

Bruno Bauer Karl Marx (thesis advisor: Bruno Bauer)
Friedrich Nietzsche (admirer of Bruno Bauer)


May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!


Life can be an utter nightmare, devoid of pleasures and amounting to nothing more than a rigorous course of turmoil for damned souls, so once in a while you need a reminder that there might be more to this realm, and this is one such reminder, in beer form. Looks like a snowglobe, filled with various films and floaters. Smells like warm grain and banana. Powdery feeling, dry, banana and clove and honey, sweet but w/ burps of fuel sitting at 8%. Thanks for the brief reprieve you Belgian wizards


Indeed, it was by keeping her official alter ego as vague as the unwritten British constitution, and her private persona hidden away altogether, that Elizabeth II became the most successful sovereign since Victoria, bringing relevance to a feudal institution that was 200 years past its sell-by date


Mirage: Dan Draper, Betty Draper, and their beautiful kids

I guess may viewers will idealize this Apollonian image of perfection
But the Dionysian details that emerge from Madmen refute this picture
Now, should we talk about the perfect balance between Apollonian and Dionysian?
Of course not! Its all silly metaphysics

Bottom line

  1. Bring in an account (industry)

  2. Winning a grant (academia)

  3. ???


David Simon 

Like a modern day Homer 
Has too many war stories to share 
Simply no room for backstories 
Except what might be surmised 
From dialogues strewn throughout 

Breaking bad also has none of this 
It’s Sopranos & Madmen 
That suffer from this fault 
With their Freudian formulae 
On which all stands or falls 

Freud is a metaphysician 
And so anything built on 
Psychoanalytic formulae 
Can be expected to last
Very briefly, Annie Hall notwithstanding 


Uncle, you always spoke to me like an adult. I liked it!
Kevin Kayongo
WoB, Bethesda, MD


Survival analysis


Hi all,

I have got a few questions since Friday, on how to calculate \(P(\Delta = 1)\) in HW1, so I am sending out a hint. Use the following formula (\(T\) and \(C\) are random variables, \(t\) and \(c\) are dummy variables, \(\int_{a}^{b}\) means integrating from \(a\) to \(b\), \(f_T\) and \(f_C\) are the pdfs):

$\( P(\Delta = 1) = P(T<= C) = \int_{0}^{ub} \int_{0}^c f_T(t) \times f_C(c) dt dc \)$.

Note that the outer (first) integral is with respect to c, and the inner integral is with respect to t.

I won’t be able to cover this in class further, but I found this thread of discussion providing some details/insights:

https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2915476/how-to-calculate-pxy-of-two-random-variables .

Best, Daisy



Req 92179: Sr. Research Assistant is right out of a Master’s program with no additional stats or clinical experience.
  Req 91861 or92179: Research Data Analyst if Masters and 1 year paid experience or a clinical background.


Favorite song? Teach my hands to war — Marvin Sapp/Aaron Lindsey

Favorite bible verse? Psalm 144

How to simulate bipolar:


  1. Starve

  2. Espresso

  3. Beer

  4. Music

  5. Dance


The wire >>>> Mad men


Mad men


1.Wikipedia reduces it to “identity” (aka being)
— Don Drapers fake identity 
— Selling products with fake identity
— Unfaithfulness and fake marital identity
— Being a woman, black, etc. and the identity that comes from social rank
— This is all metaphysical BS

2.I say as follows:
— Peggy Olson becomes
— Starts off as a fledgling, not-so-pretty, mere secretary, who has been shit upon
— But she is never resentful (i.e., is not a victim, but an willful agent like any of the men/bosses/masters)
— Only gets stronger, harder, faster, prettier, more powerful, more desirable, more impressive

3.Art rightfully replaces morality as the metaphysical activity of life
— In review #1 above morality is the undertone (i.e., the mores of the 1960s)
— Even the creator of the show thinks this way
— Yet in review #2 art, insofar as this show depicts the aesthetic phenomenon of becoming, is overtone
— Worth noting that the creator doesn’t see it this way

4.Flashbacks and backstories
— This attempt to explain being
— Why is this character like so and so?
— Oh, look to their childhood! Freud and such shit!!!
— And that’s why Don Draper is only interesting in the first two episodes of season 1
— He is a strange mysterious figure, ambitious, but alas already a genius at work
— Now, when the flashbacks and backstories unveil his being its all downhill from here
— Similar decadence in the quality of writing cross-talks to Peggy Olson
— Now we know where she comes from and what happened to her child
— Then there’s the priest who gets into her grill and starts to preach about sin and eternal damnation

5.How does Mad men pull it off?
— I guess its the honest writers
— They are honestly metaphysical and moral
— But also at times honestly awed by becoming
— And so its all in there, as it is in life!!! 


