

Bob Dylan


Your money meant shall be my gentle verse,
Which eyes not yet created shall o’er read;
And tongues to be, your being shall rehearse,
When all the breathers of this world are dead;
You still shall live,— such virtue hath my pen,—
Where breath most breathes, even in the mouths of men.

Review Bob Dylan’s acceptance speech
For the Nobel prize in literature



Reversal of fortunes


Idea of the month


Swolf is a score that measures your swimming efficiency, and just as in golf, a lower score is better. For pool swimming, the swolf score for a length is obtained by adding together the number of strokes taken in the pool length, and the time it took to swim that length.




#25 Butterfly 25yd 0’48”/28
Avg.SWOLF 19
Lowest on record!

#34 Butterfly 25yd 0’57”/20
Avg.SWOLF 19

#46 Butterfly 25yd 0’43”/28
Avg.SWOLF 17


Swolf is a score that measures your swimming efficiency, and just as in golf, a lower score is better. For pool swimming, the swolf score for a length is obtained by adding together the number of strokes taken in the pool length, and the time it took to swim that length.

<35 for long axis 
<25 for short axis 




It’s my theory that men who drink strictly one alcohol beverage (Guinness in this case) have so much trouble sampling strictly one chic. Mwami Tumwiine, aka Isabirye :)



Creative destruction


  1. Symptom of energy

  2. Consequence of becoming

  3. Especially while standing on shoulders..

  4. Monumental historians with dynamite!

  5. They see beautiful bricks, not the building




  1. Long legs, peak-to-peak, perspective, effects!

  2. Navel-gazing, causes, no mentors!!!

  3. Everything has been done


Stata Programming


  1. Blocks of functional code

  2. Analogous to genes

  3. Include regulator “if” statements

  4. Thus “if 0” vs. “if 1” vs. “if 2” vs. “quietly”

  5. Would regulate specific bits of the script/code


Porter, Stout, Coffee, Cocoa


All based on roasted seeds
Might be blended together in beer
Generally darker than unroasted stuff


Mary Grace 


Precision Medicine Analytics Platform (PMAP) data
— huge new asset!!!!
— cause for delay in IRB?
— maybe bypass 

Interested in using it? Reach out to MGB


CVD following KT
Leading cause of death
Excluding pre-KT CVD??




Build database as standard of care
Feed it back into EHR dashboard
Has already been done by biostats department


Submit IRB & 
Add to MGB IRB??? 
Candidates, Recipients, and their donors!!!
MGB may help out here since its expensive
Delivered in a data projection on SAFE desktop

eForm R (Christine’s) —> for IRB 
eForm S (MGBs) —> supplement of eForm R (from Christine)
Would potentially use eForm S on MGBs grant




H=X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X)

#age 65 
diff65 = coefficients(fit_2.1)[5]/1000 se65 = sqrt(vcov(fit_2.1)[5,5])/1000 CI65 = diff65 + c(-1,1)*1.96*se65 

#age 75 
A = c(0,0,0,0,1,10,0,0)diff75 = as.numeric(t(A)%*% coefficients(fit_2.1))/1000 se75 = sqrt(as.numeric(t(A)%*%vcov(fit_2.1)%*%A))/1000 CI75 = diff75 + c(-1,1)*1.96*se75 


Madness in great ones must not unwatched go




What is a man? If he foreseeth evil what does he? Hideth? Whineth? Or Tameth?


My wittiest aphorism

Aphorism contra Proverbs 27:12 contra Psalm 23 [37]


In lieu of TV:







Word of the month
Best word of all-time
Summarizes everything!


Brazilian Gourmet


  1. Burger

  2. Pao de Quejo

  3. Coxhinha

  4. Bolhinho de …

my #1 ethnic food from S.A.




