materials either from their own earlier works of those of other composers

  • a proclivity that reached its height in the renaissance; most of the many great masses of palestrina and lassus are bult on chnasons and motets

  • which were elaborated with the highest artistry and subtle, complicated technique

  • replenishing new owrks with previously composed music continued in the baroque, and incipits of sonata-form works in the classic era still came from the public domain

    • early

    • renaissance

    • baroque

    • classical

    • romantic

    • modern

  • at first sight nothing seems more absurd, and less in keeping with any notion of creativity; but what mattered to these musicians was not originality of invention

  • … supreme creed of the romantics, but what happens to the borrowed material (metaphor: borrow, invest, roi)

  • originality and invention went into the elaboration, hence the ornateness of baroque! [45]

    • paul henry lang. handel: 300 years on. the musical times, feb., 1985, vol. 126, no. 1704, handel tercentenary issue, pp. 77-84

140. elaboration#

  • these notes completely transformed her presentation

  • i believe she’s all set for today lab practice session

  • and we had a marvelous discussion about cats, geriatrics, …

  • thb and its jalapeno cheddar bagels

  • not to mention abby smiths work and its relevance to our work

  • we have a renewed interest in predonation insurance status as a risk factor: the golden goose?

  • perhaps not cardiovascular disease and diabetes?

  • of course apply bayesian a priori and posteriori inferences to these post-donation variables

141. gamechanger#

142. cafe#

143. random#

  • I don’t buy that this is a random playlist of the 25k songs in my library!

144. tuition remission#

  • edassist is new, painful

  • vigilance next time

  • check around 08/10/2023

145. julia lopez#

  • research coordinator for cameorn & king

  • specifically the donor-communication projects

  • its her sort of remarks that we should wish every audience to make!

146. kaplan-meier#

  • trc member found a correlation between riskset and cumulative incidence

  • and so many other such remarks and related suggestions by others

  • including faculty! something rotten in the state of denmark?

147. conflict#

  • extremely limited time

  • time of the essence

  • rasheeda vs. ds4ph hw7-10

148. para siempre#

  • al b sure

  • kim porter

  • quincy

  • forever

  • my lady

  • no meaning

  • but beautiful

  • human errors:

  • souce of greatest beauty

  • think egyptians & pyraminds [33]

149. amy#

  • predonation insurance

  • best chance for postdonation vigilance

  • thats for most donors (93%)

  • uninsured not in surveillance system

  • two-year mandated followup is ludicrous

  • and we show that diabetes and cardiovascular disease might be caught in their tracks

  • via the sentinel event of hospitalization

150. means#

  • cause

  • will

  • strength… and

  • means

    • cause, will, and strength

    • sensorium, cognitive, muscular

    • all these are primary, within

    • but means ar secondary, without

    • represents ultimate resource: networks!

  • witness my TAs led by vincent

    • outstanding johnathan

    • identified by vincent

    • and the rest

    • plus a sui generis – and perfect - jason haw for the advanced class

    • this is wayyyy beyond my ability to coordinate

    • beyond my vision and anticipation

    • therefore this is the ultimate human achievement

151. yampanguza#

152. mgb#

  • ideal lead TA

  • summer institute & spring term

  • lets wait and see…

153 je ne sais quoi#

  • 5 miles to empty

  • my heart is running low, whoa

  • i need a good man to fill me up

  • i need a good man to give me love

154. jury#

  • is out

  • on the issues

  • ranking:

    1. hamlet

    2. romeo & juliet

    3. macbeth

    4. king lear

    5. tempest/othello

    6. midsummer nights dream


155. amooti#

  • 1942-2023

  • i’m against hosp

  • nhl,bph,nx?

  • saline->delirium

  • coup de grace

156. learning#

  • supervised

  • unsupervised

  • reinforced

157. mgb#

  • not available for summer

  • but is on for next spring

  • wonderful opportunity

158. tuition#

159. cluster#

ssh amuzaal1@jhpce01.jhsph.edu
ls -alh
qrsh -l h_vmem=17G
echo stata-mp -b do my.nber.data.do -> my.nber.data.sh
qsub -l mem_free=17G,h_vmem=17G,h_fsize=17G my.nber.data.sh
qacct -f /cm/shared/apps/sge/sge-8.1.9/default/common/accounFng_20230220_0300.txt -j JOBID
scp /users/d/desktop/my.nber.data.do amuzaal1@jhpce01.jhsph.edu:/users/amuzaal1/

160. hw0#

  • introduce it to 340.600 in 2024

  • will not be graded but feedback will be provided

  • also trial run in submission process and ta-coordination

161. handel#

  • interests: life & beauty

  • not metaphysics: death & sin

  • thus men & women, heroes, etc.


162. chatGPT#

  • move over, doctor!

  • enter chatGPT!

  • this is 2023

163. hiring#

  • arking

  • diana call

  • rita johnson-chase

  • evan wimmert

  • update trc leadership/betsy, sarah hussein

  • he is continuing something from the ergot era

  • was a jackie garonzik-wang hire

  • i was the mentor and supervisor

  • he was an undergrad at princeton

  • since matriculated at sinai medicine

  • can he mentor calvin?

  • both are precocious and use r

  • any potential conflicts with afv hiring process in trc?

164. dsmb#

  • study

  • bayesian

  • ethics

165. todoby#

  • andrew/gaby

  • atc annual fee

  • hotel

  • flights

  • euro aging conference

  • tuition remission

  • vincent offer

  • 340.700 book

  • articulate group task

  • collaboration

  • github

  • publishing: jupyter-book, bookdown

  • where stand i, stata?

  • jupyter-book create * build 100% from terminal

  • debug process for mac vs. microsoft

  • meet jason on thursday

  • consult chatGPT

  • r03/r21

  • mickey easgleson’s original project as r21?

  • irb

  • rasheeda/mara

  • nhanes/invoice/confirm

  • rdc paper/wrapup

  • ds4ph hw7-11

  • consider atc: june 3-6

  • dental hygien appt june 7

  • amy presents june 6

  • tijuana june 3-4

  • md drivers license renewal

  • calvin to be mentored by andrew

  • diana call/dos expectations

  • submit in oct

  • reviewer feedback & score by dec

  • cost-cutting measures

  • but i’ll be hiring to change game

  • and put money where my mouth is

  • cause, will, strenth, and means… to do it

  • networks, relationships, mentorship, collegiality, personality inventories

  • ready for next maidsmd.com?

  • totally worth each $$

  • meet with mgb on 4th quarter 2024 lead ta plans

166. personnel#

  • materials/supplies/other costs ($25,000/year)

  • developer/programmer, TBN (5% effort, 0.6 cal. mos. in year 1; 10% effort, 1.2 cal. mos. in years 2 – 5)

  • we request funds to partially cover the costs of a developer/programmer who will be responsible for creating the older donor risk calculator

  • this will be an interactive online resource that guides discussions between care providers and older donors

  • we include a 2% salary increase for this position in Years 2 – 5

  • and include fringe benefits costs in our budget request at the Johns Hopkins published rate of 33.5%.

167. nhats#

  • study this more

  • think: unsupervised learning

  • apply to cohort and r21

  • discuss with thesis advisory committee

  • loop in nhats director, jennifer schrack

168. thesis#

  • julie hoover-fong

  • dorry segev

  • betsy king

  • brian caffo (chair)

  • fabian johnston

  • adlen gross

169. marketing#

  • like google, chatGPT in nascent years

  • word of mouth, cheer quality & utility of product

  • focus on ph.340.700 & leverage philosophy of open science

  • since ph.340.600 is a requirement, no need to target anyone there

  • get solutions to macOS/microsoftOS differences, terminal, etc.

  • build a cult following & figure out nih mechanism to finance this

  • consider for-profit alternatives if idea is that good

  • eg pharmaco vigilance, fda regulation, etc.

170. nadella#

  • satya, i finally get u!

  • github

  • vscode

  • teams

  • onedrive

171. success#

  • for women its dabbling in the stable part of the distribution and thus involves communal efforts (reliability)

  • as for men its all about those tails and maybe a partnership with an old-time college buddy (frontiers)

  • which brings us to the the question of the worlds most dangerous equation ever known to date

172. bookdown#

  • repo

    • html

    • latex

    • gitbook

    • book

    • rmarkdown

    • bookdown

    • epub

  • bookdown 0.33 (03/06/2023)

    • click

    • source code (zip)

      • pantheon

        • bookdown 3.3

          • inst

            • examples

  • index.Rmd

  • install.packages(“bookdown”)

    • rstudio ide > new project > new directory > book project

  • knit

  • change url?

  • content

  • publish

  • rmarkdown file

  • publish icon

  • install required packages

  • connect publishing account

  • rstudio connect account

  • try posit for 45

  • any github equivalent?

  • not free, not as sexy as jupyter

  • conclusion?

  • python > r > stata

173. jupyter#

  • tutorial

  • let me try

  • using terminal

  • ask other macOS user

174. bach#

  • protestantism

  • created little

  • in the visual arts

  • or in architecture

  • but in music it did:

    • devotional church songs

    • chorales

    • incontestably protestant in spirit

  • jesuits?

    • complained

    • luthers songs turned more people to the new faith

    • than all the theological writings and preachings

    • j.h. schein’s chorale settings from 1620s

    • bruxtehude & brohm

    • bach: ideal and final development

    • simple chorale tune

    • various harmonizations

    • orgelbuchlein

175. catholicism#

  • appeals to terror

  • protestantism to beauty

  • judaism -> catholicism

  • thus jesus usurps the great formula

  • with love & modern times are born

  • great music and hippies leftists


176. egypticism#

  • protestantism -> praise, worship -> gdp -> dionysus -> life

  • catholicism -> father, confession -> rituals -> visual arts -> afterlife [33]

  • heaven -> intoxication, frenzy -> creative-destruction -> music -> golden-earth

177. ds4ph#

  • apps due a week from tuesday

  • outstanding homeworks due next thursday

  • so lets roll this out this week!!

178. ai#

  • fairness

  • ethics

  • responsibility

  • data -> independent of protected class?

  • so that biases are not propagated?

  • like removing race from an algorithm

  • of course race can be predicted by what remains

  • dilutes the performances if we get rid of these predictors

  • ai may detect a token that is spurious

  • explainable ai may be the way forward

  • is increase in parsimony really worth loss in performance?

  • perhaps even applies to eGFR equation (remove race= increased parsimony)

179. bookdown#

  • jason haw is an oustanding ta

  • so perfectly cutout for the advanced class

  • now he’s guided me towards my first bookdown publication:

//rstudio > new project > quarto book > environment > build > render book
git clone https://muzaale.github.io/kulala/
cp -r quarto/* kulala
cd kulala
git add ./*
git commit -m “first”
git push
ghp-import -n -p -f _book
gh-pages branch
view deployment


180. ipynb#

  • several weird shit

  • but chatGPT advised me to deleted vs code extensions

  • and manually save .ipynb documents

  • together these changes have restored some sanity

181. quarto#

  • successfully created a quarto book with jason haw

  • then did so again all by myself

  • now invite class700

182. concession#

  • didn’t heed my ta’s

  • students lost it, outraged

  • finally caved in & will redo rubric

182. officially#

  • cancelled

  • by trc

  • nice, honest talk

  • with christine

  • politely asked to not attend analysts safe space

  • maybe there’s a delicate balance

  • of critical & supportive?

183. \(d^3\)#

  • diana

  • diane

  • deee

    • charm-offensive

    • charm? offensive!

184 windows#

  • almost there

  • roughtly 99%

  • jason, pat, quarto


185. cltx#

  • associate editor center

  • vanguards

  • tx

189. regress#

  • \(Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1X_1 + \beta_2X_2 + ... + \beta_nX_n + \varepsilon_{iid \sim N(\mu, \sigma)}\)

  • for the 700 class

  • whet their appetite

  • let them know this is LaTeX

190. list#

Cluster [46]