Nyege Nyege and its origins are truly a rebirth out of the spirit of music!



Congential: Adrenal*
Ecology: Hormones
Behavior: Neurotransmitters
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)
The entire spectrum of LGBTAI+



Khaby Lame, the Fresh Prince of TikTok, Is Launching His First Collection With Boss

With almost 141million followers on TikTok and just over 78 million more on Instagram, Khaby Lame is one of the most followed social media stars in the world. And how has the 22-year-old Italian achieved this? Chiefly through silently satirizing the ridiculous content that other people post in order to become more followed on social media. Now that really is meta.

“The funniest part of my content is the silence,” said Lame over WhatsApp yesterday: “Silent comedy speaks a language that everybody in the world can understand.” By doing in the digital age what Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, and Buster Keaton once did during the dawn of cinema, Lame has gone from unemployed factory worker (he started posting after being laid off at the start of the pandemic) to a man who rubs shoulders with global icons like Leo Messi: “Meeting him is one thing I still can’t believe happened.”

From 6 pm tonight in San Babila, Milan, Lame will launch his first-ever capsule collection with Boss before throwing a party later at the city’s most famous nightspot, Plastic, so his locally based fans will have the chance to see him IRL. “There will be a giant Khaby,” said Lame. “We will take Polaroid pictures. I will arrive on a scooter flanked by a team of BMX riders wearing the collection. It’ll be amazing!” Doubtless many more will check in via their screens too. Lame says that around 15% of his audience is from Italy, 25 % is from South America, and 30% is from the US*.

The Boss x Khaby collection is a tight ensemble including varsity jacket and hoodie. One surprising inclusion—and the reason for that ‘giant Khaby’ promised at the reveal later—is a Khaby doll designed to be used as an accessory or an attachment that can be snapped onto the garments. Huh? Lame explained: “When I was a kid I had an action figure of Vegeta from Dragon Ball and I’ve been collecting action figures for years. I’m really passionate about action figures and anime characters. And now to see that there is a doll of myself and there will be an event to launch it along with the collection… I’m super excited.” Lame's capsule will be on sale exclusively in Boss’s San Babila store today before going on global release tomorrow.

As well as pumping out content with his team every day, and thinking through his next capsule—“I definitely want to do another one”—Lame is also focused on learning English and plotting his future moves. He said: “I want to be an actor, like Will Smith. He started with comedy, then he made more dramatic movies. He’s done all sorts of films, he’s a great actor and I would like to be like him. In fact my passion for acting started with him, watching him in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Watching that show, I realized that I also wanted to make people laugh.” Lame is certainly doing that on social. And with that 200 million-plus audience already behind him it seems a no-brainer that we’ll see him on bigger screens soon enough.

*explains the unapologetic Brazilian jersey on an Italian: incroyable!




Nietzsche —> Elite
Freud —> Modern
Marx —> Worker




1.Uber rider’s first words to me
2.You look like a villain out of a movie 
3.Don’t at all fit in this environment 
4.And look suspicious, dangerous 
5.Not sure what it is but maybe:

— debonaire look 
— the fancy shades 
— very casual look 
— shorts, t, flip flops 
— je ne sais quoi 

x Nice conversation ensured 
x Told him girls say I look humble
x But later say my look is misleading 
x Also told him I loooove food 
x En route to Jerk Taco 

1.Asked for my number 
2.Former restauranteer
3.Nigerian by origin 
4.Wants to invite me 
5.Looking forward 

Chukwuemeka 4.92
Abimereki 4.97

I see no reason why thou shouldst be so superfluous to demand the time of the day




200.00 lbs






1.Have 43 servings
2.Should last till 11/01/22
3.Review this 50 days from now!


Many a time and oft, many a morning hath he there been seen

  1. Julius Caesar Act I Scene I

  2. Merchant of Venice Act I Scene 3

  3. Romeo and Julie Act I Scene 1


The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars / But in ourselves, that we are underlings


The cause is in my will, I will not come!