English department


god save the king! will no man say amen?
A CurtainUp Review
Richard II

By Summer Banks


Shakespeare & Modernity


  1. Absurdity/Satire

  2. Trial of Hamlet/C-SPAN





— Medicare beneficiaries
— Longitudinal data
— Insights
— Foot prints of missing data
— Planning live donor data collection revisions


Thesis Committee


1.GTPCI advisor/Julie (jhoover2@jhmi.edu)
2.SOM thesis mentor/Dorry (dorry@jhmi.edu) 
3.Another GTPCI/Betsy (eking19@jhmi.edu)
4.Primary SPH/Caffo (Chair) (bcaffo1@jhu.edu)
1.GPTCI/Fabian (fjohnst4@jhmi.edu)(newkir3@jhmi.edu)
2.Primary SPH/Alden (agross14@jhu.edu) 

  1. Healthy older non-donors

  2. Incidence of hospitalizations (ICD-9/10)

  3. Trajectories of frailty

  4. Cross-sections of donor hospitalizations

  5. Footprint of missing data: see Macey


Jen Schrack 


*by looking at NHANES we’ve revealed that donors, though healthier than average, have increased risk —> AR
*first mortality, then ESRD, now we wish to go further upstream before ESRD (e.g. CKD, CVD, hospitalization, frailty)
*with older NHANES we don’t have great longitudinal data for our upstream interests
*here’s where NHATS comes to mind with caveats…
*there is no longitudinal older donor followup. At best cross-sections during hospitalization events… 

1.Healthy older non-donors
2.Incidence of hospitalizations (ICD-9/10)
3.Trajectories of frailty 
4.Cross-sections of donor hospitalizations 
5.Footprint of missing data: see Macey 

In that case, let’s meet in my office at COAH: 2024 E Monument St, Suite 2-700, room 710. See you then!

— disability trajectories: ADL, IADL, frailty, etc.
— cms-linked restricted file for ESRD: my access? IRB, 
— incidence of hospitalizations and associated ICD codes!!!!
— guide my cross-sectional donor analyses
— maybe cross-sectional comparisons
— unlikely to have disability collected in donors
— but will use text review of medical records… length of hospitalization, rehospitalization, etc.
— also pilots for R03/R21?


Physical, cognitive functional trajectories, but not blood work… 
2 and half hours at home… 
SBBP, cognitive battery, hearing and vision, etc.
Hospitalization, CMS (free linkage).. next c
*demographicas can be linked with medical claims 

Replenished in 2015
Covid mesed 2020 replenishment 

1.website… instructions
2.application to fill out
3.DUA with Hopkins/HATS/NIA (two diff. Applications)
5.NIA approval


The unclave… 


The other study—> ARIC… may have a lot of measure too.
Go to the website… fill out a manuscript proposal form… would help with labs 


Criminal responsibility


1.Sanity or insanity
2.Right before the criminal act
3.Does premeditation invalidate time immediately prior?


Timeline is everything
Bipolar, rapid cycling for instance
States come and go: being (truth) vs. becoming (process)





1.Time implies several interacting processes 
2.Q&A seeks some invariant being
3.Mutually exclusive: 1 vs. 2

— philosophy: parmenides/einstein vs. heraclitus/schroedinger
— competing risks: latent distribution if reality hadn’t happened!
— religion: was, is, ever shall be.. has no changeable “mind” like man
— science: isotopic only if viewed at the physically impossible speed of light!
— justice: premeditation (being) vs. immediately before action (process) 
— diagnosis: rapidly-cycling bipolar disorder, manic now, depr..




What art thou. That counterfeit’st the person of a king?
The knave counterfeits well. A good knave
I fear thou art another counterfeit,
Now counterfeit to swoon, why, now fall down


On schedule today


  1. Patton

  2. Hamlet

  3. Lebowski

No more after this!


Wedding anniversary


Nov 17, 1972




The Road to Kirya
Maurice Kirya


Alejandro G. Iñarritu Still Hurt by Robert Downey Jr.’s
Response to His Belief That Superhero Films
Are ‘Cultural Genocide’


Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu does not like superhero movies.
The Oscar winner said in 2014 while promoting
“Birdman” that superhero movies were a form of
“cultural genocide,” adding, “I don’t respond to those
characters. They have been poison because the audience
is so overexposed to plot and explosions and shit that
doesn’t mean nothing about the experience of being human.”


Tameth/Malcontent (Innate)
Whineth/Jesus (Source)
Hideth/Police (Prefrail)

Hope of deliverance from without!
At least religion’s error results
In cultural ties and bonds :)

21 grams? Del Toro!!!