drwxr-xr--  21 aachybro         biostats              32 Sep 17  2009 aachybro
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drwx------  10 aberring         epi                   19 Jun  2  2016 aberring
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drwxr-xr-x   2 abroman          jhmi                   3 Sep 17  2009 abroman
drwxr-x---  12 abrown           biostats             148 Jan 25  2018 abrown
drwx------  30 abureau          coop                7727 Jan 16  2022 abureau
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drwxrwxr-x  39 achu             epi                   65 Sep 17  2009 achu
drwx------   5 acollins         jhmed_id              12 Sep 17  2009 acollins
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drwx------   4 nobody           epi                   12 Jul 17  2008 adimitri
drwx------   3 adimitri737      course_710_737         4 May  5  2014 adimitri737
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drwx------  37 arking           users                 70 Jul  9  2021 aeishgar
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drwxr-xr-x  73 aeloyan          coop                  99 Apr  1  2016 aeloyan
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drwx------   5 agoldman         users                 13 Feb 13 11:57 agoldman
drwxr-xr-x   9 agolozar         epi                   20 Sep 17  2009 agolozar
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drwx------   6 ajermyn          visitor               17 Sep 17  2009 ajermyn
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drwxr-x--- 108 amassie          segev                150 Mar 28 11:55 amassie
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drwx------  10 aprakash         baderlab              21 Sep  9  2013 aprakash
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drwxr-x---   3 apustav1         segev                  8 Oct 21  2013 apustav1
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drwx------  30 arking           jhmi                  81 Apr 11 18:32 arking
drwx------   6 arking737        course_710_737        16 Oct 19  2015 arking737
drwx------  20 arochaba         users                 34 Apr 17 15:18 arochaba
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drwx------   3 ascott           mmi_genecor            7 Mar 21  2011 ascott
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drwx------   3 aseidenw         biostats               9 Sep  8  2011 aseidenw
drwx------   6 asen             users                 14 Sep 27  2017 asen
drwxr-x---  23 aseyedia         lieber_jaffe          45 Oct  6  2021 aseyedia
drwxr-x---  19 ashaffer         segev                571 Feb 16  2020 ashaffer
drwx------   6 asheffel         users                 15 May  4 14:46 asheffel
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drwx------   7 ashumate         140.688_class         16 Apr 12  2018 ashumate
drwx------   6 asilver          users                 13 Mar 26  2019 asilver
drwx------   3 asinge12         epi                    9 Dec 17  2013 asinge12
drwx------  14 askaist          nobody                27 Feb 15 11:20 askaist
drwx------   4 asobhiaf         users                 12 Jul 22  2022 asobhiaf
drwx------  30 asong            users                 48 Apr 20 10:02 asong
drwx------  27 kmaynard         lieber_jaffe          69 Aug 12  2022 aspangle
drwx------   8 astaicu          coop                  56 Jul 28  2010 astaicu
drwxr-x---   9 astaicu1         users                 17 Aug 17  2016 astaicu1
drwx------  13 astraub          users                 23 Oct 23  2019 astraub
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drwxrwxr-x  16 exiao1           lieber                28 Aug  8  2014 exiao1
drwx------   6 eyang            users                 15 Jan 12  2022 eyang
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drwxr-x---  16 fabreu           biostats              29 Mar 30  2016 fabreu
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drwxr-xr-x   7 gpertea          jhmi                  15 Jan 11 13:12 gpertea
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drwx------   5 jsun1            users                 15 Mar 17 16:53 jsun1
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drwx--x--x 112 jyang            jyang                238 May  5 16:51 jyang
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drwx------  24 jyao1            users                 48 May  4 12:45 jyao1
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drwx------   5 jzhou3           users                 12 Sep  7  2022 jzhou3
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drwxrwx--x  31 lyanek1          users                 75 Apr 11 09:13 lyanek1
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drwxrwx---  16 xli4             users                 55 Mar 13 06:43 xli4
drwx------  34 xliang           users                 51 May  3 18:23 xliang
drwxr-x---  14 xliu             users                 30 Mar 10  2017 xliu
drwxr-xr-x  21 xluo             biostats              62 Sep 17  2009 xluo
drwxr-x---  19 xluo9            segev                 70 Jun 21  2020 xluo9
drwx------  13 xning            users                126 Jul  9  2019 xning
drwx------   4 xpeng            users                 12 Oct 13  2020 xpeng
drwx------   5 xqu              users                 13 Jan 11 15:49 xqu
drwx------  13 xreed1           jhmi                 226 Nov 24  2014 xreed1
drwx------  29 xshao            users                 47 Dec 14 16:16 xshao
drwx------   4 xwu              users                 11 Apr 19 15:37 xwu
drwx------  15 xxie             users                 26 Sep 14  2018 xxie
drwx------  12 xying            users                338 May  5 01:44 xying
drwxr-xr-x  43 xyou             biostats             247 Sep 17  2009 xyou
drwxr-x---  48 xzhang           biostats             387 Aug  8  2016 xzhang
drwx------   6 xzhang1          users                 14 Jun  6  2016 xzhang1
drwx------  50 xzhang2          users                258 Apr 18  2022 xzhang2
drwx------  22 xzhifang         users                 56 Apr 16 22:43 xzhifang
drwx------  31 xzhong           jhams                 45 Sep 17  2009 xzhong
drwx------   7 xzhou            users                 20 Dec  2 22:06 xzhou
drwx------  14 xzhou2           users                 24 May  5 23:23 xzhou2
drwx------   9 xzhu             users                 16 May  3  2019 xzhu
drwx------   8 xzhu1            users                 18 Feb 26  2021 xzhu1
drwx------  18 yai              users                 33 Mar 20  2022 yai
drwx------  12 yakosaan         users                 20 May 18  2020 yakosaan
drwxr-x---  10 yalfonso         pfrh                  18 Jul 19  2016 yalfonso
drwxr-x---   6 yalimi           users                 15 May 25  2016 yalimi
drwx------   3 yaolu            biostats               8 Sep 17  2012 yaolu
drwx--x--x   8 yapwang          biostats              18 Sep 17  2009 yapwang
drwx------  13 ybai             users                 26 Jun 30  2022 ybai
drwx------  20 ybai1            users                 39 Apr 21 16:51 ybai1
drwx------   3 ybai10           biostats               8 Sep 12  2013 ybai10
drwx------  41 ybhandar         users                 75 Dec 20  2021 ybhandar
drwx------  15 ycao             users                640 Apr  2  2018 ycao
drwx------   5 ychang           biostats            1030 Sep 17  2009 ychang
drwx------  30 ychen            users                170 Oct 28  2022 ychen
drwx------  22 ychen1           users                 62 May  1 18:30 ychen1
drwx------  26 ychen2           users                 39 May  2 11:13 ychen2
drwx------   9 ychen3           users                 59 May  5 15:27 ychen3
drwx------  17 ychen4           biostats              53 Jul  8  2016 ychen4
drwx------   3 ycheng2          epi                   10 Sep 17  2009 ycheng2
drwxr-x---   3 ycheng3          biostats               6 Sep 17  2009 ycheng3
drwx------   7 ydong            users                 44 May  5 14:47 ydong
drwx------  21 ydu              biostats              32 Jan 27  2018 ydu
drwx------  20 ydun             users                125 May  6 01:26 ydun
drwx------   9 yfan             users                 17 Dec 28  2020 yfan
drwx------  44 yfang            users                 70 Jan 16 17:10 yfang
drwx------   3 yfeng            users                  9 Sep 25  2019 yfeng
drwx------  18 yfeng1           users                 67 Jun  4  2021 yfeng1
drwx------  10 yge              users                 22 Mar 26  2021 yge
drwx------  15 ygu              users                 34 Dec 15  2017 ygu
drwxrwxr-x  15 yhe              khansen_class         33 Jan 18  2015 yhe
drwxr-xr-x  30 yhuang           biostats              82 Sep 17  2009 yhuang
drwxr-x---  30 yhuang1          users                 97 Apr 26  2019 yhuang1
drwx------   6 yhwang           users                 15 Sep 30  2020 yhwang
drwxr-xr-x   2 yijzhou          biostats               7 Sep 17  2009 yijzhou
drwx------  16 yilu             biostats              69 Dec 11  2016 yilu
drwxr-xr-x   4 yji              khansen_class         14 May  2  2014 yji
drwx------  20 yjia             users                 32 Aug 20  2019 yjia
drwx------   5 ykim             bio776                15 Sep 17  2009 ykim
drwx------   5 ykuang           users                 13 Nov  8 12:22 ykuang
drwxr-xr-x  31 ylee             biostats              43 Feb 14  2020 ylee
drwx------  17 yli2             sph140636             99 Nov 22  2018 yli2
drwx------  39 yli3             users                 60 Nov 18  2019 yli3
drwx------  26 yli4             users                 53 Mar 31 17:12 yli4
drwx------  25 yli5             users                 39 Mar 10 14:56 yli5
drwx------  10 yli6             users                 22 Apr 20 04:28 yli6
drwx------  14 ylin1            sph140636             25 Oct 19  2018 ylin1
drwxrwx---  19 ylin2            lieber_jaffe         218 Sep 14  2020 ylin2
drwx------   6 ylin3            users                155 Feb  8  2022 ylin3
drwx------  16 yling            chaklab               30 May 18  2015 yling
drwxr-xr-x  29 yliu             biostats              54 Feb 26  2020 yliu
drwxr-x---  17 yliu1            users                 52 Jul 24  2016 yliu1
drwxr-x---   3 yliu2            users                  9 Dec  3  2015 yliu2
drwxrwx---  22 dray             users                 37 May 16  2019 yliu3
drwx--x--x  14 yliu4            users                 28 Nov 29  2020 yliu4
drwx------   6 yliu5            users                 13 Jul 15  2020 yliu5
drwx------  19 yliu6            users                 33 May  1 22:43 yliu6
drwxr-xr-x  13 ylu              biostats              36 Sep 17  2009 ylu
drwx------   6 yma              140.688_class         13 Apr 24  2018 yma
drwx------  18 yman             users                 21 May  5 00:24 yman
drwx------  11 ynatalia         users                 20 May 30  2022 ynatalia
drwxr-xr--  40 yning            biostats              52 Oct 28  2019 yning
drwxr-xr-x  27 yonchen          biostats              53 Sep 17  2009 yonchen
drwxr-xr-x  62 yongli           coop                  81 Mar  1 05:50 yongli
drwxr-xr-x   5 youyang          biostats              16 Sep 17  2009 youyang
drwx------  10 ypark            baderlab              18 Apr  7  2010 ypark
drwx------   5 yqiao            users                 12 May  9  2018 yqiao
drwx------   6 yqiao1           users                 17 Dec  4  2019 yqiao1
drwx------   6 yqiao2           users                 14 Dec  8  2021 yqiao2
drwxr-x---  15 yqing            biostats              37 Jun 28  2017 yqing
drwx------  12 ysang1           epi                   21 Apr 25  2022 ysang1
drwx------  19 ysingh           users                 41 Jun 24  2021 ysingh
drwx------  26 ysoohong         users                 41 May  2 09:51 ysoohong
drwx------   6 ysophier         users                 13 Dec  2  2020 ysophier
drwxr-x---  16 ysu              biostats              41 Feb  7  2018 ysu
drwxr-xr-x  20 ysuhail          jhmi                  70 Mar  3  2015 ysuhail
drwx------  60 ysun             biostats             385 Feb 27  2017 ysun
drwx------   6 ytai             bioinfo               22 Sep 17  2009 ytai
drwx------   8 ytongli          users                407 Sep 10  2018 ytongli
drwx------  19 yuxu             biostats              25 Mar 29  2018 yuxu
drwx------  41 ywang            users                 57 May  5 13:18 ywang
drwx------  13 ywang1           users                 67 Jan 24  2022 ywang1
drwx------   5 ywang2           users                 13 Feb 10  2021 ywang2
drwx------  13 ywang3           users                 24 Nov  1  2022 ywang3
drwx------   7 ywang4           users                 17 Sep 28  2021 ywang4
drwxr-xr-x  36 ywebbvar         biostats              67 Oct 30  2016 ywebbvar
drwx------  51 ywei             biostats             135 Dec  4  2014 ywei
drwx------  26 ywei1            users                 71 May  4 18:30 ywei1
drwx------  21 ywen             users                 73 Apr 17 17:09 ywen
drwxr-x---   7 yweng1           users                 29 Sep  4  2015 yweng1
drwxr-xr-x  16 yxiao            epi                   25 Jan 17  2017 yxiao
drwx------   9 yxu              users                 44 Apr 13  2018 yxu
drwx------  10 yxu1             users                 17 Oct 27  2019 yxu1
drwx------  13 yxu2             users                 30 Apr  2 16:14 yxu2
drwx------   9 yxu3             users                 47 Jan 12  2021 yxu3
drwx------  22 yyang            users                 70 Feb 24  2020 yyang
drwxr-xr-x   2 yyao             epi                    3 Sep 17  2009 yyao
drwx------  32 yye              users                 50 May  2 18:11 yye
drwxr-xr-x  40 yyin             biostats              76 Sep 17  2009 yyin
drwxr-x---  33 yyu              segev                136 Mar  8  2021 yyu
drwx------   4 yyue             users                 12 Apr  5 16:36 yyue
drwxr-x---  28 yzhang           users                 67 Mar 31  2020 yzhang
drwx------  20 yzhang1          sph140636             40 Oct 25  2018 yzhang1
drwx------  12 yzhang2          users                 26 Sep 28  2021 yzhang2
drwx------  16 yzhang3          users                 27 Dec 12 15:11 yzhang3
drwx------   8 yzhang4          users                 18 Sep 25  2022 yzhang4
drwx------  24 yzhao            users                 34 May  2 06:56 yzhao
drwx------  28 yzhao1           users                 55 May  2 01:10 yzhao1
drwxr-x---   8 yzheng           users                227 Apr 11  2018 yzheng
drwx------  22 yzhou            users                 35 Apr 12  2017 yzhou
drwxr-xr-x  32 yzhu             biostats              64 Feb 28 12:41 yzhu
drwxr-xr-x  25 yzhu1            users                 50 Aug  9  2019 yzhu1
drwx------  15 yzhuang          users                 27 Mar 27  2022 yzhuang
drwxr-xr-x  27 zbesich          lieber_jaffe          62 Aug  6  2021 zbesich
drwxr-x---   5 zcui             segev                 29 Aug  6  2014 zcui
drwx------   6 zding            users                 14 Apr 14 10:35 zding
drwx------  51 zfoda            users                129 May  3 14:46 zfoda
drwx------  34 zfu              users                 47 May  4 13:13 zfu
drwx------  14 zfu1             users                 39 May  6 00:21 zfu1
drwx------  10 zguo             users                 20 May 25  2022 zguo
drwx------  39 zhe              users                 52 May  4 19:12 zhe
drwx------   6 zhe1             users                 14 Aug  9  2022 zhe1
drwx--x--x  36 zhwu             biostats              54 Apr 15 22:47 zhwu
drwxr-xr-x  36 zji4             biostats             140 Apr 20 11:12 zji4
drwx------  46 zli              users                110 May  6 01:00 zli
drwx------   6 zli1             users                 13 May  3  2019 zli1
drwx------   5 zli2             users                 14 Sep  4  2020 zli2
drwx------  12 zli3             users                 19 Feb  3 01:31 zli3
drwx------  11 zliu             users                 25 Sep 24  2022 zliu
drwx------   5 zma              users                 12 Apr  8  2020 zma
drwx------   7 zmahfoud         coop                  74 Sep 17  2009 zmahfoud
drwx------   7 zmao             users                 15 Mar 27  2019 zmao
drwx------   8 znauroz          users                 30 Mar  7 11:03 znauroz
drwx------  20 zni              users                 41 Apr 14 09:03 zni
drwxr-x---  17 zpackman         sph140636             33 Nov 10  2016 zpackman
drwx------  12 zpeng            users                 21 Aug 31  2015 zpeng
drwx------   6 zshi             jhuas                 15 Dec  7  2011 zshi
drwx------  15 zshi1            users                 25 Nov 15  2019 zshi1
drwxr-x---   7 zstolp           users                 15 May 12  2017 zstolp
drwxr-xr-x  60 ztan             biostats             205 Sep 17  2009 ztan
drwx------  26 ztang            users                 37 Mar 24 04:51 ztang
drwxr-xr-x   4 zwang            biostats              11 Jul 22  2014 zwang
drwxr-x---  28 zwang1           users                 45 Oct 25  2021 zwang1
drwx------   3 zwang2           users                  9 Mar 26  2019 zwang2
drwx------  16 zwang3           users                 37 Apr  1 12:08 zwang3
drwx------  32 zwang4           users                 54 May  3 12:12 zwang4
drwx------  16 zwong            users                 86 Dec 13  2016 zwong
drwxr-xr-x  69 zwu              biostats             544 May 11  2015 zwu
drwx------   3 zwu1             users                 11 Nov 20  2019 zwu1
drwx------   2 zxi              mmi                    4 Sep 17  2009 zxi
drwx------   4 zxiong           users                 10 Jan 25 12:36 zxiong
drwx------  14 zyu              140.688_class         29 Oct  4  2018 zyu
drwxrwxr--  19 zyu1             users                 38 Mar 17 21:57 zyu1
drwx------  20 zzeng            users                 34 May  4 08:53 zzeng
drwx------  22 zzhang           users                 58 Jul 25  2018 zzhang
drwx------   7 zzhang2          users                 18 May  5 14:39 zzhang2

191. beers#

  • use original script: 1importR.do

  • transform it into 01_bc050623.do

  • marvelous chance to introduce loops, strings, etc \(\cdots\)

192. xta#

  • you really messed this up; we are soulmates

  • this is supposed to be my family & you f-cked it up

  • ♀ of virtue, but also hoe at right time

  • he does not draw any blood at all but

  • i’m glad he is very busy and is away mostly

  • because i really like my space and so his projects are prefect

193. chance#

  • just to think this came a week

  • after that crazy dream

  • unambiguous dream

  • with bazeyi (both in dream & call!)

  • some very messed up shit!!


194. missa#

  • kyrie

  • gloria

  • credo

  • sanctus

  • agnus dei

195. paulo#

  • nice chat

  • latin mass

  • in b’more

196. ethnicity#

  • clustering by

    • race/gender/age

    • segev/massie

    • durand/king

    • ammary/muzaale

  • discount demographics?

    • at your own peril!

    • they’re alive & well :(

    • in 21st century america, usa

197. katebalirwe’s#

  1. kibanza - 1st wife, sui

  2. mugisa, dr - 2nd wife, died

  3. kajjumbi -

  4. kirunji -

  5. kunihira -

  6. aga - 3rd wife, abooki, ca

  7. kase -

  8. kaba -

  9. kajjimbi -

  10. stillbirth - 4th wife, no child

  11. bubu - 5th wife, aunti grace, rwanda

  12. boy - 6th wife, school girl (cissy’s age), she left

  13. another - 7th wife, kunihira’s age (in 40s), widowed, has 3 children, youngest in p3

198. sui generis#

  • children were # 1

  • disagree with children?

  • you have to walk!

199. hierarchy#

  • clustering

  • ethnicity > gender > age

  • henry james

  • get your shit late in life

  • say at 43

  • but maybe XX? feels that way

200. xinran#

  1. install r, rstudio, latest versions

  2. think about workdir location (e.g. ~/documents)

  3. workdir name (e.g. ~/documents/open/)

  4. repo name (e.g. username/science )

  5. ultimately repo -> (~/documents/science)

  6. already have a public https://username.github.io ?

  7. if not, create one; if so, move on to next step

  8. create new public repo (e.g. science)

  9. quarto rstudio download

  10. bookdown/sourcecode/inst/examples/install.bookdown

  11. file > new project > new directory (e.g. ~/documents/) > quarto book > build > render > html

  12. restart mac if any of above steps is not visible

  13. git clone username/science

  14. cp -r open/* science

  15. cd science

  16. git config user.name

  17. git config user.email

  18. git remote set-url origin username/science

  19. create public/private KEYS

  20. git add ./*

  21. git commit -m “my first commit”

  22. git push origin gh-pages

  23. pip-install ghp-import

  24. ghp-import -n -p -f _book

201. family#

  • xinran from a scholarly family

  • only child, but has cousin called lucy from hong kong

  • mother has a brother, xinrans uncle

  • the one-child policy ended in 2012

  • she was born in december 2000


202. rasheeda#

  • output by 10am

  • move on to students

  • the ds4ph hw

203. content#

  • .ipynb does always save

  • have lost lots of content

  • but why does this happe? how?

jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute bilowozo.ipynb

This will execute the notebook and save any changes you have made.

204. frustrated#

step-by-step guide to pushing a jupyter-book to gh-pages on a new windows machine with no software installed

Sure! Here is a step-by-step guide for pushing a Jupyter-Book to GitHub Pages on a new Windows machine with no software installed:

  1. Install Git for Windows by downloading and running the Git for Windows installer from the official website: https://gitforwindows.org/

  2. Install Miniconda by downloading the Miniconda installer from the official website: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html#windows-installers

  3. Open the Anaconda Prompt by searching for “Anaconda Prompt” in the Start Menu.

  4. Create a new Conda environment by running the following command in the Anaconda Prompt:

conda create --name mybook python=3.8

This will create a new Conda environment named “mybook” with Python version 3.8.

  1. Activate the Conda environment by running the following command:

conda activate mybook

  1. Install Jupyter-Book and other required packages by running the following command:

pip install jupyter-book ghp-import
  1. Create a new Jupyter-Book project by running the following command:

jupyter-book create mybook

This will create a new directory named “mybook” with the basic structure for a Jupyter-Book project.