For mine own part it was Greek to me

Men at some time are masters of their fates. But in ourselves, that we are underlings. But, for mine own part, it was Greek to me. Let’s carve him as a dish fit for the gods.

Julius Caesar A1S2




This is a revolution!
Prefer audio to reading
Be a selective principle and..
Only choose the very best recordings


There is no disgrace in choosing tradition over growth. Other countries seem to do just that in their revealed preferences. But Italian per capita income is easier to live on when there is also Italian weather. Japanese stagnation is not so bad when there are also Japanese crime rates. If the UK embarks on the economic trajectories of those countries, what is its cushion?


#Epilepsy #Metaphorical #Prosaic 


1.Julius Caesar

But, soft, I pray you; what, did Caesar swoon?

He fell down in the market-place, and foamed at
mouth, and was speechless.

'Tis very like; he hath the falling sickness.

Cassius (metaphorical)
No, Caesar hath it not; but you and I,
And honest Casca, we have the falling sickness.

Casca (prosaic)
I know not what you mean by that, but I am sure
Caesar fell down. If the tag-rag people did not clap him
and hiss him, according as he pleased and displeased
them, as they use to do the players in the theatre, I am
no true man.


Belgian Ales


1.Blonde: Trappiste Westvleteren 95% * Malt (Beginners) ~ Lager
2.Pale: Orval 93%; (Strong): Duvel 94% * Balance: Hops/Malt 
3.IPA: Chouffe 93%, Duvel Triple Hop 93% * Hops Mostly

4.Dubbel: Westmalle 93%
5.Trippel: Van De Garre 97% (+ Unibroue, Westmalle, Karmeliet, Curieux)
6.Quad: Rochefort 10 99% (Westvelteren 100%)

7.Oude Gueuze: Tilquin 98%
8.Flanders Red: Rodenbach 99%
9.Lambic: Oude Lambik 3 Fonteinen 91%


To bear steadfastly the reverses of fortune


Andrew Lanham


Six degrees!


How he got my attention:

Philosophers and literary critics alike, from Walter Kaufmann to Jacques Derrida to Harold Bloom, routinely treat Shakespeare and Nietzsche as ciphers for one another, as if they were a strange form of conjoined twins, their tragic worldviews divided only by the vicissitudes of time


Macbeth was mismatched with monumental history — wasn’t able


Candace Owens


She seemed brilliant at some point
But the lady doth protest too much, me thinks!



Erin Levy


Mad men S4E5

She made me question my earlier judgments


Aphorisms, aphorisms, aphorisms!


Mad men has something very American: it’s always about accounts and a partners % contribution to the bottom line

Very, very individualistic even within an organization

Eris! [34]


  1. Captures American individualism within the context of a small firm

  2. Very much captures the zeitgeist with ERGOTs growth, relocation to NYU, and rechristening

  3. My tumultuous attempts to hold forte back at Hopkins


My Superpower


  1. I don’t judge!

  2. Women love this about me

  3. And so they share unbelievable shit with me

Beyond Good & Evil?


Life of Pyrrhus


Pyrrhus was preparing to launch an invasion of the Italian peninsula at great cost to both gold and life. Over a philosophical dinner Cineas asked the king, “Once you have beaten the Romans what shall we do?”
   “Once the Romans are conquered we shall have all the riches of Italy at our disposal,” Pyrrhus answered.
   Cineas paused, probably sipped from his wine and asked, “And what will we do then?”
   Sicily is near! It will be an easy victory.”
   Cineas thought a moment more. ”And then what shall we do?”
   "Then we will take Libya and Carthage,” the king replied.
   "What will we do after that?”
   "We will secure all of the Greek world under my rule,” the king nodded at the thought.
   “But what will we do then?” Cineas asked.
   “Ah, my friend,” said Pyrrhus, ”then we shall rest. We will drink wine, and talk philosophy, and enjoy the fruits of our friendship.”
Cineas looked around. They had wine. They had friendship. They were talking. “Can’t we do what you wish now without harming anyone with war or causing pain to ourselves?”
Pyrrhus’s reply is not recorded. The war went ahead. He died in one of his battles when a tile was thrown from a roof by an enemy woman, smashing his skull. Such accidents rarely happen in dining rooms, so the king would probably have done well to listen to his Epicurean friend and perhaps enjoyed the quieter life of the contemplative thinker.