#will e   
1f.ἡ ἔρις,κ  

  #metaphysical mc2 

   #physical χ 


 #adm V 6 on 09/03/22
— agency, dynamite —> atoms //quentin tarantino
— cause —> effect —> forever //woody Allen
— passivity, atoms —> narcotics //coen brothers
bowling, ransom, nihilists, ruined rug
— monumental
— antiquarian
— critical

 #ooo take II 10/10/22
— tameth/rigged: alejandro.iñarritu
— whineth/scream: coen brothers
— hideth/banter: woody allen


Takes a Village


  1. Spartans raised their children in cohorts, not families

  2. British-style boarding school does the same, at Eton

  3. The whole family-values argument is flawed, Duncan!




My love, what you see
Over there aren’t the stars:
It’s your nervous system

Alejandro G. Iñarritu


Iñárritu has stated that he believes music has had a bigger influence on him as an artist than film itself





Amores Perros


  1. Sparta: soldiers or workers

  2. Britain: boarding school

  3. Guadalajara? a finger up his ass!

Family values my ass!

              Know what? A baby born in Guadalajara

              gets a finger up his ass.

              - Why? - To see what he'll be.

              If he kicks, he'll be a soccer player.

              If he screams, a mariachi.

              And if he laughs, he'll be a homo.

              What about girls?

              We finger them until they're 18


Sparta was frequently a subject of fascination in its own day, as well as in Western culture following the revival of classical learning. The admiration of Sparta is known as Laconophilia. Bertrand Russell wrote:

Sparta had a double effect on Greek thought: through the reality, and through the myth…. The reality enabled the Spartans to defeat Athens in war; the myth influenced Plato’s political theory, and that of countless subsequent writers…. [The] ideals that it favors had a great part in framing the doctrines of Rousseau, Nietzsche, and National Socialism




Spartan boys were expected to take an older male mentor, usually an unmarried young man. According to some sources, the older man was expected to function as a kind of substitute father and role model to his junior partner; however, others believe it was reasonably certain that they had sexual relations (the exact nature of Spartan pederasty is not entirely clear). Xenophon, an admirer of the Spartan educational system whose sons attended the agoge, explicitly denies the sexual nature of the relationship.



#perros e 🤺 
1f.ἡ ἔρις,κ      
2e.πρᾶξις,σ r2  

   #amores mc2 ♀  
   4d.∫δυσφορία.dt,ψ #i.  
   5c.φάρμακον,δ Ho  

   #dolor χ ♂  
      7a.τάξη,α X=0   


 #ooo  take III on 10/12/22
— monuments sparta
— antiques britain
— critique guadalajara
— monarchy/tyranny/deus 
— aristocracy/oligarchy/telos
— democracy/anarchy/chaos
— agoge system
— boarding school
— finger up his ass


Critical Race Theory :)






Finds his ἀγών in Birdman


Why do they call the Ukraine war “unprovoked”?

It’s been known since the beginning of time that nothing like weakness provokes the strong!

They don’t treat you like a worthy adversary but an easy addition to their labor force




It’s all about knowing when to tame, whine, or hide:

Ecclesiastics 3:1-8


Abimelech was the generic name given to all Philistine kings in the Hebrew Bible from the time of Abraham through King David. In the Book of Judges, Abimelech, son of Gideon, of the Tribe of Manasseh, is proclaimed king of Shechem after the death of his father. Wikipedia




  1. Outstanding job!
    — Table looks tidy
    — Statistics believable
    — But its not yet perfect

  2. New concepts
    — Inclusion criteria
    — Recoding variables
    — Merge vs. append

  3. Table1_Nondonors
    — Overall n=76,153
    — Exact grouping required (e.g. Race: White, Black, Hispanic, Other)
    — Don’t include any subgroups that are not shown in Table_Nondonors (.e.g. Citizenship)



gamma function and exponential distributions
these are dominated my mind

counterfeiting data even so!

local n=10^4
set obs `n'
g beta=_n
replace beta=beta*7.3/`n' 
g fb = exp(lngamma(beta))
g logfb = lngamma(beta)
line logfb beta, sort 
graph export swoosh.png, replace 


Swinging between genius and idiocy… has an attention span of 3 seconds


Drugs still sellin
Snitches still tellin


As I Like It


I want people in places at certain times
Acting like people in places at certain times
Not some meta-analysis of such people, places, times


Donald Glover, I’ve written you off!


De devil hideth in de tails of de distribution


Meanwhile God reigneth in the middle and tameth it to his will

As such, the predictions and forecasts that come forth from parametrization are of questionable if any value to the sort who will not be governed: heroes and great men, on the one hand, and slackers and epicureans on the other


Ted Lasso


Only such a broken man could write so moving a TV show!

— Nanny diaries
— Saladgate
— Etc.