  1. Add some content to your Jupyter-Book by creating one or more Jupyter Notebooks in the “mybook” directory.

  2. Build the Jupyter-Book to create an HTML site by running the following command:

jupyter-book build mybook

This will create an HTML site in the “_build/html” directory inside your “mybook” directory.

  1. Create a new GitHub repository or go to an existing one where you want to push the Jupyter-Book.

  2. Go to the Settings tab of your repository and scroll down to the GitHub Pages section. Select “Master branch” as the source and save the changes.

  3. In the Anaconda Prompt, navigate to the directory containing your Jupyter-Book project.

  4. Run the following command to publish the HTML site to the GitHub Pages site:

ghp-import -n -p -f _build/html
  1. Wait a few minutes for the changes to propagate to the GitHub Pages site. You should be able to see your Jupyter-Book live on the internet at https://username.github.io/repositoryname.

That’s it! You have successfully pushed a Jupyter-Book to GitHub. Pages on a new Windows machine with no software installed.


205. usrds#

  • usrds_id srvc_dt gnn, 01/01/2013-12/31/2014

  • g antihist16=(strpos(gnn,”BROMPHENIRAMINE”)!=0)

  • 00_exposureR.dta N=44,240,848

  • unique usrds_id N=561,304

  • 11_elig.dta N=307,840

  • unique usrds_id 177,471

  • cd /dcs04/legacy-dcs01-igm/segevlab/data/usrds2015/claims/pd/pde2013

206. gh-pages#

jupyter-book git push works, but ghp-import -n -p -f _build/html gives an error. And when we got to the GitHub repo to manually activate gh-pages, we find “No results for pages build and deployment workflow run failed main branch. help!!!!!!!!!

It sounds like there might be an issue with the deployment workflow on your GitHub repository. Here are a few things you can try to resolve the issue:

Check your GitHub Actions logs: Go to the “Actions” tab in your GitHub repository. Look for the latest run of the “pages” workflow. Click on the run to view the logs. Look for any error messages or indications of what might have gone wrong. Double-check your repository settings: Make sure that the “GitHub Pages” section in your repository settings is set to use the “gh-pages” branch. Check that the correct source directory is specified (i.e., the directory where your built HTML files are located). Check your build files: Make sure that your Jupyter Book has been built successfully and that the HTML files are located in the correct directory. Check that you are running the ghp-import command from the correct directory. Try a manual deployment: You can manually deploy your built HTML files to the “gh-pages” branch by creating the branch and pushing your files to it. Here’s an example of how to do this:

git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git rm -rf .
cp -R _build/html/. .
git add .
git commit -a -m "Initial gh-pages commit"
git push origin gh-pages

If none of these steps work, you may need to seek additional help from the Jupyter Book or GitHub support communities.

207. success#

ghp-import version for pip3 on an old mac

If you have an old Mac and want to install a specific version of ghp-import for pip3, you can use the following steps:

  1. First, make sure that you have pip3 installed. To do this, open a terminal and run the following command:

which pip3

If pip3 is installed, this command will output the path to the pip3 executable. If it is not installed, you will need to install it before proceeding.

  1. Once you have pip3 installed, you can install a specific version of ghp-import by specifying the version number when you run the pip3 install command. For example, if you want to install version 1.0.1 of ghp-import, you can run the following command:

pip3 install ghp-import==1.0.1

This will install version 1.0.1 of ghp-import for pip3.

  1. After installing ghp-import, you should be able to use it by running the ghp-import command in your terminal. For example, to push a directory to the gh-pages branch of a GitHub repository, you can run the following command:

ghp-import -n <directory>

This will push the contents of to the gh-pages branch of the repository and make them available at the repository’s GitHub Pages URL.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Send a message.

Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT May 3 Version

208. force#

  • mit plays

  • as you like it

ORLANDO. Forbear, and eat no more.
  JAQUES. Why, I have eat none yet.  
  ORLANDO. Nor shalt not, till necessity be serv'd.
  JAQUES. Of what kind should this cock come of?
  DUKE SENIOR. Art thou thus bolden'd, man, by thy distress?
    Or else a rude despiser of good manners,
    That in civility thou seem'st so empty?
  ORLANDO. You touch'd my vein at first: the thorny point
    Of bare distress hath ta'en from me the show
    Of smooth civility; yet arn I inland bred,
    And know some nurture. But forbear, I say;
    He dies that touches any of this fruit
    Till I and my affairs are answered.
  JAQUES. An you will not be answer'd with reason, I must die.
  DUKE SENIOR. What would you have? Your gentleness shall force
    More than your force move us to gentleness.
  ORLANDO. I almost die for food, and let me have it.
  DUKE SENIOR. Sit down and feed, and welcome to our table.
  ORLANDO. Speak you so gently? Pardon me, I pray you;
    I thought that all things had been savage here,
    And therefore put I on the countenance
    Of stern commandment. But whate'er you are  
    That in this desert inaccessible,
    Under the shade of melancholy boughs,
    Lose and neglect the creeping hours of time;
    If ever you have look'd on better days,
    If ever been where bells have knoll'd to church,
    If ever sat at any good man's feast,
    If ever from your eyelids wip'd a tear,
    And know what 'tis to pity and be pitied,
    Let gentleness my strong enforcement be;
    In the which hope I blush, and hide my sword.
  DUKE SENIOR. True is it that we have seen better days,
    And have with holy bell been knoll'd to church,
    And sat at good men's feasts, and wip'd our eyes
    Of drops that sacred pity hath engend'red;
    And therefore sit you down in gentleness,
    And take upon command what help we have
    That to your wanting may be minist'red.
  ORLANDO. Then but forbear your food a little while,
    Whiles, like a doe, I go to find my fawn,
    And give it food. There is an old poor man  
    Who after me hath many a weary step
    Limp'd in pure love; till he be first suffic'd,
    Oppress'd with two weak evils, age and hunger,
    I will not touch a bit.
  DUKE SENIOR. Go find him out.
    And we will nothing waste till you return.
  ORLANDO. I thank ye; and be blest for your good comfort!
  DUKE SENIOR. Thou seest we are not all alone unhappy:
    This wide and universal theatre
    Presents more woeful pageants than the scene
    Wherein we play in.
  JAQUES. All the world's a stage,


209. trainee#

  • more often an ai algorithm

  • less likely a medical student

  • worthier investment, looking forward

  • and i am faculty at a medical school!

  • now ain’t that some shit?

210. gospel#

211. hire#

  • best

  • proven

  • amiable

  • wouldn’t hire me

  • regardless:

    • fruitful meeting

    • quarterly sponsored finance meeting

    • angela boseman

    • evan wimmert

    • lorena molina

    • diana call

  • will cost me $70k

  • conditional offer: ends with my k

  • opt expires in 60d

  • can change visa status if not going to continue with studies

  • h1b visa (can only be supported in RDA position)

  • 70k position

  • yes, can hire h1b person on a k

  • evans: no limitations on hours, visa for k

  • they have to be full-time status

  • diana: no limits from an hr perspective

  • so its only limitatoin of the budget

  • thats the other piece of it

  • other person is also on a k

  • would have to submit a sub-award on a K

  • have to get the process started

  • permission needed since wasn’t on k budget

  • uci collaboration already in the system

  • so may not take so long

  • vincent can start OPT application now

  • $440k so far

  • $153k in salary support

  • $8k for andrew

  • only caveat is position expires with k

  • let him send his cv

I’ve moved this from code to markdown as I debug some mess on 05/31/2023

import os
import tensorflow as tf

# Set the directory to save the model and data
directory = image_path = "/Users/d/Dropbox (Personal)/0g.κοσμογονία,γ/2.pantheon/"

# Create train, val, test folders if they don't exist
train_dir = os.path.join(directory, "train")
val_dir = os.path.join(directory, "val")
test_dir = os.path.join(directory, "test")
for folder in [train_dir, val_dir, test_dir]:
    if not os.path.exists(folder):

# Set up the data generators for training and validation
train_data = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator()
train_generator = train_data.flow_from_directory(os.path.join(train_dir), target_size=(224, 224), batch_size=32, class_mode="binary", classes=['no', 'yes'])
val_data = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator()
val_generator = val_data.flow_from_directory(val_dir, target_size=(224, 224), batch_size=32, class_mode="binary")

# Set up the model
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
    tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(16, (3,3), activation="relu", input_shape=(224,224,3)),
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")
model.compile(loss="binary_crossentropy", optimizer="adam", metrics=["accuracy"])

# Train the model
model.fit(train_generator, epochs=10, validation_data=val_generator)

# Save the model
model.save(os.path.join(directory, "model.h5"))

Regarding new images, if you want to train your model on more data, you can add more images to the yes and no subfolders in the train folder. Make sure the images are labeled correctly, with the correct images in the yes folder and the wrong images in the no folder.

212. meanwhile#

Can you prepare me a crash course in encoding, coding, decoding with regard to neural networks? Python environment and some code snippets. Thanks!!

Sure, here is a script that incorporates all the changes we’ve made so far. It assumes that you have two subfolders in the train folder named yes and no, with the correct and wrong images respectively, as you described earlie (after maybe 2 hours of crashing programs… & me refinning my questions to chatGPT):

213. workflow#

  • what a day!

  • sets level

  • for others

214. trainee001#



215. greatminds#

Think alike! Just look to my last journal entry! Of course I’m presently enrolled in Caffo’s class and he is my Thesis Committee Chair.

  • Welch Caffo presentation

  • Wednesday, May 17, 2023 from 12:10 PM to 1:10 PM

  • Zoom link

Brian S. Caffo, PhD, will speak in the Powe Room, 1-500Q, located at 2024 E. Monument Street, and present on “Will the Doctor of the future Be a Human or Robot? A survey of AI in Biomedical Research.”

You’re strongly encouraged to attend the final Welch Center Grand Rounds of the academic year in person. If you can’t make it to the Powe Room, a Zoom link has been created. Passcode 123412

216. success#

  • It’s been quite an ache

  • Going about trying to bake

  • A tasty-sweet poetry cake

  • For you to partake

  • And for all my pains

  • There’s hardly been any gains

  • Except for what here reigns:

  • Poetry with no brains!

  • Forgive me if you sleep… off

  • As you read these rhymes

  • Pardon me if you wheep… enough

  • For the poetry of these times:

  • I am but a doctor

  • Poet with no mentor

  • About to enter

  • Something beyond my mental

217 details#

  • Basic class

  • Advanced class

  • Andrew, Vincent

  • Donors/NHANES dipstick->uACR->30y mortality

  • Grant preliminary data

  • Version control

  • Workflow from .git -> vscode -> hub

  • Stars are aligning

  • Taking great risks

  • But with tremendous expectation

  • Worthy adversaries haven’t yet been identified

  • Petty obstacles aplenty

  • Hope I don’t squandor my energy on them, hedgehog-like

  • I’m finally finding my voice, long removed from my parent star

  • And the tremendous gravity it came with

  • Making excape velocity ever elusive

218 hack#

Class Name: Advanced Stata Programming
Sent By: Muzaale, Abimereki
This message is for the entire class.
Recipients: This message was sent to the following:
Hi everyone,

Virtually everyone who has had a one-on-one with Jason & I has ultimately reached success and set-up a workflow from:

.git -> terminal -> hub

Now, in order to modify this workflow, to incorporate a hack whereby your Stata .html output is pushed to gh-pages:

Scroll down to the bottom of this page: https://jhustata.github.io/class700/chapter2.html
The instructions assume you are working from a folder called open
And that your cloned github repo is called science
Both folders are in the same parent directory
Your dyndoc product is called nhanes.html and it's in your open/ folder
Ultimately, you intend to hack chapter4.html (modify based on target)
Let us know if you run into any trouble!

Go to the class website

219 siri/lane#

  • Piano is heard in living room

  • annuŋŋamya variations 4 (arpegghio) & 5 (melancholie) are announced

  • The composer asks Siri what she thinks of them

  • Siri: “Mmmh, I dont know what to say…

220. coincidence#

  • Nietzsche & Wilde

  • Chopin a favorite

  • Fin de siècle

  • Died in 1900

  • Unshackled

  • Aphorisms

  • Humorous

  • Life=play

  • Philospher-artist, artist-philosopher


221. afecd#

  • Pronounced affect

  • Abi

  • Fawaz

  • Encoders

  • Coders

  • Decoders

In fact, ECD.. AF!

This information is required by ICANN in order to reach you in case of problems with your registration


This information is required by ICANN and will only be used for registration issues. This information is gathered from your domain registration by default. Inaccurate information can lead to the suspension or cancellation of your domain. Learn more about contact info requirements

 Afecd lab 
 627 E 34TH ST APT A6 Baltimore, MD 21218 
 +1 240-281-3154 

222. air#

  1. our business is change

  2. we’re on offense. all the time.

  3. perfect rules count - not a perfect process. break the rules: fight the law

  4. this is as much about battle as about business

  5. assume nothing. make sure people keep their promises. push yourselves. push others. stretch the possible.

  6. live off the land

  7. your job isn’t done until the jon is done

  8. dangers:

    • bureaucracy

    • personal ambition

    • energy takers vs. givers

    • knowing our weaknesses

    • don’t get too many things on the platter

  9. it won’t be pretty

  10. if we do the right things we’ll make money. damn near automatic.


223. \(\sigma\)#

  • mia farrow

  • broadway danny rose

  • absolutely outstanding performance

224. markdown#

Am I only Learning about this Because I’ll be maaaddddddddd How could I have missed this all along???

Am I only
Learning about this
Because I’ll be maaaddddddddd

How could I have missed this all along???

Am I only
Learning about this
Because I’ll be maaaddddddddd
How could I have missed this all along???

<u>Am I only
Learning about this
Because I'll be maaaddddddddd</u>
How could I have missed this all along???

<u>Am I only   
Learning about this   
Because I'll be maaaddddddddd   </u> 
How could I have missed this all along???  

<u>Am I only\
Learning about this\
Because I'll be maaaddddddddd\</u>
How could I have missed this all along???

225. broda#

  • Pastor Joseph Musajjawaza

  • What a great opportunity to catchup

  • On a long-lost brother

226. ye#

  • the one

  • mike

  • If you ever held a title belt you would know how Michael felt: Tyson, Jackson, Jordan, Michael Phelps

  • mj

  • at the helm

227. worthy#

  • isaiah thomas 14:00/23:23

  • magic johnson

  • own siblings

228. agon#

  • budo

  • ngo

  • rugby

  • finals

  • beat smack

  • in semis

229. shallow#

  • with no rhyme or ...

  • clutch@straws.human

  • meaning, existential dread

230. vicking#

  • erling haaland

  • take one

  • first seaon in epl

231. hand#

  • the cards handed to me

  • and yet i \(\cdots\)

for a ugandan conceived in 1979
and born in 1980, a year of general elections
who matriculated in primary school in january 1986 in kampala

one could say the cards handed to me were as bad as it gets
but in fact I was conceived and born in oakland, ca lived a very sheltered life in an academic environment: 1980-1996

yet we have learned nothing about without understanding the role of timulungi:
national drama is one thing. but family drama is a whole nother thing
it’s more personal with more destructive elements in a persons life...

232. explain#

\(R^2 = 1 - \frac{MSE}{Var(y)}\)

235. workflow#

cp python.ipynb ../3.dna.origins/training/chapter7.ipynb
nano ../3.dna.origins/training/_toc.yml
ls -l ../3.dna.origins/training/
mv ../3.dna.origins/training/python.ipynb ../3.dna.origins/training/chapter6.ipynb
cp ../3.dna.origins/training/chapter6.ipynb ../3.dna.origins/training/chapter9.ipynb

always .ipynb
never .md
except intro.html

figure out syntax for remote git commit -m “step”
otherwise i’m not able to build and push a .git while in a completely different location!

git add book/*
git commit book/* -m "remote commit"

jupyter-book build ../note
cp -r ../note/* .
git add ./*
git commit -m "remote commit, take3"
git push


236. caffo#


Will the doctor of the future be a human or a robot?