Types of sufferers


Known by their challenges:

  1. To do (conquer lands, beasts, rule)

  2. To be (prepared for final judgement)

  3. To hide (in garden when task is conquer)


Detraction will not suffer it


I’ve had reversals of fortune


And like a phoenix…




Really enjoyed it yesterday: 10 sets!


Mad Men S5E13 : The Phantom


Very relatable, very!
This isn’t fiction


RMarkdown [35]






That dude has 100 problems!


My new not-so-subtle jab at Rodrigo


Kabaniha Grace


Had a wholesome chat with her today
What a joy we deny ourselves!
But what a beautiful day :)


Causal inference class


  1. Bill Werbel did it

  2. Liked it

  3. Term 3???





Born to…





Mad men captures my zeitgeist

  1. Small firm in large industry

  2. Individuals’ contribution to bottom line

  3. Disruptions: mergers, acquisitions, loses

This is American at core

We can forgive a man for making   
a useful thing as long as he   
does not admire it.   
The only excuse for making 
a useless thing is that 
one admires it intensely



The universal language of discourse:

  1. Metaphysics

  2. Being

  3. Knowing

  4. Substance

  5. Cause

  6. Identity

  7. Time

  8. Space

All men in history may be split into three groups:

  1. Time is the essence of everything

  2. Seeking truth (i.e., time-invariant essence) is the thing

  3. Here and now is the essence and can be accessed by using narcotics & alcohol

Even group membership subject to metaphysics:

  1. Changing identity over time, e.g. from 3 -> 2 -> 1 (i.e., becoming)

  2. Fixed in identity, i.e., regardless of time (e.g., oh ancient of days!)

  3. The issue of which yields most desired outcome

But even desire is subject to metaphysics:

  1. Agency (e.g., truthfulness)

  2. Ends (e.g., paradise)

  3. Passivity (i.e., life) [36]

However, in the end it is a question of “what then”?

  1. Doing

  2. Being (i.e., truth is best adventure.. Jordan Peterson)

  3. Hiding



#time e 🤺do it!
1f.ἡ ἔρις,κ      
2e.πρᾶξις,σ r2  

   #seeking mc2 ♀ be it
   4d.∫δυσφορία.dt,ψ #i.  
   5c.φάρμακον,δ Ho  

   #now χ ♂ hide
      7a.τάξη,α X=0   


 #ooo I 1 1 on 09/29/22
— having ambition/rule
— group or individual fulfillment (i.e., happiness, truth)/obey
— living in the moment/idle
— unveiled: willing, changing, becoming, stronger, greater
— veiled: benedict xvi (i.e., anything compromising “the truths” validity)
— everything under the sun has been done, so lets parte after parte after parte




  1. Time

  2. Seeking

  3. Now

All invoke “time”:

  1. Medium through which their will acts

  2. Ultimately irrelevant once “truth” is found

  3. Prudence of the suffering man aided by narcotics


Back story


1.Two Popes: compelling
2.Mad men: worst infraction




  1. Big data

  2. Health services research

  3. AI/Machine learning

  4. Translational research

  5. Clinical trials




Use it to become harder, better, faster, stronger Our work is never over [36]



#time e 🤺doing
1f.ἡ ἔρις,κ      
2e.πρᾶξις,σ r2  

   #seeking mc2 ♀ being
   4d.∫δυσφορία.dt,ψ #i.  
   5c.φάρμακον,δ Ho  

   #now χ ♂ hiding
      7a.τάξη,α X=0   


 #ooo  I 1  on 09/29/22
— post-treatment covariates: 
    unveiling, i.e., latent phenotypes, becoming
— randomized trials: 
    truth (veiled in blackbox, i.e., no process) 
— meta-analysis of 
     randomized trials: prudence!
— causal inference methods double-down on 
    variance-models, which is naïve
— neglects epistemological (e.g. latent phenotypes) 
    & ontological (e.g. sars-cov vars) changes  
— everything has been done: so lets just 
    do a quick meta-analysis of those deeds!
— over-time and within an ecosystem agents, verbs & objects 
     interact, create & destroy ontologies, etc.
— variance in a cross-section of time 
    (or serial cross-sections over time, varcov structure)
— bored by socratic education, uninspired 
     by antiquity: humes, fisher, etc.