From harmony within he wrung out order, harmony, and beauty in a world gone awry. This is aesthetic


Lucy Fa vs. De Telos


War of the tails :)


St. Paul


I propose that Dr. Kasenene rebrand as St. Paul




#fwn III 2 201

Wit.—Wit is the epitaph of an emotion.

— mythos: ted lasso as a tragicomedy in finest form
— logos: q&a, capitulating to art, bravo!
— pathos: auteurs divorce
— from harmony within
— wrung out order, beauty in an awry world
— nanny, saladgate, harry styles, quite [olivia] wilde innit?


My Synonyms

10/18/22 - present


Superman, mythos, argos, ongoing, monumental, aristophanes, will, idiosyncrasy, delivereth, generosity, y, perros, action, tournaments, alone, hades, zeus, olympus, eagle/self, domination, sanguine, tyranny, heraclitus, desert, aphorisms, bge, lordstar, god, judges, eternal recurrence, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, figs, wild honey, locusts, festivals, psilocybin, soul, energy, nietzsche, power, iñárritu,


God, logos, telos, story, antiquarian, socrates, theory of everything, parameters, tameth, order, β, amores, verb, busy, cult, clouds for floor, stars for chandelier, heaven, church/superego, missions, the blood, monarchy, parmenides, paradise, beatitudes, good, priest, leader, romans, redemption of man, forever, bread, wine, sacraments, incense, spirit, chastity, freud, stunted, perry,


Devil, pathos, narcos, backstory, critical, epicurus, atomos, tvar, hideth, chaos, X, dolores, object, passive, herd, green pastures, still waters, america/id, hopkins, grants, belgians, anarchy, democritus, garden, eden, original sin, evil, satan, tail, genesis, fall of man, now, food, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, sex, marx, weak, allen,


PYt :)


— survival —> Area: P(Y < t = T or C)
— event —> Limit: C
— time —> X: T
. — P(T>t, C>t) = S(t)
— Y=min{T,C}; Delta=I(T<C)
— t
— here do simulation
— assume pars
— generate ts




1.Migrate from notes to RMarkdown
2.Strict format (see my.pyt.Rmd)
3.Hyperlinks, color codes!




Dinye Mawanda
Angela Aizire
Bunda Katende
Leona Buhenzire




After a seven-year itch
I conclude that this is my #1
Belgian across all styles


Vanessa Carlton



707k subscribers
335m viewers :)


Bryan Adams


Let’s make a night to remember 2:55/4:33
Have you ever really loved a woman? Hahahaha

Bryan Adams has been a vegan for 32 years; he quit eating meat and dairy in 1989.[352] He relayed his experiences with his plant-based diet in an interview with Vegan Life Magazine in 2016:

For those people who aren't veggie or vegan it was the best gift I could ever give myself to do it. I am turning 57 years old this year and I work hard, I am always on the move but I have tons of energy because I am plant-based. It is absolutely the best thing you could ever do for yourself. It is a great path.[353]

Adams has never married. In the 1990s, he was in a relationship with Danish model Cecilie Thomsen.[354] Adams and Alicia Grimaldi, his former personal assistant and now trustee and co-founder of his namesake foundation, had their first daughter in April 2011 and their second daughter in February 2013.[355] His parents are British, and one grandmother was born in Malta.[356] Adams has homes in London[20] and Paris.[357]
On October 30, 2021, Adams cancelled his participation in a tribute to singer Tina Turner, just before the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony, after testing positive for COVID-19.[358] On November 25, 2021, Adams tested positive for COVID-19 for the second time, and was placed in a hotel for a two week quarantine in Italy




I’ve a soft spot for this breed








1.Alejandro Iñárritu
2.Alfonso Cuaron

These motherfuckers don’t offer any metaphysical consolation
Maestro Cuaron might appear to do so in Sólo con tu pareja 
But the final scene is really a super-subtle critique of consolation
As for sampling the “distribution” they do a nice job
Each of the strata is represented
Mean, both tails, etc.
Random variables?
Persons, places, times
Under persons: race, ethnicity
What about places: often auteurs hometown 
Of course there is room for “away” 
For places: past epoch, current one/never future!!!