  1. CNN competition and advancements

  2. Significant progress in the past 5 years

  3. Reduction in error rates

  4. Radiologists facing new challenges

  5. Object labeling through phone photo apps

  6. Evolution from 2011-2016

  7. Stable diffusion: Example of typing “Homer Simpson” in Blair Witch Project

  8. Bilateral asymmetry and its connection to cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease

  9. OpenAI’s successful implementation of hide-and-seek gain

  10. Comparative analysis of physician and AI chatbot responses to patient questions on a public social media forum (JAMA Int Med)

  11. Chatbots surpass doctors in empathy

  12. Microsoft study highlights the adaptability of language models like chatGPT, showcasing skills beyond language, such as drawing

  13. Request for generating a dataset similar to Fisher’s iris data, with slight variations

  14. Babak Mohagdas’ work on pygame

  15. Brian NHANES and its integration with Common Lisp

  16. ChatGPT prompt engineering for developers (highlighting its importance)

  17. Transforming ChatGPT into a disciplined field

  18. FDA approval process for AI medical devices over time, focusing on Sarthi Manchanda’s MPH capstone project

  19. JHU ranked 5th in NIH AI funding, with U Penn and Stanford leading

  20. Top NIH agencies: NCI, NIA, NIMH

  21. Rama Chellapa’s recognition for five projects

  22. Review session starting after 50 minutes

  23. Autoencoders as a favorite topic: encoder (8) -> ? -> decoder (8) and its relevance as a compression algorithm

  24. GANs as a split of autoencoders: discriminator () vs. generator (creating realistic data)

  25. Concerns about disclosure risk: How effectively can GAN data mimic real data?

  26. Advancements in understanding language models, introducing the new network structure called LLM and transformers

  27. “Attention is all you need” by Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmer, Jakob Uszkoreit, Google Research

  28. Chat GPT’s evolution and growth from previous work

  29. Technical challenges discussed, referring to Ask Bard from Google’s ChatGPT

  30. Noam Chomsky’s critique: “The False Promise of ChatGPT” (March 6, 2023)

  31. Caffo’s epidemiology, DAGs, and AI language paper

  32. Comparison of ADHD vs. Control groups: focus on dorsal medial region

  33. Meaningful differences in means observed

  34. Overlapping results indicate lack of predictiveness

  35. Exploring causal inference and deep learning

  36. $3,000,000 healthcare improvement challenge

  37. Johns Hopkins Biostatistics ranked #5

  38. Oku Kenji’s MPH capstone project on AI in arthritis research

  39. BuzzFeed News utilizing ChatGPT amid financial challenges & writer strikes

  40. Creation of a popular Spotify song in the style of Drake using algorithms

  41. Acknowledging that algorithms are not new

  42. Highlighting the accelerated rate of learning and the “unlimited” capacity of AI

  43. A.I. pioneer leaving Google and expressing concerns about future dangers

  44. Revisiting the question: Will the doctor of the future be a robot?

  45. Human + ChatGPT synergy outweighs ChatGPT alone or human alone

  46. ChatGPT as a tool rather than a replacement for human expertise

  47. Exploring the concept of organoid intelligence


it will probably be a bionic doctor!

On prompting and guiding ChatGPT to improve this talk:

Title: Unraveling the Healthcare Enigma: From Epidemiological Supervision to Adaptive Learning

Introduction: Decoding the Healthcare Puzzle (5 minutes)

  • Begin by comparing healthcare to a complex puzzle, where each patient’s case is a unique piece that contributes to the larger picture.

  • Highlight the importance of epidemiology and clinical research as the guiding principles that help uncover patterns and connections within the puzzle.

Supervised Learning: The Guiding Hand of Epidemiology (10 minutes)

  • Use the metaphor of an experienced epidemiologist as a skilled detective who meticulously collects and analyzes data to unravel the mysteries behind diseases.

  • Explain how supervised learning, akin to epidemiological modeling, involves training an AI system with labeled data to make predictions and draw insights.

  • Highlight real-world examples where supervised learning has been successful in identifying risk factors, predicting disease outcomes, and informing evidence-based treatments.

Unsupervised Learning: Illuminating Hidden Patterns (10 minutes)

  • Illustrate unsupervised learning with the analogy of a curious explorer venturing into uncharted territory, looking for hidden treasures.

  • Explain how unsupervised learning algorithms act as the explorer, sifting through vast amounts of data without predefined labels to uncover underlying patterns and relationships.

  • Showcase how unsupervised learning has been utilized in healthcare to identify subgroups within patient populations, discover novel disease classifications, and detect unexpected correlations.

Adaptive Learning: The Shapeshifting Intelligence (10 minutes)

  • Introduce adaptive learning as the transformative force that mirrors the resilience and adaptability of human immune systems.

  • Compare adaptive learning algorithms to the body’s immune response, constantly learning, adapting, and refining strategies based on new information.

  • Discuss how adaptive learning can be applied in healthcare, such as personalizing treatment plans, optimizing clinical decision-making, and predicting patient responses over time.

Intersecting Paths: From Humans to Bionic Collaborators (5 minutes)

  • Emphasize the importance of collaboration between human experts and AI systems, drawing parallels to a harmonious duet between a conductor and an orchestra.

  • Portray AI as a powerful instrument that amplifies the capabilities of human clinicians, helping them navigate the complexities of healthcare with precision and efficiency.

  • Highlight the potential for bionic collaboration, where the orchestration of human expertise and AI algorithms leads to enhanced patient care and improved health outcomes.

Looking Ahead: Unveiling the Future Landscape (5 minutes)

  • Paint a vivid picture of the future landscape of healthcare, likening it to an evolving ecosystem teeming with diverse knowledge and technological advancements.

  • Discuss the emerging frontiers, such as explainable AI and federated learning, as the bridges that connect different domains within healthcare research.

  • Encourage the audience to embrace lifelong learning, adaptability, and interdisciplinary collaborations to shape this future landscape.

Coda: Unraveling the Enigma (5 minutes)

  • Reinforce the central metaphor of healthcare as an enigma, and the role of epidemiology, clinical research, and AI in unraveling its mysteries.

  • Summarize the key takeaways, emphasizing the potential of supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and adaptive learning to revolutionize healthcare.

  • Encourage the audience to embark on their own journey as investigators, explorers, and adaptive learners, contributing to the ongoing quest for better healthcare.

Q&A Session (5 minutes)

  • Allocate time for questions, allowing the audience to delve deeper into the concepts and metaphors discussed.

  • Facilitate a lively discussion that encourages the audience to share their own experiences, insights, and perspectives on the application of AI and machine learning in healthcare.


237. crazy#

  • times, indeed

  • it’s how caffo feels

  • and how I do too.

  • we do.

238. cancelled#

  • darn students/trainees cancelled me some two weeks ago

  • so i guess i can now focus on training the ai that will replace them

  • lets press forward in the language of python: from the traditional mode of training/learning:

    • supervised to

    • unsupervised but ultimately

    • adaptive learning

239. supervised#

  • ds4ph capstone

  • refine \(h_0\)

  • update \(h_1=h_0e^{\int_0^t X \beta}\)

  • \(X\): varcov matrix

  • \(\beta\) vector of logHRs

  • \(h_0\) basecase nonparametric hazard

  • \(h_1\) case-specific semiparametric hazard

240. unsupervised*#

  • why do i believe - pebbles

    1. supervised

    2. diatonic standard

    3. experiences

    4. biostats&epi

    5. skilled fellaz

  • tell me how u want it - johnny gill

    1. unsupervised

    2. minor tonality

    3. insights

    4. clin research

    5. frontiersman

  • movement 11’ - jon patiste

    1. adaptive

    2. blue notes

    3. perspectives

    4. artificial intelligence

    5. immune system

241. adaptive#


  • biology

  • chemistry

  • mathematics

  • music


  • medicine

  • surgery

  • public health


  • epi & biostats

  • asts & atc

  • clinical investigation

  • jhustata

  • ds4ph



    • IDUs

    • HIV

    • HCV


    • live kidney donors

    • live liver donors

    • benzodiazepines

    • beers criteria

  • NIA

    • older live kidney donors


  • R03

  • R21

  • R01

  • etc…

242. tumbleweed#

  • pledging allegiance to the ground

  • dude, thats a name no one would self-apply where i come from

  • a lot about the dude that didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me

  • or the place he lived…

  • stupefying

  • die with a smile on my face

  • the good lord jit me

  • sometimes there’s a man, i wouldn’t say a hero

  • what is a hero?

  • he’s the man for his time and place

  • fits right in there

  • thats the dude, he fits in la

  • and if he is a lazy man… and the dude was certainly that

  • sometimes there’s a man…

  • i lost my train of thought

243. parsimony#

- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  - Machine Learning
    - Supervised Learning
      - Autoencoders
    - Unsupervised Learning
      - Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
      - Autoencoders
    - Deep Learning
    - Adaptive Learning

- Natural Intelligence (BI)
  - Human Learning
    - Expert
     - Bach
     - Handel
    - Frontier
     - Debussy
     - Haydn
    - Simulation
    - Muddling
  - Canine Learning
   - Pavlov
  - Nematode Learning
   - [*C. elegans*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caenorhabditis_elegans#Scientific_community)

Artificial Intelligence#

  • Definition: The broad field of study and development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence.

  • Position: AI is the overarching field that encompasses Machine Learning and other techniques.

Machine Learning#

  • Definition: A subset of Artificial Intelligence focused on developing algorithms and models that enable computers to learn and make predictions or decisions without explicit programming.

  • Key Elements: Inputs, outputs, and learning algorithms.

Supervised Learning#
  • Definition: A type of Machine Learning where the model is trained using labeled examples, consisting of input data and corresponding desired outputs.

  • Position: Supervised Learning is a subfield of Machine Learning and a foundational approach.

Unsupervised Learning#
  • Definition: A type of Machine Learning where the model learns from unlabeled data, finding patterns or structures without predefined output labels.

  • Position: Unsupervised Learning is another subfield of Machine Learning, complementary to Supervised Learning.

      - **Definition:** Neural network architectures used for unsupervised learning that aim to reconstruct the input data at the output layer, thereby learning a compressed representation or encoding of the input.
      - **Position:** Autoencoders are a branch of Unsupervised Learning, commonly used for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction.

       Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
      - **Definition:** A statistical technique used for dimensionality reduction by transforming the original variables into a new set of uncorrelated variables called principal components.
      - **Position:** PCA is a dimensionality reduction technique employed in both Supervised and Unsupervised Learning to simplify data representation and capture the most important information.
Deep Learning#
  • Definition: A specialized branch of Machine Learning that utilizes artificial neural networks with multiple layers to extract high-level representations from complex data.

  • Position: Deep Learning is a subfield within Machine Learning, focusing on complex neural networks.

Adaptive Learning#
  • Definition: A form of Machine Learning where the model can continuously update and adjust its learning based on feedback from the environment or new data.

  • Position: Adaptive Learning is a direction within Machine Learning, building upon Supervised Learning and incorporating the ability to adapt and improve over time.

244. dimensionality#

  • reduced = meaningful

  • ultimately -> god

  • or toe for some

245. exhaust#

  • like all people who try to exhaust a subject, he exhausted his listeners

  • the picture of dorian gray

  • oscar wilde

246. reappraise#

  1. Relevance: Are you identifying the most important and relevant aspects of the hot-new topics? Are you capturing the key ideas and trends that are shaping the discussions and understanding of these topics?

  2. Clarity: Are you effectively communicating and explaining the concepts and ideas related to the hot-new topics? Are you presenting the information in a clear and understandable way, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complexity?

  3. Depth: Are you providing sufficient depth and insights into the hot-new topics? Are you able to delve into the nuances and underlying principles that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of these topics?

  4. Engagement: Are you capturing the interest and engagement of your audience when discussing the hot-new topics? Are you presenting the information in a compelling and thought-provoking manner?

  5. Feedback: Consider seeking feedback from others who are knowledgeable or interested in the hot-new topics. Their input can help you gauge the effectiveness of your approach and identify areas for improvement.

247. zadie#


248. posters#


249. milestone#

  • ds4ph i&ii transpose yours truly into the pantheon

  • met all requirements for gtpci phd

  • with the exception of thesis

  • taught break-through classes

    • 340.600

    • 340.700

  • hired vincent

  • afecdv immediately

250. fetters#

  • diatonic (traditional) +++

  • minor ++

  • blue notes +

  • self-imposed fetters

  • well-tempered chromatic scale

  • homo sapiens’ greatest artistic achievement

251. drawblood#

  • toe the line + professional -> country

  • misbehave ++ explorer -> r&b

  • challenge, aesthetically +++ adaptive -> jazz


253. programs#

  • jhustata

  • 2nd decade

  • start, thru, finish

  • programs, programs, programs

  • each week introduce kinds of content

    • quietly & noisily commands

    • display command

    • macro strings: `” heard of “for the love of the game” clause “’

    • creturn list, ereturn list, return list

    • scrape existing Stata programs for ideas (e.g. stcox)

254. todoby#

  • atc

  • san diego

  • tijuana

  • barcelona

  • registration

  • edassist

  • dos training


255. yuval#

  • ai has hacked the os of human civilization

  • storytelling computers are responsible

  • never underestimate the power of narrative!

256. activity#

  • finder

    • go

      • utilities

        • activity monitor

  • all processes

    • process name

    • % cpu

    • cpu time

    • threads

    • idle wake ups

    • % gpu

    • gpu time

    • pid

    • user

257. agave#

  • mezcal

    • el buho

    • bozal

      • esoadin

      • mexicano

      • barrril

    • derumbes

      • Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mx

      • Santiago Matatlán, Oaxaca, Mx

      • Nombre de Dios, Durango, Mx

  • pechuga

  • tequila

    • blanco

    • resposado

    • añejo

  • raicilla

  • sotol

258. mezcal#

para todo mal
mezcal; y
para todo bien
también; y
si no hay 
litro y

259. if c(os) == human" {#

Hide code cell source
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sklearn as skl

#plt.figure(figsize=[2, 2])
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_node("Object ",  pos = (0, 5) )
G.add_node("Hormone",  pos = (1, 5) )
G.add_node("Diet",  pos = (2, 5) )
G.add_node("Muscle",  pos = (3, 5) )
G.add_node("Senses",  pos = (4, 5) )
G.add_node("Blocker",  pos = (5, 5) )
G.add_node("Agonist",  pos = (6, 5) )
G.add_node("Meaning",  pos = (7, 5) )

G.add_node("Encoder",  pos = (1.4, 4) )
G.add_node("Efferent",  pos = (2.8, 4) )
G.add_node("Afferents",  pos = (4.2, 4) )
G.add_node("Divinity",  pos = (5.6, 4) )

G.add_node("Code",  pos = (2.1, 3) )
G.add_node("Scripture",  pos = (4.9, 3) )

G.add_node("Decoder",  pos = (1.4, 2) )
G.add_node("Meta",  pos = (2.8, 2) )
G.add_node("Physics",  pos = (4.2, 2) )
G.add_node("Prophets",  pos = (5.6, 2) )

G.add_node("Restore",  pos = (0, 1) )
G.add_node("Stress",  pos = (1, 1) )
G.add_node("Cause",  pos = (2, 1) )
G.add_node("Battle",  pos = (3, 1) )
G.add_node("War",  pos = (4, 1) )
G.add_node("Rank",  pos = (5, 1) )
G.add_node("Discord",  pos = (6, 1) )
G.add_node("Action",  pos = (7, 1) )

G.add_edges_from([ ("Object ", "Encoder"),  ("Object ", "Efferent"),  ("Object ", "Afferents"),  ("Object ", "Divinity")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Hormone", "Encoder"),  ("Hormone", "Efferent"),  ("Hormone", "Afferents"),  ("Hormone", "Divinity")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Diet", "Encoder"),  ("Diet", "Efferent"),  ("Diet", "Afferents"),  ("Diet", "Divinity")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Muscle", "Encoder"),  ("Muscle", "Efferent"),  ("Muscle", "Afferents"),  ("Muscle", "Divinity")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Senses", "Encoder"),  ("Senses", "Efferent"),  ("Senses", "Afferents"),  ("Senses", "Divinity")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Blocker", "Encoder"),  ("Blocker", "Efferent"),  ("Blocker", "Afferents"),  ("Blocker", "Divinity")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Agonist", "Encoder"),  ("Agonist", "Efferent"),  ("Agonist", "Afferents"),  ("Agonist", "Divinity")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Meaning", "Encoder"),  ("Meaning", "Efferent"),  ("Meaning", "Afferents"),  ("Meaning", "Divinity")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("Encoder", "Code"),  ("Encoder", "Scripture")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Efferent", "Code"),  ("Efferent", "Scripture")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Afferents", "Code"),  ("Afferents", "Scripture")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Divinity", "Code"),  ("Divinity", "Scripture")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("Code", "Decoder"),  ("Code", "Meta"),  ("Code", "Physics"),  ("Code", "Prophets")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Scripture", "Decoder"),  ("Scripture", "Meta"),  ("Scripture", "Physics"),  ("Scripture", "Prophets")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("Decoder", "Restore"),  ("Decoder", "Stress"),  ("Decoder", "Cause"),  ("Decoder", "Battle")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Decoder", "War"),  ("Decoder", "Rank"),  ("Decoder", "Discord"),  ("Decoder", "Action")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Meta", "Restore"),  ("Meta", "Stress"),  ("Meta", "Cause"),  ("Meta", "Battle")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Meta", "War"),  ("Meta", "Rank"),  ("Meta", "Discord"),  ("Meta", "Action")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Physics", "Restore"),  ("Physics", "Stress"),  ("Physics", "Cause"),  ("Physics", "Battle")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Physics", "War"),  ("Physics", "Rank"),  ("Physics", "Discord"),  ("Physics", "Action")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Prophets", "Restore"),  ("Prophets", "Stress"),  ("Prophets", "Cause"),  ("Prophets", "Battle")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Prophets", "War"),  ("Prophets", "Rank"),  ("Prophets", "Discord"),  ("Prophets", "Action")])

#G.add_edges_from([("H11", "H21"), ("H11", "H22"), ("H12", "H21"), ("H12", "H22")])
#G.add_edges_from([("H21", "Y"), ("H22", "Y")])
        nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'pos'), 
        node_size = 3000,
        node_color = "lightblue",
        linewidths = 3)
ax= plt.gca()
ax.set_xlim([-.5, 7.5])
ax.set_ylim([.5, 5.5])
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 1
----> 1 import networkx as nx
      2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      3 import numpy as np

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'networkx'

260. bach#

  • goethe’s magnificent phrase

  • as if “we were present at god’s creation of the world”

  • we feel that something great is in the making

  • but not yet made – our mighty modern music:

  • conquered nationalities, the church, fugue, and the world

  • stripped-down dimentionality to the essence

261. perks#

  • reduced dimentionality

  • increased linearity

  • less unsure, mortal

  • more action, composition

  • even freestyling

262. mass#

  • kyrie

  • gloria

  • credo

  • sanctus

  • agnus dei

263. peccata#

  • restore

  • stress

  • cause

  • battle

  • war

  • rank

  • discord

  • action

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

264. tequilla#

tequila — from Monarca (powerful metaphor for the three heirs)



each one with its flaws and virtues:

1.silver tequila is young. Some find it immature, while others find it pure.