Survival analysis


Pepe-Flemings is the right p-value for KM survival curves; 
log-rank only appropriate if you’ve plotted hazard function
and demonstrated non-cross-over of hazard functions!!!!!!

Ordering of hazards is preserved through integration of hazards
Thus survival functions are also ordered
But going the other way doesn’t imply nicely ordered hazard function

Cumulative hazard may remain ordered yet the hazards cross-over a bit, later on
Here we have the intuition as to why ordered survival may not translate into ordered hazards
So we’ve been abusing the log-rank test in virtually all publications



Worth writing a letter to NEJM about this critique
Stat Med is wrong forum!!! 
Boy oh boy!
The Bayesians have taken over NEJM
My points is moot


The Economist


Listen to the Liz Truss/Kwarteng article
Some interesting stuff there




  1. Amy’s Table 1 is exciting

  2. Consider NIS as control population

  3. Preeclampsia? Maybe not conceptually solid



#time e 🤺doing
1f.ἡ ἔρις,κ      
2e.πρᾶξις,σ r2  

   #seeking mc2 ♀ being
   4d.∫δυσφορία.dt,ψ #i.  
   5c.φάρμακον,δ Ho  

   #now χ ♂ hiding
      7a.τάξη,α X=0   


 #ooo  I 2  on 09/30/22
— i am a god
— thou art my god
— atoms, bossons, thats all*
— everything has already been done :)


Title of my book


Everything has already been done

1.Start with the epicureans
— Woodstock festival
— Dionysian mysteries
— Nyege Nyege 2022!!!

2.Introduce purpose, mortality
— Religion
— Philosophy
— Culture

3.End with imposing values on others
— Obama
— Trump
— Biden

That’s what an election “mandate is”
But to generalize: that is what life is about
Will-to-power or else live a life of ressentiment 




I know not if’t be true
But I, for mere suspicion in that kind,
Will do as if for surety


Tyler Perry


Revise my judgement?


Belgian Ales


1.Blonde: Trappiste Westvleteren 95% * Malt (Beginners) ~ Lager
2.Pale: Orval 93%; (Strong): Duvel 94% * Balance: Hops/Malt 
3.IPA: Chouffe 93%, Duvel Triple Hop 93% * Hops Mostly

4.Dubbel: Westmalle 93%
5.Trippel: Van De Garre 97% (+ Unibroue, Westmalle, Karmeliet, Curieux)
6.Quad: Rochefort 10 99% (Westvelteren 100%)

7.Oude Gueuze: Tilquin 98%
8.Flanders Red: Rodenbach 99%
9.Lambic: Oude Lambik 3 Fonteinen 91%


Where does Saison fit in this scheme?



#time e 🤺doing
1f.ἡ ἔρις,κ      
2e.πρᾶξις,σ r2  

   #seeking mc2 ♀ being
   4d.∫δυσφορία.dt,ψ #i.  
   5c.φάρμακον,δ Ho  

   #now χ ♂ hiding
      7a.τάξη,α X=0   

     *!race theory

 #fwn II 2 2 on 09/30/22
— i am a god: monumental
— thou art my god: antiquarian
— bosons, that’s the force: critical
— tyler perry, oprah winfrey, king richard, earl woods are refutations 
— conservatives only want to talk about greatness of our country
— proponents are critical of this single-perspective of history
— doing, willing, becoming, stronger, harder, faster, better.. our work is never over
— seeking the pathway to paradise, making the right decisions, staying true
— everything has already been done: big-bang, super-symmetry, whatever

as of 06/2023 i’ve swapped this as follows:

  1. monumental

  2. critical

  3. antiquarian




Word of the month

  1. Mad men

  2. D’Mile

  3. Lucky Daye

  4. Smokin’ out window

  5. Don Draper



#time e 🤺doing
1f.ἡ ἔρις,κ      
2e.πρᾶξις,σ r2  

   #seeking mc2 ♀ being
   4d.∫δυσφορία.dt,ψ #i.  
   5c.φάρμακον,δ Ho  

   #now χ ♂ hiding
      7a.τάξη,α X=0   

     *!creative destruction

 #fwn II 2 2 on 09/30/22
— zeitgeist
— volksgeist
— weltgest


Four score and seven years ago…


I can’t breath 2:22/4:46

  1. H.E.R.

  2. D’Mile

  3. Tiara Thomas