Amazing how business schools are still stuck with case-study method in the day and age of science. Instead of these hallowed HBS case studies, folks should have access to data from teams across the world and rigorously analyze it to find patterns


Rishi (to recap whom they passed over when they picked Liz Truss:)

  1. Winchester (like SMACK)

  2. Oxford

  3. Stanford

  4. Goldman Sachs

  5. Hedge Fund

  6. Chancellor

  7. Resignation ended Boris Johnson

& Married an Indian chic
Father-in-law is a billionaire



1.US $19T
2.China $12T
3.Japan $5T
4.Germany $4T
5.India $3T


Uganda is statistically significantly poor with a GDP of 0.03% of the world

This is an error in logic since it’s the same contribution as Estonia

However, Estonia achieves this with a population of 1.3m vs 41.1m for Uganda


LaTeX [35]


Yield spread



  1. downlaod dataset

  2. read into RStudio [38]

  3. include hyperlinik




Second derivative of log function
And statistics
With MLE of theta
The variance is - d2/d theta^2



Fisher information!


Passive voice

At 1:03/6:03 on 10/26/22

And I want to pay tribute to my predecessor, Liz Truss. She was not wrong to want to improve growth in this country. It is a noble aim. And I admired her restlessness to create change. But some mistakes were made. Not bourn of ill will or bad intention: Quite the opposite, in fact. But mistakes, nonetheless.


Abimereki Dhatemwa at 11:24 on 10/26/22

Unfortunately, these platitudes are meaningless

They’ll not make a convert of this fella ☝🏾

Uniting the country? That’s what I was reacting to. Folks from larger previously dominant tribes are threatened by unity. Things can only get “worse” for them as the “United Nations” take their country from them

We see it with the Baganda and Wazungu in America, UK, Sweden, Spain, Italy, France, etc

Also, and this is a question for P, as father, Christian, and educator: when one talks of family values, education, and raising our children, aren’t all these things at war with each other?

I say this as a product of all the above:

1.Church of Uganda did its job in childhood 

2.Boarding school did its job in teenage

3.Wider world has done its job in early adulthood 

4.And family has been the accompanying bass through out

5.Then science, philosophy, arts have proved to be disrupters of everything that’s I’ve been taught since childhood as “valuable”

So to me family values compete with education. They don’t complement each other. It’s the whole mess of boarding school and the various influences it brings. Is it the point to shield onself from outside influence? If so, then why not just remain at home instead of school?

Food for thought

And Ps responses especially desired since he is national leader in education, ministry, family, counseling :)

One last thing, with the ascendency of Indian culture in the UK (curry, kebab now not Fish & chicken and plum pudding), and the already eminent decline of the Church of England, Hindu May emerge as a source of values

Is a Christian to welcome these changes and trends?

This is the world my nieces and nephews are going to face as they seek further education and career opportunities beyond Kampala


Patrick Muinda at 15:32 on 10/26/22

D, thanks for asking.

When done as God teaches us in His Word, family values and Education actually complement each other. They are by no means at war with each other when done as taught by God in His Word.

Let's examine the facts in scripture:

Exodus 20:12 (The First family value, given as a command AND the only command in scripture with a promise)

Regard (treat with honor, due obedience, and courtesy) your father and mother, that your days may be long in the land the Lord your God gives you. A promise of long life!! ...as a desirable outcome of family values. Education alone cannot pull off long life. We've seen Proffessors cut their lives short by simply not living according to God'sWord.

2 Timothy 3:15 says, you took in the sacred Scriptures with your mother's milk as she taught you Godly, damily values! There's nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation, and success in this life through faith in Christ Jesus. (...added emphasis).

This too applies to formal education. As you study scripture to add to your knowledge of God and His will, we too ought to have a formal education to add to our knowledge of life in this world.

Jesus prayed for us when He said in John 17:15-16 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.

On the flip side, having Godly family values will keep you away from evil. Education does not even attempt to do likewise. If anything, education could draw you into science that instead draws you away from God.

The Apostle Peter exhorted believers to “make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge, and to knowledge, self control” (2 Peter 1:6).

When you couple this with the family values enshrined in honoring your father and mother, it will go well with you in the land God has given you...even your education and it's outcome thereof.

Finally, being a wholesome Christian who is educated and yet is established in Godly family values, the outcome is the creation of an environment of respect for God, for His Word and for authority. It will lay foundations of discipline, moral values and a work ethic that will prepare a student for life. That student will grow into such a pullar in society because He is well anchored in God's Word with education and solid family values.

I submit. God be with you.



Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man


Oktoberfest: Blood & Beer

It’s so cutthroat !!