2.the aging process has distanced rested tequila from its source, but deep down it retains its essence

3.the wait has been long for aged tequila, but it has developed its own identity. Some claim that so many years spent in the barrel have made it impure, far from the agave from which it was born.

but which one is best? All three are excellent. My compliments to the master tequilier.
- dhatemwa Kulala
- waverly village
- baltimore, MD 21218
- june 21, 2020 at 7:42 PM

265. hand#

  • tameth

  • whinneth

  • hideth

playing the card life hands you.
such a beautiful approach to life:
never to be that whinner!

266. serendipity#

  • nia grant

  • ds4ph i & ii

  • and now this:

Today at 3:30pm
Good morning,
Join us today at 3:30pm for our Center on Aging & Health Scientific Seminar with our featured speaker, Dr. Milo Alan Puhan, Chair of the Epidemiology and Public Health department and Director of the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute at the University of Zurich.  Dr. Puhan’s presentation is entitled “From single disease reductionist research to informed Machine Learning for research on multimorbidity”  A major focus of Dr. Puhan’s research is on modeling the balance of benefits and harms of preventive or therapeutic interventions with persons living with multiple chronic diseases.  We encourage you to join us in person.  You may also attend via Zoom by registering at this link https://bit.ly/3oDaomf

267. zeitgeist#


268. sas#

  • its time to buy it

  • chat gpt will guide

  • just don’t spread thin!

269. angie#

  • send email to say I do have 100% support (shouldn’t be a problem)

  • just me, angie, and fz

  • to push this forward… while we are working a subcontract with UCI.

  • can we move on with this 100?

  • we can reallocate the funds once UCI comes thru

  • lets wait for fz; cue before sending this email

  • re: vincent jin - resume

270. coincidence?#

  • en español

    • añejo

      • old

    • alejo

      • away

  • yoruba

    • alejo

      • guest

271. azure#

272. illusion#

  • yours truly

  • my preference for km is mortality rather than survival

  • kills the white space and zooms in to data

  • response

  • i prefer to emphasize survival

  • and to show that the curves are similar

273. microsoft#

  • build

  • speakers

    • satyla nadella

    • greg brockman

    • amanda silver

    • scott guthrie

    • kevin scott

  • revise calendar

  • must attend

  • via github

274. zeitgeist#


  • god

  • man

  • ai

  • ?

  • .


  • openai

  • microsoft

  • build

  • leverage

  • befirst

  • inhopkinsmedicine

  • withcaffo

  • grants

  • nih/microsoft

275. blood#

  • spielberg

  • spillblood

  • drawblood

275. neuronetworks#

276. mgb#

  • md phd candidate

  • phd under whiting

  • oustanding student

  • but georgetown!

  • that mph has a legacy

  • its clear 2me that hopkins is infinitely…

  • superior, better conditioning

277. autoencoder#

  • check this out

  • but you, hellen (of troy??)

  • it’s alright, its not that kind of kiss!

278. industry#

if you think the house is burning down, this is how you monetize it!
  • client:

i don't think you're a sales woman: sales people sell certainty
  • yourstruly:

they sell one code (mean), neglecting the second (deviation) and so when you decode your business practice your projections will clash with reality in a "loss" function


279. humanity#

  • ancient festivals are encoders

  • champions codify essence, strip away chaff

  • heroes & villains decode in the dailygrind of life

280. panathenaic#

  • hormone-driven

  • lif\(e^{adls}\), efferents

  • competitions, prize-giving

  • autoencoders of the human os

  • if c(os) == "human" {


  • athens 566 BC - 300 AD

  • competitions & prize-giving

    • religious

      • sacrifices to athena

      • poseidon

      • others

    • athletic

    • cultural

      • rhapsodic recitation of homeric poetry

      • pindar

      • hesiod

  • stadium

281. dionysia#

  • meaning

  • divinity, afferents

  • festival, theater 🎭

  • encoders of the human os

  • if c(os) == "human" {

282. chaff#

  • emotions

  • navel-gazing

  • specificity

283. remix#

  • data

  • \(\mu, \sigma\)

  • simulation

289. educ#

  • fledgling

  • learning

    • unsupervised, \(x\)

    • supervised, \(y\)

    • adaptive, \(z | x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_n\)

  • inferences

290. parameters#

  • data

  • \(\mu, \sigma\)

  • simulation

  • olympics: \(\sigma\)

  • dionysia: \(\mu\)

  • hierarchy: \(\sigma > \mu\)

  • real

  • deep

  • fake?

291. modernity#

  • european “enlightement”

  • notion of equality

  • projected into 21st century

292. build#

  • for developers (ie content creators)

  • business solutions (eg teaching stata)

  • accelerated growth ever

  • since chatGPT changed the world a few months ago

  • you will remember this time!!!

  • it is a fundamental shift

    • mainframe

    • pc

    • internet

    • cloud

    • ai

  • exciting time to be a developer (everyone is a developer)

  • of course even though you’ve never written a line of code

  • you can use natural language now to get code!!

  • most amazing time for creativity

  • unprecedented speed

  • 11:30am

  • ontime

  • take1

  • era of ai is now!

  • now is the time to build what’s next

  • next generation of solutions

  • largest developer conference on the planet

  • amplifying what every person is able to do

  • microsoft build up to satya

293 session#

  • keynote plenary

    • satya

  • breakout sessions

294. buildup#

  • 11:57am

  • imagine cup world champion

  • agon!! olympics!!! student conpetitions

  • tawi, cs-m tool, eupnea

  • crowned: team tawi from kenya

  • build about to begin

  • ex-i-a (british pronunciation of excited) ‘bout ai

295. satya#

  • 12:10am

  • a little late

  • promptly 10min late

  • first in-person conference

  • post-covid, absolutely interesting

  • what this dream machine is all about

  • communicates what we’ve been doing over 70 years

    • associated memory

    • pursuit of the dream machine

    • one continuous journey

    • jobs' description of computers as bicycles for the mind

    • but last nov we got an upgrade

    • we went from bicycle to steam engine last november with chatGPT

  • codespaces in seconds vs minutes

  • microsoft dev box in hours

  • github copilot, actions

  • close to dream of doing everything in vs code

  • joy of programming, and flow of programming

  • how we build software is radically different

  • what we build is the focus of this

  • feels like we now do press-releases every week

  • highlight 5 announcements

    • bringing bing to chatGPT+

    • copilot to windows (every user a poweruser of windows), stack

      • plugins are libraries in bing/chatGPT

      • can edit legal documents appropriate to locale

    • microsoft fabric

      • of course all ai starts with data

      • unifying data analytics

      • stored in one sas datalink for organization

      • looks like sas is making a comeback

      • goddam the old school

      • unified governance

      • setting up automations based on triggers

  • why do we build technology?

  • pursuit of gdp growth!

  • human developmenet index growth

  • its not for technologies sake

  • to me it all came together in jan

    • visiting india

    • tech now reaches everybody

    • cab make diff. to 8 billion people

    • in days/weeks, not years/centuries

    • equitable growth

    • trust, fundamental rights we care about

    • finite resources on planet

    • empower every person & organization

  • video by satya nadela

    • wheat farmer

    • penetration of traditional media limited

    • several languages in india

    • linguistic & technological divide

    • speech recognition models + openai

    • transcribe, translate language, transform into speech

    • even the illeterate will be just fine

    • chatGPT was the catalyst that captured the diversity of india

    • able to do this for india? able to do it for the world

    • diffusion of the technology is happening unbelieavably fast

printing press
steam engines
mass steal production
mass production and assembly lines
internal combustion engine
synthetic fertilizer
information revolution

296. bing#

  • rollover safari

  • you’ve been served a notice

  • its time to move on

297. kevin#

  • wrote first program at 11yo in the 80s

  • the era of teh ai copilot

  • some of those technological themes driving progress

    • microsoft + openai (setting the pace of innovation; how much of the zeitgeist is being captured has surprised us)

      • have end-to-end platform

      • worlds best AI dev infrastructure

      • most powerful supercomputers

      • the worlds most capable foundation models (openai)

    • azure is the cloud for ai

    • windows best client for ai development

      • span the edge all the way to the cloud

    • idea of copilot

      • mmodern ai to help you with cognitive tasks

298. greg#

  • webGPT: payed people to use it

  • chatGPT: free to the world

  • generalized idea of conversation

  • technology not meant for chat wanted to chat

  • apparently that was a turning point

  • so gpt4 powers some of chatGPT

    • labor of love

    • gpt3 was not easy to surpass

    • just like building a rocket (lots of tiny details)

  • i love plugins

    • website

    • api

    • conceptually

  • whats exciting

    • tiktok cycle

    • pushing gpt4

    • 90% cost-reduction this year

  • one more thing:

    • technology getting better (obvious)

    • go into specific domains (notsomuch)

      • legal, medical, education, etc.

      • openai & microsoft not sure how

      • huge value there in making ai great!

      • my leadership in clinical research

  • end of greg

  • back to scott

  • resusable, generalizable

  • extermely expensive foundational models

  • copilot + plugins

  • don’t wait for us to build

  • build your app ontop of this tech (base platform)

  • plugins -> copilot -> digital world (fan out) + user experience (delight users, see what works, iterate, make better) + ai safety + great product + the model is not product (its infrastructure) + copilot stack: + big bucket of unrestraint potential + so keep the model on task + isn’t this like artistic constraints? + more balance vs. more precise (bing) + probably same infrastructure for ethics + grounding + embed results + retrive from + vector database + fine-tune gpt4 + bring your own open-source model + unless you are apple

  • time to do legendary shit, bigly!

299. scott#

  • ai to profoundly affect how we work, organizations run, apps operate

  • different layers in building solutions taking advantage of large ai apps

  • going to show a lot of code in vs code, github, all widest used in the world!

  • literally the home of opensource, github. can be used to collaborate, automate, and give ai solutions

  • use it to transform your businesses: github copilot (first product of openai collabo)

  • dramatically accelerates your productivity

  • github copilot in action

  • welcome thomas dohmke, github ceo

    • software has dominated

    • now its ai’s turn

    • a new age where natural language overtakes python code

    • with github copiliot i can make remarkable changes to python and additional context

    • copilot chat sits in vs code!!!

    • i’ve installed github pilot extension in my vscode

    • looks familiar & has chat

    • natural language has arrived

    • so you needn’t be a programmer to flow!

    • boiler-plate code i don’t want to do

  • developers

    • 46% of new code is now written by ai

    • 75% of developers feel more focused on satisfying work

    • 96% of developers are faster with repetitive tasks

  • codespaces free up

    • plugins

    • basic .py code

    • i’m pretty new to python

    • don't have to install dependencies

    • modified plugins in chatGPT

    • plugins store

    • tailormade chatGPT+ performance

  • chatGPT fasted growing consumer product in human of web

  • azure to set up

  • github deployment in github actions

azd auth login --check-status
azd init --template openai-plugin-fastapi --branch template
  • azure openai foundational model (generalizability)

  • leverage them for your purposes, with your data (specificity)

  • privacy, security, trust with azure ai: ai you can trust

  • not enriching other ai models using your data

  • developers can unlock experiences to delight customers

301. grounding#

  • data grounding

  • your data

  • ai model specific to your apps & organizations

    • prompt flow in asure ai

    • q (user)

    • encode

    • code

    • decode

    • a (inference)

  • bayesian

  • start off with base ai models (e.g. gpt)

  • then train with your data

  • your apps based on posteriori

    • prompt

      • structured

      • unstructured

    • flow

    • model

302. safety#

  • can’t be an afterthought

  • should be in design

  • from the beginning!!!

303. responsible#

  • responsible ai with azure

  • sarah bird

  • deep understanding of text, image

  • automatically detect undesirable content

304. api#

  • application programming interface

  • term used repeatedly

  • looked up on wikipedia

  • still don’t get it

305. azure#

  • openai training on it

  • largest in the world

  • ain’t taht some shit

  • data center in dublin

  • with that power coming..

  • responsiblity: renewable energy

  • commitment to that

306. joy#

  • scott guthrie finished at 2:20pm

  • excited to see how things fit together across planery talks

  • you outside microsoft can leverage too

  • already working in github, etc.

  • looks like i already have an azure account

  • creativity

  • help developers get back

  • the ease of coding

  • writing code in the cloud

  • setting up work stations

  • protect them

  • developer job

  • bring into workflow

    • getting iup to speed

    • building boiler point code

    • then sui generis code by you

  • leslie richardson

    • github copilot

    • code fixes

    • ask question in natural language

    • visual studio teams up

    • foreach code-block -> code completion

      • if block

    • rollover, stackoverflow

  • visual studio + copilot

  • within a microsoft devBox

  • setting it up is frustrating

  • cloudbased env make it easier

  • including github codespace

  • teams > microsoft dev box > project-basis

  • onboarding new developers in minutes, not days

  • gitOps

    • reliable

    • consistent

    • auditable

  • virtual studio vs. vs code?

307. app#

  • making every app intelligent

  • automatically loads data

  • boilerpoint analysis

  • updates database

  • integrate into your intelligent ecosystem

  • isidor nikolic

  • nice demo of natural language -> copilot -> python

  • register plugin at chatGPT

  • chatGPT verifies manifest

  • then deploy!

308. content#

  • topic you’re passionate about: makes you excited, not dreading

  • get to know your audience

  • make sure your tools make recording, captioning, going live, easy

309. arun#

  • azure boss

  • microsoft fabric

  • arun ulag

  • data -> fabric -> intelligence

  • copilot integration

  • think:

    • printing press = data

    • models: base + plugin

    • bi + ai = speed

  • sas database

310. http://aka.ms/java-azure#

  • this is a big deal

  • explore it

  • make it your home

311. llm#

  • natural language processing

  • artificial neural networks

  • generate text & source code

  • can generate outraight fabrications

  • with fictitious references to book

  • this is emblematic of hoaxes

  • is equivalent of original research

  • looks like wikipedia is bothered by it

  • ml/machine

  • dl/deep

  • ai

312. avemaria#

  • rituals

  • ascerticism

  • two religions

  • hostile territory

  • drama & comedy ensues

  • from the clashes with reason


313. parameters#

  • data

    • collect

    • experientially

    • passively

    • actively

    • deliberately

    • by design

    • operations

    • rivals

    • clients

    • fellow man

    • inanimate enviornment

    • unlimited dimentionality

    • chaos

    • uncertainty

    • insecurity

  • \(\mu, \sigma\)

    • dimentionality reduction

    • \(\mu\)

      • uniformity

      • intoxication

      • shared narratives

      • cultural references

      • tribe, ethnicity, religion

      • homer, torah, bible, etc

    • \(\sigma\)

      • environmental exhigencies

      • hormonal levels

      • rituals

      • training

      • biological variation

      • age

      • diet

    • communication

    • transportation

    • sharing

  • knowledge=power

    • algorithms

    • improve

      • workflow

      • operations

      • client experience

      • edge against rivals

    • simulation

    • fit original data

    • prediction

    • open to fraud, counterfeiting

    • responsibility

    • rigor

    • esau

    • sophistication

314. unitedivided#

Hide code cell source
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sklearn as skl

#plt.figure(figsize=[2, 2])
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_node("Object ",  pos = (0, 5) )
G.add_node("Hormone",  pos = (1, 5) )
G.add_node("Diet",  pos = (2, 5) )
G.add_node("Muscle",  pos = (3, 5) )
G.add_node("Senses",  pos = (4, 5) )
G.add_node("Blocker",  pos = (5, 5) )
G.add_node("Agonist",  pos = (6, 5) )
G.add_node("Meaning",  pos = (7, 5) )

G.add_node("Genes",  pos = (1.4, 4) )
G.add_node("Ritual",  pos = (2.8, 4) )
G.add_node("Frenzy",  pos = (4.2, 4) )
G.add_node("Story",  pos = (5.6, 4) )

G.add_node("Divide",  pos = (2.1, 3) )
G.add_node("Unite",  pos = (4.9, 3) )

G.add_node("mRNA",  pos = (1.4, 2) )
G.add_node("Meta",  pos = (2.8, 2) )
G.add_node("Physics",  pos = (4.2, 2) )
G.add_node("Dopamine",  pos = (5.6, 2) )

G.add_node("Restore",  pos = (0, 1) )
G.add_node("Stress",  pos = (1, 1) )
G.add_node("Cause",  pos = (2, 1) )
G.add_node("Battle",  pos = (3, 1) )
G.add_node("War",  pos = (4, 1) )
G.add_node("Rank",  pos = (5, 1) )
G.add_node("Discord",  pos = (6, 1) )
G.add_node("Action",  pos = (7, 1) )

G.add_edges_from([ ("Object ", "Genes"),  ("Object ", "Ritual"),  ("Object ", "Frenzy"),  ("Object ", "Story")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Hormone", "Genes"),  ("Hormone", "Ritual"),  ("Hormone", "Frenzy"),  ("Hormone", "Story")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Diet", "Genes"),  ("Diet", "Ritual"),  ("Diet", "Frenzy"),  ("Diet", "Story")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Muscle", "Genes"),  ("Muscle", "Ritual"),  ("Muscle", "Frenzy"),  ("Muscle", "Story")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Senses", "Genes"),  ("Senses", "Ritual"),  ("Senses", "Frenzy"),  ("Senses", "Story")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Blocker", "Genes"),  ("Blocker", "Ritual"),  ("Blocker", "Frenzy"),  ("Blocker", "Story")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Agonist", "Genes"),  ("Agonist", "Ritual"),  ("Agonist", "Frenzy"),  ("Agonist", "Story")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Meaning", "Genes"),  ("Meaning", "Ritual"),  ("Meaning", "Frenzy"),  ("Meaning", "Story")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("Genes", "Divide"),  ("Genes", "Unite")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Ritual", "Divide"),  ("Ritual", "Unite")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Frenzy", "Divide"),  ("Frenzy", "Unite")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Story", "Divide"),  ("Story", "Unite")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("Divide", "mRNA"),  ("Divide", "Meta"),  ("Divide", "Physics"),  ("Divide", "Dopamine")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Unite", "mRNA"),  ("Unite", "Meta"),  ("Unite", "Physics"),  ("Unite", "Dopamine")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("mRNA", "Restore"),  ("mRNA", "Stress"),  ("mRNA", "Cause"),  ("mRNA", "Battle")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("mRNA", "War"),  ("mRNA", "Rank"),  ("mRNA", "Discord"),  ("mRNA", "Action")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Meta", "Restore"),  ("Meta", "Stress"),  ("Meta", "Cause"),  ("Meta", "Battle")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Meta", "War"),  ("Meta", "Rank"),  ("Meta", "Discord"),  ("Meta", "Action")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Physics", "Restore"),  ("Physics", "Stress"),  ("Physics", "Cause"),  ("Physics", "Battle")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Physics", "War"),  ("Physics", "Rank"),  ("Physics", "Discord"),  ("Physics", "Action")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Dopamine", "Restore"),  ("Dopamine", "Stress"),  ("Dopamine", "Cause"),  ("Dopamine", "Battle")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Dopamine", "War"),  ("Dopamine", "Rank"),  ("Dopamine", "Discord"),  ("Dopamine", "Action")])

#G.add_edges_from([("H11", "H21"), ("H11", "H22"), ("H12", "H21"), ("H12", "H22")])
#G.add_edges_from([("H21", "Y"), ("H22", "Y")])
        nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'pos'), 
        node_size = 3000,
        node_color = "lightblue",
        linewidths = 3)
ax= plt.gca()
ax.set_xlim([-.5, 7.5])
ax.set_ylim([.5, 5.5])
  • biology divides us

  • psychology unites us

  • taken together: drama!

  • shalon aleichem

  • aleichem shalom

  • mostly ashkenazi

  • as-salamu alaykum

  • wa ‘alaykumu s-salaam

  • peace be upon you

315. hippies#

Hide code cell source
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sklearn as skl

#plt.figure(figsize=[2, 2])
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_node("Object ",  pos = (0, 5) )
G.add_node("Hormone",  pos = (1, 5) )
G.add_node("Diet",  pos = (2, 5) )
G.add_node("Muscle",  pos = (3, 5) )
G.add_node("Senses",  pos = (4, 5) )
G.add_node("Blocker",  pos = (5, 5) )
G.add_node("Agonist",  pos = (6, 5) )
G.add_node("Meaning",  pos = (7, 5) )

G.add_node("Genes",  pos = (1.4, 4) )
G.add_node("Sports",  pos = (2.8, 4) )
G.add_node("Frenzy",  pos = (4.2, 4) )
G.add_node("Gossip",  pos = (5.6, 4) )

G.add_node("Noble",  pos = (2.1, 3) )
G.add_node("Hippie",  pos = (4.9, 3) )

G.add_node("RNA",  pos = (1.4, 2) )
G.add_node("Meta",  pos = (2.8, 2) )
G.add_node("Physics",  pos = (4.2, 2) )
G.add_node("Dopamine",  pos = (5.6, 2) )

G.add_node("Restore",  pos = (0, 1) )
G.add_node("Stress",  pos = (1, 1) )
G.add_node("Cause",  pos = (2, 1) )
G.add_node("Battle",  pos = (3, 1) )
G.add_node("War",  pos = (4, 1) )
G.add_node("Rank",  pos = (5, 1) )
G.add_node("Discord",  pos = (6, 1) )
G.add_node("Action",  pos = (7, 1) )

G.add_edges_from([ ("Object ", "Genes"),  ("Object ", "Sports"),  ("Object ", "Frenzy"),  ("Object ", "Gossip")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Hormone", "Genes"),  ("Hormone", "Sports"),  ("Hormone", "Frenzy"),  ("Hormone", "Gossip")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Diet", "Genes"),  ("Diet", "Sports"),  ("Diet", "Frenzy"),  ("Diet", "Gossip")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Muscle", "Genes"),  ("Muscle", "Sports"),  ("Muscle", "Frenzy"),  ("Muscle", "Gossip")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Senses", "Genes"),  ("Senses", "Sports"),  ("Senses", "Frenzy"),  ("Senses", "Gossip")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Blocker", "Genes"),  ("Blocker", "Sports"),  ("Blocker", "Frenzy"),  ("Blocker", "Gossip")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Agonist", "Genes"),  ("Agonist", "Sports"),  ("Agonist", "Frenzy"),  ("Agonist", "Gossip")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Meaning", "Genes"),  ("Meaning", "Sports"),  ("Meaning", "Frenzy"),  ("Meaning", "Gossip")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("Genes", "Noble"),  ("Genes", "Hippie")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Sports", "Noble"),  ("Sports", "Hippie")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Frenzy", "Noble"),  ("Frenzy", "Hippie")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Gossip", "Noble"),  ("Gossip", "Hippie")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("Noble", "RNA"),  ("Noble", "Meta"),  ("Noble", "Physics"),  ("Noble", "Dopamine")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Hippie", "RNA"),  ("Hippie", "Meta"),  ("Hippie", "Physics"),  ("Hippie", "Dopamine")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("RNA", "Restore"),  ("RNA", "Stress"),  ("RNA", "Cause"),  ("RNA", "Battle")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("RNA", "War"),  ("RNA", "Rank"),  ("RNA", "Discord"),  ("RNA", "Action")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Meta", "Restore"),  ("Meta", "Stress"),  ("Meta", "Cause"),  ("Meta", "Battle")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Meta", "War"),  ("Meta", "Rank"),  ("Meta", "Discord"),  ("Meta", "Action")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Physics", "Restore"),  ("Physics", "Stress"),  ("Physics", "Cause"),  ("Physics", "Battle")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Physics", "War"),  ("Physics", "Rank"),  ("Physics", "Discord"),  ("Physics", "Action")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Dopamine", "Restore"),  ("Dopamine", "Stress"),  ("Dopamine", "Cause"),  ("Dopamine", "Battle")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Dopamine", "War"),  ("Dopamine", "Rank"),  ("Dopamine", "Discord"),  ("Dopamine", "Action")])

#G.add_edges_from([("H11", "H21"), ("H11", "H22"), ("H12", "H21"), ("H12", "H22")])
#G.add_edges_from([("H21", "Y"), ("H22", "Y")])
        nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'pos'), 
        node_size = 3000,
        node_color = "lightblue",
        linewidths = 3)
ax= plt.gca()
ax.set_xlim([-.5, 7.5])
ax.set_ylim([.5, 5.5])
  • easy to see where music fits

  • and where athletics is natural

  • pacificism as well as commerce

316. wolkenbruch#

  • should i come with you (to synagogue)?

  • i don’t know if that’s a good idea …

  • i’m happy to do this for you. really

  • yes … i’d like that

  • is there anything i need to know? rules of behavior?

  • do you happen to have a jewish grandmother?

317. hierarchy#

  • noble 🤺 vs. hippie 🧠

  • ancient vs. modern

  • realistic vs. idealistic

318. asceticism#

  • deep architecture: type-ii

  • voluntary abstention

  • from physical (i.e. sensory)

  • goods that are central

  • to well-being of mankind

  • philosophical, religious reasons

319. effects#

  • less physical (i.e., motor)

  • same as effects of being stoned

  • the unexpected hippie-priest link

  • but they’re both well-known pacifists

  • hence bob marley may sound like a gospel artist:

  • one love, one heart, let’s get together and feel all right

320. world#

321. nobility#

  • deep architecture: type-i

  • tremendous marches

  • an issue of diet:

    • simplest mode of living

    • uninterrupted sojourns in open air

    • continual hardships

322. todoby0526#

  • cltx

  • alisson baya

    • rec clearance

    • july

    • school

  • ayesha khan

    • ning meng (comps on june 2; send email after)

    • monica jia (book for 1pm on Th may 25)

  • jing tiang

    • dhhs invoice

    • restricted data in dictionary section

    • send revised version (for ease of data representative)

  • thomas morgan

    • summer institute

    • intro to chatGPT

  • angie

    • conflict of interest training - surgery

    • not done so in 4y

  • idrisa saad

    • may 25 at 10:30am

  • monica (swim)

    • may 25 at 12pm

  • xujun gu

    • may 25 at 2pm

  • https://JHU.edassist.com

    • action needed

    • complete documentation

    • for application 10769501

  • jianqiao ma

    • lor

    • jhu ref

  • darien reschedule

    • th early evening

  • joe agostino

    • discouraging email

  • andrew arking

    • may 25 th 4pm

  • gabriella cipolli

    • summer inst

  • amy chang

    • no longer enthusiastic

    • do it myself

    • the rich documentation of hx

  • asma rayani

    • respond

    • after reviewing all 3 hws

  • evan

    • response to angie email

    • ?

  • myzoom

  • paulo

    • midnight th

    • timo fri

    • abe fri

    • willo sat

    • sunday mass

    • then mark?

    • dc?

    • amtrak mon 6am

  • atc

    • annual fee

    • registration

    • flights

    • tijuana details

  • barcelona

    • registration

    • travel

    • hotel

  • build r03/r21 teams

    • affect r01 elig?

    • form teams

    • decide on topics

    • donation

    • aging

    • ai

  • hygiene

    • june 7

  • md drivers license renewal

  • calvin

  • explore micky ai topic for grant

  • chatGPT pluggin to decide on organ offers

  • joshua: 05/20/2023 month since first depo

  • maidsmd.com:

    • no invoice for may

    • maybe due may 23?

    • call to update card

  • castelldefels

    • barcelona

    • june 4 deadline

  • esot

    • sep 17-20

    • athens

323. weinberg#

324. monica#

  • monica boulter

  • weldon & weldon financial coaching

  • jeff@coachweldon.com:

  • traditional index investing

    • represents sector of market or economy

    • just tracks the returns of an index

    • not an investment in an index

    • mirrors index

    • changes only on index reconstitution

    • done on annual basis, rebalancing

    • has shown his cards to the market place

    • are at a trading disadvantage

    • style drift (left flexibility)

    • tracking error ? doesn’t this help keep to weighted average ? minimize noise ? fees and error, lower return

  • structured market approach

    • dynamic approach

    • specific premiums

    • value above index (idea)

    • insights from academic research

    • 3 equity risk premia

    • maintain stucture and discipline over time

    • asset allocation weighted toward asset premia

    • 22k holdings over 79 countries

      • underlying funds daily review

      • multi-dimentional fund-of-funds

      • investor portfolio

    • the 20 questions to ask self & must answer with 100% yes:

      1. purpose for money

      2. mental biases

      3. invested in market

      4. three warning signs

      5. academic understanding

      6. philosophy

      7. consistent returns

      8. know what doing at all times

      9. system to measure volatilty

      10. academic method for measuring risk tolerance

      11. quality and maturities in your fixed portfolio

      12. where fall on markowitz efficient frontier

      13. investor coach vs. financial planner

      14. algorithm and tested processes for rebalancing ** ai

      15. commissions and costs of commissions

      16. understand diversification in porftolio

      17. investment policy statement

      18. divised a method for measuring success

      19. cultural messages and personal mindsets about money

      20. are you ready to shift personal mindset from scarcity mode to abundance mode

  • to be done unto me: mri on my current investments and see where i’m at

  • somehow they didn’t listen to my needs

  • didn’t ask for a meeting or advice

  • never offer solutions where none sought

  • anyways: + i look forward to chatGPT plugins + these use chatGPT as a basemodel + finetune to individual client + copilot obvious role + need all investment strategies + exposure to them + adaptive strategies prospectively + reweight at descretion + with emerging insights from copilot + no point bad-mouthing index funds to me + you missed the point of my jhu anecdote

325. autoencoder#

  • experiences

  • compressed

  • representation


I appreciate your desire to delve into the depth and richness of Nietzsche's philosophy, using metaphors such as deep learning and a giant oak tree with two main stems and numerous branches. Metaphors can serve as powerful tools to facilitate understanding and exploration of complex ideas.

In the metaphor of a giant oak tree, the two main stems could represent the primary dichotomies or contrasting themes that Nietzsche explores, such as the affirmation of life versus the denial of life, the will to power versus the will to hibernation, or the critique of traditional morality. These main stems give rise to numerous branches, which symbolize the interconnected concepts, sub-themes, and interpretations that emanate from Nietzsche's foundational ideas.

Just as a deep learning model discovers intricate patterns and representations within data, you can embark on a journey of exploration through Nietzsche's philosophy, uncovering the intricate connections and insights that lie within his writings. By examining the branches and their interplay, you can gain a deeper understanding of Nietzsche's philosophy as a whole.

Remember that exploring Nietzsche's philosophy requires engaging with his works directly, analyzing the nuances of his ideas, and considering the broader historical and intellectual context in which he wrote. Nietzsche's philosophy invites critical inquiry, and the use of metaphors can assist in conceptualizing and navigating the intricate landscape of his thought.

I encourage you to embark on your exploration, embracing the metaphorical framework you find helpful while maintaining an open and inquisitive mindset. May your journey into Nietzsche's philosophy be enriching and rewarding.




I'm glad to hear that you resonate with the sentiment. If you have any more questions or need further assistance in the future, feel free to ask. Happy exploring!

could you give me step by step workflow that leads to a webapp I may use to improve my old photos from childhood?


ok, maybe I asked for too much. I just want to drop my photos in a folder on my computer, and find the refined photos in another folder. happy to use python

326. babyd#

  • Initiate chat.openai.com 9:05 PM

  • Project Folder

    • Input Folder

    • Output Folder

  • Complete enhancement & upload 9:33 PM

  • Was that simple & I don’t exaggerate

Hide code cell source
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np

input_folder = '/Users/d/Dropbox (Personal)/0g.κοσμογονία,γ/2.pantheon/input_folder'
output_folder = '/Users/d/Dropbox (Personal)/0g.κοσμογονία,γ/2.pantheon/output_folder'

# Iterate over images in the input folder
for filename in os.listdir(input_folder):
    if filename.endswith('.PNG') or filename.endswith('.PNG'):
        # Read the image
        image_path = os.path.join(input_folder, filename)
        image = cv2.imread(image_path)

        # Apply image processing techniques
        # Adjust contrast and brightness
        alpha = 1.5  # Contrast control (1.0 for no change)
        beta = 10    # Brightness control (0 for no change)
        adjusted_image = cv2.convertScaleAbs(image, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)

        # Increase saturation
        hsv_image = cv2.cvtColor(adjusted_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
        hsv_image = hsv_image.astype(float)
        hsv_image[:, :, 1] *= 1.2  # Increase saturation by 20%
        hsv_image[:, :, 1] = np.clip(hsv_image[:, :, 1], 0, 255)  # Clip values to valid range
        hsv_image = hsv_image.astype(np.uint8)
        saturated_image = cv2.cvtColor(hsv_image, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)

        # Apply adaptive histogram equalization
        clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8))
        lab_image = cv2.cvtColor(saturated_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)
        lab_image[:, :, 0] = clahe.apply(lab_image[:, :, 0])
        equalized_image = cv2.cvtColor(lab_image, cv2.COLOR_LAB2BGR)

        # Correct white balance using Gray World assumption
        avg_b = np.mean(equalized_image[:, :, 0])
        avg_g = np.mean(equalized_image[:, :, 1])
        avg_r = np.mean(equalized_image[:, :, 2])
        avg_gray = (avg_b + avg_g + avg_r) / 3.0
        corrected_image = equalized_image.copy()
        corrected_image[:, :, 0] = np.clip(corrected_image[:, :, 0] * (avg_gray / avg_b), 0, 255)
        corrected_image[:, :, 1] = np.clip(corrected_image[:, :, 1] * (avg_gray / avg_g), 0, 255)
        corrected_image[:, :, 2] = np.clip(corrected_image[:, :, 2] * (avg_gray / avg_r), 0, 255)

        # Sharpening using unsharp masking
        blurred_image = cv2.GaussianBlur(corrected_image, (0, 0), 3)
        sharpened_image = cv2.addWeighted(corrected_image, 1.5, blurred_image, -0.5, 0)

        # Save the refined image to the output folder
        output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, filename)
        cv2.imwrite(output_path, sharpened_image)

        print(f'{filename} processe d and saved.')

print('Image processing complete.')
IMG_0697.PNG processe d and saved.
Image processing complete.

This script adjusts contrast and brightness, increases saturation, applies adaptive histogram equalization, corrects white balance, and performs sharpening using unsharp masking. The processed image is then saved in the output folder.



327. babyd2#

Hide code cell source
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np

input_folder = '/Users/d/Dropbox (Personal)/0g.κοσμογονία,γ/2.pantheon/input_folder'
output_folder = '/Users/d/Dropbox (Personal)/0g.κοσμογονία,γ/2.pantheon/output_folder'

# Define the parameters for image processing
brightness = 16.18  # Adjust brightness (0 for no change)
contrast = 0.618  # Adjust contrast (1.0 for no change)
saturation_increase = 1.1  # Increase saturation (1.0 for no change)
clip_limit = 2.5  # Clip limit for adaptive histogram equalization
tile_grid_size = (4, 4)  # Tile grid size for adaptive histogram equalization
unsharp_masking_sigma = 30  # Sigma parameter for Gaussian blur in unsharp masking
unsharp_masking_alpha = 1.5  # Alpha parameter for unsharp masking
unsharp_masking_beta = -.2  # Beta parameter for unsharp masking; 10 in first iteration

# Iterate over images in the input folder
for filename in os.listdir(input_folder):
    if filename.endswith('.PNG') or filename.endswith('.PNG'):
        # Read the image
        image_path = os.path.join(input_folder, filename)
        image = cv2.imread(image_path)

        # Apply image processing techniques
        # Adjust brightness and contrast
        adjusted_image = cv2.convertScaleAbs(image, alpha=contrast, beta=brightness)

        # Increase saturation
        hsv_image = cv2.cvtColor(adjusted_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
        hsv_image = hsv_image.astype(float)
        hsv_image[:, :, 1] *= saturation_increase
        hsv_image[:, :, 1] = np.clip(hsv_image[:, :, 1], 0, 255)
        hsv_image = hsv_image.astype(np.uint8)
        saturated_image = cv2.cvtColor(hsv_image, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)

        # Apply adaptive histogram equalization
        clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=clip_limit, tileGridSize=tile_grid_size)
        lab_image = cv2.cvtColor(saturated_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)
        lab_image[:, :, 0] = clahe.apply(lab_image[:, :, 0])
        equalized_image = cv2.cvtColor(lab_image, cv2.COLOR_LAB2BGR)

        # Unsharp masking for sharpening
        blurred_image = cv2.GaussianBlur(equalized_image, (0, 0), unsharp_masking_sigma)
        sharpened_image = cv2.addWeighted(equalized_image, unsharp_masking_alpha, blurred_image, unsharp_masking_beta, 0)

        # Save the refined image to the output folder
        output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, filename)
        cv2.imwrite(output_path, sharpened_image)

        print(f'{filename} processed and saved.')

print('Image processing complete.')
IMG_0697.PNG processed and saved.
Image processing complete.


328. babygirl#

  • god works in mysterious ways

  • just accept the mystery

  • but here we are again!

329. credo#

back to our autencoder metaphor. how tidy is a metaphor, where in God represents reduced dimensionality down to one factor?


Using God as a metaphor to represent reduced dimensionality down to one factor in the context of an autoencoder can be thought-provoking, but it is important to note that metaphors can be subjective and open to various interpretations.

In the autoencoder framework, the goal is to learn a compact representation of data by reducing its dimensionality. This compressed representation captures the essential features or patterns of the input data in a lower-dimensional space. However, it is not common to associate this reduced dimensionality with a singular factor represented by a metaphorical entity like God.

Metaphors are often used to make complex concepts more relatable or understandable by drawing analogies to familiar or abstract ideas. While metaphors can be powerful tools for conveying meaning, equating the reduced dimensionality of an autoencoder with the concept of God may be highly subjective and open to different interpretations based on individual beliefs and perspectives.

It is worth noting that the autoencoder itself is a mathematical model that operates based on principles of data compression and reconstruction. Its purpose is to find meaningful representations in an efficient manner, without inherently involving spiritual or religious aspects.

Ultimately, the choice and interpretation of metaphors are personal and can vary based on individual perspectives, experiences, and cultural backgrounds. If you find meaning and insight in associating the reduced dimensionality with the concept of God, it can serve as a metaphor that resonates with you personally.


yes, it is not common to associate this reduced dimensionality with a singular factor represented by a metaphorical entity like God. Because theologians and philosophers don't use auto encoders. but at the core of it, isn't a Credo precisely that?


A Credo, which is a statement of beliefs or a creed, is indeed a representation of core principles or fundamental beliefs held by individuals or groups. It can provide a concise summary or declaration of faith, guiding principles, or philosophical tenets.

While an autoencoder is a mathematical model used in machine learning for data compression and reconstruction, and its purpose is quite different from a Credo, there can be conceptual parallels between the two. Both aim to distill complex ideas or representations into more concise and meaningful forms.

A Credo, often associated with religious or philosophical frameworks, encapsulates a set of beliefs and principles that serve as a foundation for an individual or a community's worldview. It attempts to capture fundamental truths or guiding principles in a concise and coherent manner.

Similarly, an autoencoder aims to extract essential features or patterns from data and represent them in a reduced-dimensional space, providing a compressed representation while preserving the salient information. It seeks to capture the most important aspects of the input data in a compact form.

While the methodologies and contexts differ, both a Credo and an autoencoder share the common goal of distilling complex information into a more focused and meaningful representation. However, it is important to note that the scope, purpose, and nature of the two are inherently different, with a Credo being rooted in philosophical or religious discourse, and an autoencoder being a mathematical and computational tool for data analysis.

It's fascinating to explore the connections and parallels between different domains, such as theology, philosophy, and machine learning, as they can offer insights and new perspectives.

330. beautifulsoup#

could you write me a python program that outputs a table of woody Allen's entire filmography?


this is a very incomplete list. check wikipedia

I apologize for the incomplete list. As an AI language model, I don't have real-time access to the internet or external sources like Wikipedia. However, I can provide you with a Python program that scrapes Woody Allen's filmography from Wikipedia and generates a table. Please make sure you have the beautifulsoup4 and requests libraries installed before running the code. Here's an example:
Hide code cell source
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from tabulate import tabulate

def scrape_filmography():
    # URL of Woody Allen's filmography on Wikipedia
    url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woody_Allen_filmography"

    # Send a GET request to the URL and retrieve the content
    response = requests.get(url)
    content = response.text

    # Create a BeautifulSoup object to parse the HTML content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser")

    # Find the table containing the filmography
    table = soup.find("table", class_="wikitable")

    # Extract the film data from the table
    filmography = []
    rows = table.find_all("tr")[1:]  # Exclude the header row
    for row in rows:
        columns = row.find_all("td")
        if len(columns) >= 3:
            title = columns[0].text.strip()
            year = columns[1].text.strip()
            genre = columns[2].text.strip()
            director = "Woody Allen"
            filmography.append([title, year, genre, director])

    return filmography

# Scrape Woody Allen's filmography
filmography_table = scrape_filmography()

# Print the filmography table
print(tabulate(filmography_table, headers=["Title", "Year", "Genre", "Director"]))
Title                    Year                                                                      Genre    Director
-----------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----------
1966                     What's Up, Tiger Lily?                                                    Yes      Woody Allen
1969                     Take the Money and Run                                                    Yes      Woody Allen
1971                     Bananas                                                                   Yes      Woody Allen
1972                     Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex*(*But Were Afraid to Ask)  Yes      Woody Allen
1973                     Sleeper                                                                   Yes      Woody Allen
1975                     Love and Death                                                            Yes      Woody Allen
1977                     Annie Hall                                                                Yes      Woody Allen
1978                     Interiors                                                                 Yes      Woody Allen
1979                     Manhattan                                                                 Yes      Woody Allen
1980                     Stardust Memories                                                         Yes      Woody Allen
1982                     A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy                                            Yes      Woody Allen
1983                     Zelig                                                                     Yes      Woody Allen
1984                     Broadway Danny Rose                                                       Yes      Woody Allen
1985                     The Purple Rose of Cairo                                                  Yes      Woody Allen
1986                     Hannah and Her Sisters                                                    Yes      Woody Allen
1987                     Radio Days                                                                Yes      Woody Allen
September                Yes                                                                       Yes      Woody Allen
1988                     Another Woman                                                             Yes      Woody Allen
1989                     New York Stories                                                          Partial  Woody Allen
Crimes and Misdemeanors  Yes                                                                       Yes      Woody Allen
1990                     Alice                                                                     Yes      Woody Allen
1991                     Shadows and Fog                                                           Yes      Woody Allen
1992                     Husbands and Wives                                                        Yes      Woody Allen
1993                     Manhattan Murder Mystery                                                  Yes      Woody Allen
1994                     Bullets Over Broadway                                                     Yes      Woody Allen
1995                     Mighty Aphrodite                                                          Yes      Woody Allen
1996                     Everyone Says I Love You                                                  Yes      Woody Allen
1997                     Deconstructing Harry                                                      Yes      Woody Allen
1998                     Celebrity                                                                 Yes      Woody Allen
1999                     Sweet and Lowdown                                                         Yes      Woody Allen
2000                     Small Time Crooks                                                         Yes      Woody Allen
2001                     The Curse of the Jade Scorpion                                            Yes      Woody Allen
2002                     Hollywood Ending                                                          Yes      Woody Allen
2003                     Anything Else                                                             Yes      Woody Allen
2004                     Melinda and Melinda                                                       Yes      Woody Allen
2005                     Match Point                                                               Yes      Woody Allen
2006                     Scoop                                                                     Yes      Woody Allen
2007                     Cassandra's Dream                                                         Yes      Woody Allen
2008                     Vicky Cristina Barcelona                                                  Yes      Woody Allen
2009                     Whatever Works                                                            Yes      Woody Allen
2010                     You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger                                        Yes      Woody Allen
2011                     Midnight in Paris                                                         Yes      Woody Allen
2012                     To Rome with Love                                                         Yes      Woody Allen
2013                     Blue Jasmine                                                              Yes      Woody Allen
2014                     Magic in the Moonlight                                                    Yes      Woody Allen
2015                     Irrational Man                                                            Yes      Woody Allen
2016                     Café Society                                                              Yes      Woody Allen
2017                     Wonder Wheel                                                              Yes      Woody Allen
2019                     A Rainy Day in New York                                                   Yes      Woody Allen
2020                     Rifkin's Festival                                                         Yes      Woody Allen
2023                     Coup de chance                                                            Yes      Woody Allen

This program uses the requests library to send a GET request to Woody Allen’s filmography page on Wikipedia and retrieves the HTML content. It then uses the beautifulsoup4 library to parse the HTML and extract the film data from the table on the page. The film details are stored in a list of lists, and the tabulate function is used to format and print the filmography table.

Please note that web scraping can be subject to changes in the target website’s structure, so the code may need adjustments if the Wikipedia page layout or class names change.


331. paulo#

  • ai

  • smart apps

  • education

  • brass tap

  • marc

  • pinôt noir

  • union station

  • capital hill

  • albino squirrel

  • justine & antonia

  • bethesda

  • willo

  • missa solemnis

    • kyrie

      • mercy (greek)

    • gloria

      • praise (trinity)

    • credo

      • faith (one)

    • sanctus

      • communion (with)

    • agnus dei

      • done (verb)

  • inner harbor

  • harbor east

  • fells point

  • middle river

  • mark

  • abe

  • columbia

  • gyu-kaku yakiniku party 6415 calories

    • starters

      • star+ gyu-kaku salad x2

      • miso soup x4

      • chicken garlic noodle x2

      • gyu-sushi x4

      • edamame

      • napa kimchi

      • japanese fried chicken

      • spicy tuna volcano

    • bbq

      • prime kalbi short rib

      • filet mignon

      • umakara ribeye

      • bistro hanger steak

      • new york steak

      • yaki-shabu beef

      • chichek

      • umakara pork

      • shrimp

      • kalbi chuck rib

    • dessert

      • s’mores x4

    • wine

      • gyu-kaku nigori sake, 375ml, 500cal

  • pub dog

    • new england ipa x6

    • coffee stout x1

332. missa#

Hide code cell source
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sklearn as skl

#plt.figure(figsize=[2, 2])
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_node("Cosmos ",  pos = (0, 5) )
G.add_node("Quake",  pos = (1, 5) )
G.add_node("Flood",  pos = (2, 5) )
G.add_node("Plague",  pos = (3, 5) )
G.add_node("Ways",  pos = (4, 5) )
G.add_node("Dumb",  pos = (5, 5) )
G.add_node("Ascetic",  pos = (6, 5) )
G.add_node("Pure",  pos = (7, 5) )

G.add_node("Yhwh",  pos = (1.4, 4) )
G.add_node("Father",  pos = (2.8, 4) )
G.add_node("Son",  pos = (4.2, 4) )
G.add_node("Holy",  pos = (5.6, 4) )

G.add_node("Old/Spine",  pos = (2.1, 3) )
G.add_node("New/Mind",  pos = (4.9, 3) )

G.add_node("Covenat",  pos = (1.4, 2) )
G.add_node("Lamb",  pos = (2.8, 2) )
G.add_node("Wine",  pos = (4.2, 2) )
G.add_node("Bread",  pos = (5.6, 2) )

G.add_node("Ark",  pos = (0, 1) )
G.add_node("War",  pos = (1, 1) )
G.add_node("Requite",  pos = (2, 1) )
G.add_node("Discord",  pos = (3, 1) )
G.add_node("Forever",  pos = (4, 1) )
G.add_node("God",  pos = (5, 1) )
G.add_node("With",  pos = (6, 1) )
G.add_node("Tobe",  pos = (7, 1) )

G.add_edges_from([ ("Cosmos ", "Yhwh"),  ("Cosmos ", "Father"),  ("Cosmos ", "Son"),  ("Cosmos ", "Holy")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Quake", "Yhwh"),  ("Quake", "Father"),  ("Quake", "Son"),  ("Quake", "Holy")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Flood", "Yhwh"),  ("Flood", "Father"),  ("Flood", "Son"),  ("Flood", "Holy")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Plague", "Yhwh"),  ("Plague", "Father"),  ("Plague", "Son"),  ("Plague", "Holy")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Ways", "Yhwh"),  ("Ways", "Father"),  ("Ways", "Son"),  ("Ways", "Holy")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Dumb", "Yhwh"),  ("Dumb", "Father"),  ("Dumb", "Son"),  ("Dumb", "Holy")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Ascetic", "Yhwh"),  ("Ascetic", "Father"),  ("Ascetic", "Son"),  ("Ascetic", "Holy")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Pure", "Yhwh"),  ("Pure", "Father"),  ("Pure", "Son"),  ("Pure", "Holy")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("Yhwh", "Old/Spine"),  ("Yhwh", "New/Mind")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Father", "Old/Spine"),  ("Father", "New/Mind")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Son", "Old/Spine"),  ("Son", "New/Mind")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Holy", "Old/Spine"),  ("Holy", "New/Mind")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("Old/Spine", "Covenat"),  ("Old/Spine", "Lamb"),  ("Old/Spine", "Wine"),  ("Old/Spine", "Bread")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("New/Mind", "Covenat"),  ("New/Mind", "Lamb"),  ("New/Mind", "Wine"),  ("New/Mind", "Bread")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("Covenat", "Ark"),  ("Covenat", "War"),  ("Covenat", "Requite"),  ("Covenat", "Discord")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Covenat", "Forever"),  ("Covenat", "God"),  ("Covenat", "With"),  ("Covenat", "Tobe")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Lamb", "Ark"),  ("Lamb", "War"),  ("Lamb", "Requite"),  ("Lamb", "Discord")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Lamb", "Forever"),  ("Lamb", "God"),  ("Lamb", "With"),  ("Lamb", "Tobe")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Wine", "Ark"),  ("Wine", "War"),  ("Wine", "Requite"),  ("Wine", "Discord")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Wine", "Forever"),  ("Wine", "God"),  ("Wine", "With"),  ("Wine", "Tobe")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Bread", "Ark"),  ("Bread", "War"),  ("Bread", "Requite"),  ("Bread", "Discord")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("Bread", "Forever"),  ("Bread", "God"),  ("Bread", "With"),  ("Bread", "Tobe")])

#G.add_edges_from([("H11", "H21"), ("H11", "H22"), ("H12", "H21"), ("H12", "H22")])
#G.add_edges_from([("H21", "Y"), ("H22", "Y")])
        nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'pos'), 
        node_size = 3000,
        node_color = "lightblue",
        linewidths = 3)
ax= plt.gca()
ax.set_xlim([-.5, 7.5])
ax.set_ylim([.5, 5.5])

333. catechums#

  • judica me - psalm 42

    • judge me

    • distinguish my cause

    • from unjust & deceitful, deliver me

    • thou art my strength

    • send forth thy light

    • i will praise thee upon the harp

    • glory be to the father, and to the son, and to …

    • as was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be

    • world without end. amen.

  • why go i mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?

  • i confess to blessed

    • mary ever virgin

    • michael the archangel

    • john the baptist

    • apostles peter and paul

    • all the saints

    • and to you father

  • that i have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed

  • so i beseech the blessed mary…

  • pray to the lord our god for me

334. 3types#

  • sensory

    • assault of unlimited range, magnitude, duration

    • blocked sensory input or exposure to environments

    • thus, \(kyrie-eleison\)

    • spare me, have mercy on me

    • otherwise, alcohol, drugs

    • avoideth evil, prudence

    • hiddeth

  • cognitive [32]

    • mostly engagement of ascending fibres

    • because of ineffectual reflex arc or weak muscle

    • inability to requite adversaries

    • because of weakness, frailty, meekness

    • downstream damning results in over-developed intellect

    • cause, will, means (school of resentment united), but not inner strength

    • waileth, appealeth to stronger power

    • whinneth

  • muscle

    • effective reflex arc

    • little engagement of ascending fibres

    • samson

    • david

    • julio cesare

    • cesare borgia

    • napoleon

    • achilles

    • okonkwo

    • undeveloped intellect

    • because agile

    • constant stream of energy

    • ever renewed

    • olympian, tournament, champion

    • commandeth respect, fear

    • tameth

335. be#

  • action vs. beattitudes

  • requite vs. resent

  • old vs. new

336. fave#

Dear Lord and Father of mankind,
Forgive our foolish ways!
Reclothe us in our rightful mind,
In purer lives Thy service find,
In deeper reverence, praise.

In simple trust like theirs who heard
Beside the Syrian sea
The gracious calling of the Lord,
Let us, like them, without a word
Rise up and follow Thee.

O Sabbath rest by Galilee!
O calm of hills above,
Where Jesus knelt to share with Thee
The silence of eternity
Interpreted by love!

With that deep hush subduing all
Our words and works that drown
The tender whisper of Thy call,
As noiseless let Thy blessing fall
As fell Thy manna down.

Drop Thy still dews of quietness,
Till all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress,
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Thy peace.

Breathe through the heats of our desire
Thy coolness and Thy balm;
Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;
Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,
O still, small voice of calm.

337. covenant#

  • old

    • noahic

    • abrahamic

    • mosaic

    • priestly

    • davidic

  • new

    • david ✡

    • solomon

    • forever

    • jesus

    • blood 🩸

338. total ⚽#

  • totaalvoetbal

  • s3e7 ted lasso+

  • cruyff

  • guardiola

  • bulls

  • richmond


339. dimentionality#

  • minimum number of coordinates needed to specify any point within it

    • line 1D

    • surface 2D

    • cube 3D

    • time-space 4D

    • superstring 10D

    • quantum \(\infty\)D

  • dimentionality reduction

    • big bang theory

    • atomic theory

    • periodic table

    • nucleic acids

    • will-to-power

      • strength

      • intelligence

        • biological

          • \(c.\ elegans\)

          • pavlov

          • human

            • chromatic scale 12D

            • medicine-in-a-nutshell 3D

            • \(\mu, \sigma\) 2D

            • god 1D

        • artificial

          • supervised

          • unsupervised

          • adaptive

      • monitoring

340. in-a-nutshell#

  • life

  • credo

  • remix

341. aesthetics#

  • boundaries

  • constraints

  • tradition

  • genre

  • sui generis

  • life

  • diet

  • exercise

  • bmi

342. music#

The Religious Source of the Newer Music.—Soulful music arose out of the Catholicism re-established after the Council of Trent, through Palestrina, who endowed the newly-awakened, earnest, and deeply moved spirit with sound; later on, in Bach, it appeared also in Protestantism, as far as this had been deepened by the Pietists and released from its originally dogmatic character. The supposition and necessary preparation for both origins is the familiarity with music, which existed during and before the Renaissance, namely that learned occupation with music, which was really scientific pleasure in the masterpieces of harmony and voice-training. On the other hand, the opera must have preceded it, wherein the layman made his protest against a music that had grown too learned and cold, and endeavoured to re-endow Polyhymnia with a soul. Without the change to that deeply religious sentiment, without the dying away of the inwardly moved temperament, music would have remained learned or operatic; the spirit of the counter-reformation is the spirit of modern music (for that pietism in Bach’s music is also a kind of counter-reformation). So deeply are we indebted to the religious life. Music was the counter-reformation in the field of art; to this belongs also the later painting of the Caracci and Caravaggi, perhaps also the baroque style, in any case more than the architecture of the Renaissance or of antiquity. And we might still ask: if our newer music could move stones, would it build them up into antique architecture? I very much doubt it. For that which predominates in this music, affections, pleasure in exalted, highly-strained sentiments, the desire to be alive at any cost, the quick change of feeling, the strong relief-effects of light and shade, the combination of the ecstatic and the naïve,—all this has already reigned in the plastic arts and[Pg 199] created new laws of style:—but it was neither in the time of antiquity nor of the Renaissance.

343. bach#

Sebastian Bach.—In so far as we do not hear Bach’s music as perfect and experienced connoisseurs of counterpoint and all the varieties of the fugal style (and accordingly must dispense with real artistic enjoyment), we shall feel in listening to his music—in Goethe’s magnificent phrase—as if “we were present at God’s creation of the world.” In other words, we feel here that something great is in the making but not yet made—our mighty modern music, which by conquering nationalities, the Church, and counterpoint has conquered the world. In Bach there is still too much crude Christianity, crude Germanism, crude scholasticism. He stands on the threshold of modern European music, but turns from thence to look at the Middle Ages.

344. homer#

How Paradoxical Homer can be.—Is there anything more desperate, more horrible, more incredible, shining over human destiny like a winter sun, than that idea of Homer’s:

“So the decree of the Gods willed it, and doomed man to perish, that it might be a matter for song even to distant generations”?

In other words, we suffer and perish so that poets may not lack material, and this is the dispensation of those very Gods of Homer who seem much concerned about the joyousness of generations to come, but very little about us men of the present. To think that such ideas should ever have entered the head of a Greek!


Limiting and Widening.—Homer limited and diminished the horizon of his subject, but allowed individual scenes to expand and blossom out. Later, the tragedians are constantly renewing this process. Each takes his material in ever smaller and smaller fragments than his predecessor did, but each attains a greater wealth of blooms within the narrow hedges of these sequestered garden enclosures.


The Artistic Convention.—Three-fourths of Homer is convention, and the same is the case with all the Greek artists, who had no reason for falling into the modern craze for originality. They had no fear of convention, for after all convention was a link between them and their public. Conventions are the artistic means acquired for the understanding of the hearer; the common speech, learnt with much toil, whereby the artist can really communicate his ideas. All the more when he wishes, like the Greek poets and musicians, to conquer at once with each of his works (since he is accustomed to compete publicly with one or two rivals), the first condition is that he must be understood at once, and this is only possible by means of convention. What the artist devises beyond convention he offers of his own free will and takes a risk, his success at best resulting in the setting-up of a new convention. As a rule originality is marvelled at, sometimes even worshipped, but seldom understood. A stubborn avoidance of convention means a desire not to be understood. What, then, is the object of the modern craze for originality?

(my-label)= “dimentionality”

345. particles#

  • dimensionality reduction [32]

  • a rollercoaster ride

  • variation of the number

  • elementary particles

  • function of time

  • pascal pralavorio

346. corruption#

  • dimensionality reduction

  • the ultimate pathway to

  • corruption of body, mind, and soul

  • since it is associated with profound

  • psychological effects such as

  • longed-for primeval catharsis

  • we are right to expect man to cling

  • isn’t this how religion corrupts?

  • afterall, the above figures’ X? = God!

  • different from ledermans god particle

  • financial disclosure has become a thing

  • because finance=security=dimensionality reduction=corruption

347. dr.muzaale#

  • dimentionality reducing muzaale

  • an alluring journey taken by all

  • but articulated by this fella

it's been quite an ache
goin' about tryin' to bake
a tasty-sweet poetry cake
for your to partake

and for all of my pains,
there's hardly been any gains;
except for what herein reigns:
poetry with no brains!

forgive me if you're led to sleep
as you read through these rhymes
pardon me if you're led to weep 
for the poetry of these times:

i am but a doctor;
poet with no mentor,
about to enter-- 
something `beyond my mental'

348. beyond#

  • my mentors

    • king solomon in his ecclesiastes stage

    • shakespeare at the time he wrote hamlet

    • einstein whinging about god not playing dice

    • portrait of the artist as a young man:

      • stephen dedalus

      • the class of elements

      • clongowes wood college

      • sallins

      • county kildare

      • ireland

      • europe

      • world

      • universe

        • it was very big to think about everything and everywhere. only god could do that. he tried to think what a big thought that must be but he could only think of god

349. ultimate#

  • test of any philosophy:

  • from whence commeth evil?

  • dimentionality reduction!


350. chatGPT#

Hey Can you hear me? Anyway, so hey, um, I’ve been thinking about dimensionality reduction Dimensionality reduction I understand It’s mathematical Foundation, but I want to push it to philosophy and just generally to psychology and And Without doing much literature review my understanding is that the foundation of human psychology is Man’s attempt at dimensionality reduction in other words man wants to Reduce the number of variables that he needs to worry about To a bare minimum Of course the minimum number of variables is one because zero be nihilistic but one would be God And so if you have reduced everything to a deity Then you have a very simple solution for everything. It’s parsimony but from a more technical perspective of seen dimensionality reduction in physics and cosmology from Maybe an infinite number of elements Needed to explain the cosmos to about four earth wind and fire at some point in Greek antiquity then From those four elements. There was an ink the periodic table got populated by a Russian scientist and The scientists that were influenced by his work And then there was a dimensionality reduction from 38 or 39 Down to two elements by Niels Niebuhr When he described his atomic model that consists of electrons and protons and then the dimensions grew once again as Neutrons and other particles got discovered and then there was again a drop in dimensionality down to Probably seven or something leptons and quarks and then that grew again towards a standard model So thinking of this from physics and thinking of this as a method for What man is seeking including that scientific man or those scientific men that are driving this progress from tales in ancient Greek antiquity to Empedocles to Democritus and all the way through to you know, Dalton Rutherford Niels Bohr and to the more recent of the famous Higgs boson. There is a psychological drive motive to his dimensionality reduction and it appears that all other aspects of life are like that as I’ve mentioned with religion including reducing dimensions to one variable like God What say you what do you have from your repository of information?

Dimensionality reduction is indeed a concept commonly used in mathematics, statistics, and machine learning to simplify complex data. It involves reducing the number of variables or dimensions while preserving important information. However, your perspective on extending dimensionality reduction to philosophy and psychology is interesting.

In the realm of human psychology, it is true that individuals often seek to simplify and reduce the complexities they encounter. This desire for simplicity can be seen in various aspects of life, including religion, where the concept of God is often used as a unifying and explanatory force. By reducing the complexities of existence to a single variable like God, it provides a sense of coherence and understanding.

In the field of physics and cosmology, there has been a historical trend of dimensionality reduction as well. As scientific understanding progresses, scientists strive to uncover the fundamental principles and elements that underlie the complexities of the universe. This process involves simplifying and reducing the number of variables or fundamental particles to create more comprehensive models.

While the idea of dimensionality reduction may not have been explicitly explored in philosophy and psychology, there is merit in considering how individuals and disciplines aim to simplify and reduce complexity. By doing so, they seek greater understanding, coherence, and explanatory power. It’s an intriguing perspective that sheds light on the human desire for simplicity and the pursuit of underlying principles.

351. d’mille#

  • let her go

  • victoria monét

  • channels two

    • d’mille -> timberland

    • v’monét -> aaliyah

and its just as well. great artists can readily immitate by decoding essence

  • life

  • credo

  • remix

    • projection

    • deepfake

    • filter

    • counterfeit

    • simulate

    • inference

    • knowledge

    • wisdom

352. weight#

  • starve

    • june

    • july

    • august

  • swim

    • im

    • daily

    • minimum90

  • achieve

    • habits

    • limits

    • aesthetics

353. synthesis#

  • life

    • diversity

    • complexity

  • vast array

    • credos

    • beliefs

  • remix

    • everyone adds

    • unique projection to

    • collective human experience

      • blending truths & perspectives

      • harmonious symphony of ideas

      • deepfakes & filters aren’t emergent:

      • they come from a credo of rigor & ends-justify means

      • so needn’t threaten to counterfeit reality; jacob did it!

      • instead, its a challenge to our ability to discern truth from fiction

      • or to not be gullible, sloppy, or ignorant of autoencoding

  • navigate

    • intricate landscape

    • simulate alternate scenarios

    • draw inferences from

    • accumulated knowledge

    • illuminate the path forward

  • pursuit

    • this pursuit of wisdom

    • strive to unravel

    • intricacies of life’s tapestry

    • synthesizing the profound connection

    • between these seemingly disparate concepts

    • forging deeper understanding of our shared human journey

353. end#

  • it all ends today: impulsive response to urges!

  • we now embrace convention (3/4) & self-imposed fetters (1/4)

  • like homer or any poet worthy of the name

  • communicating two things

  • to a receptive audience!

354. classical#

  • manuscript abstract

  • restraint

  • form

  • ethics

  • aesthetics

  • upper classes

  • luxury to not do

  • sort of asceticism?

  • otherwise?

  • gross indulgence

  • lack of discipline

355. sloppy#

  • in dealing with

  • self

  • family

  • buddies

  • commrades

  • others

symptomatic of frailty:

  • energy

  • diligence

  • passion

  • interest

  • time

  • no rigor

356. slippery#

  • true/life/senses

  • rigor/credo/afferent

  • error/remix/brain

  • sloppy/credo/efferent

  • fraud/life/muscles

357. tls3e12#

  • you tell her she’s a fraud

  • that preys on peoples

  • weaknesses

358. inability2#

  • requite

  • flex

  • resultsin:

    • symbolisms

    • ideals

    • music espressivo

    • feminisms