


1.First authors with Dorry as senior 
2.My Stata class courtesy of Allan 
3.What may I leave others?

A-List (Change), Company
— Musculoskeletal
— Drop outta school
— Found another institution
— Best your school in market cap

B-List (Being), School
— Cognitive
— Have been a sponge for nearly half a century
— Killing it off!
— That we never ask questions that aren’t questions
— And instead proceed with hike to the mountain top :)

C-List (Abide), Idiosyncrasy
— Sensory
— Cassio Stereo sampling CDP 100
— 9 mile running at a pace of 7’-8’/mile
— Delights of the culinary kind
— Belgian beer
— Aged cheeses and snacking
— Chess: Kevin 

1.Pretty clear what I’ve neglected
2.My natural home judging by Rugby, Academic, Musical glory
3.But then I made a Knights move :)


Santiago Alvarez Arango (This is my Guy!!)

*Free-text data using natural language processing (MGH.. informatics person, had developed medical extraction from the tests)
— Why Massachussetts
— Not enough EMR at Hopkins
— Or no persons with analytic skills for free-test data.. 

— Allergy specialist: drug hypersensitivity
— EMR records: evidence of hypersensitivity
— Immediate Vancomoycine Hypersensitivity reactions

1.Phenotype (HEIGHT)
— Different vancomycin phenotypes 
— Focus on vancomycin infusion reactions (VIR), non-IgE
— New receptor Mas-related G protein (MRGPRX2) in cutaneous Mast cells

2.Exposure (SLOPE)
— Vancomycin is one of the most prescribed antibiotics (empirical, MRSA)
— Skin testing not validated
— Antihistamine slow inclusion may be preventive

3.Idiosyncrasy (INTERCEPT)

1.Describe EPI from EMR
2.Define skin protocol to distinguish non-IgE immediate to VIR (lower skin test threshold vs. drug-tolerant controls)
3a.Determine immunogenicity to vancomycin in recipients
— fully remotely 
— Remote consenting (change in protocol), at home collection, amazon gift cards
— data on vancomycin history
— MRGPRX2 mechanism favored by low immunogenicity
3b.Assess. basophil responses in functional basophil assays in vancomycin tolerant subjects 
— Functional 

1.twenty minutes of interactive discussion
2.comments about the work
3.methodological issue
4.ask presenter questions
5.then maybe open for general discussion

VIR — moving beyond “red man syndrome” 
Santiago et al came up with this term racially neutral term?

followup [26]




— Finally able to smile 😊 //comprehension
— Stately, plump, Buck… //anthropometry
— God, these bloody English //resentment 
— Snotgreen, a new colour for… //neologism 
— The mockery of it.. second-leg //hand 
— Rage of Caliban.. //compadre 


Canelé pastry cake
La Bohem cake 🧁



Daniel Hayes
Met at Food Market
Wife left him during his rehab 
Had head-on collision while driving
She’s not a gold digger, he insists


Invited me to send him ideas
That I could have patents to my names
Although his focus is orthopedics
Kidney Transplantation wouldn’t be a bad idea



Garnished salary
1.04/29 xxx
2.05/13 xxx



Malcom Gladwell 
Classifies intelligence:
General and practical
Declares them orthogonal
Fails to see the interaction

Analytic intelligence causes
Independence early in life &
Yet dependence fosters relationships,
Skills one may call interpersonal,
Practical intelligence!

By what lucky strokes does one have both?
Teamwork with a perfect foil
Realism from day to day 
Never asking questions that aren’t questions 
Lack of opposition to moral problems of others  


1.Identified a consilient philosopher 
2.Not the respected E. O. Wilson!
3.Have built a metaphysical system
4.Only to illustrate whence metaphysics comes
5.And what its destiny is: τάξη, same as realism
6.Resolved to return to the species essence:
7.Physical activity first and foremost
8.Adaptation is second-rate, reactive
9.Reminiscent of resentment 


1f.ἡ ἔρις,κ



3-11 piano
12-18 track, field & pool. Buy/Rent Stadium
19-22 software, hardware eng, pre-med
23-27 medical school
28-32 orthopedic surgery
33-35 sports medicine. Use Stadium as Clinic
36-90 rehab medicine. Ditto those with injuries

Registering, inc.






Meeting timelines!



The student, employee, colleague 
Who have mastered the basics 
And are very bored with 
Stuff others are doing:
Create extra credit, leadership, etc 

no follow-thru & thus importance of journaling! [7]


When I reach 200% of my move goal for the hundredth time (presently at 92), then I’ll refine my activity goals as follows:

1.Burning 1000 active calories 
2.After accounting for a 400-500 baseline 
3.Therefore I estimate the goal to 1500 calories 

Let’s make this work!! 




Maggie, a 48yo WF, says I’m a source of inspiration to her and her two daughters

She told the daughters about a man who decided to challenge himself and learn butterfly


Valentine (Redhead, Off White)
Natalie (Black girl)

Shared lanes with these two badass young ladies
At the end the black girl said I’m an inspiration
To her and to many others I’m not even aware of
Because I’m a black man who seems to be a
Professional and badass at butterfly




Ambition: Learn butterfly at 41yo
Meaning: Inspire others by my success
Pleasure: Badass body that could get them xxx



This music is indistinguishable 
From kifunda church music 
In Bwaise or Kawempe 
How did we lose the samba?
Or the salsa, mariachi??? 



My sleep position changed
When I started doing swim drills
Specifically the backstroke dolphin
I now comfortably sleep on my back!!
Preferably with dangling legs 



L 6’1” (I’m two inches short)
W 5’0” (Blade of scapular)
D 6’6” (Half-foot short)

Explains why I snugly fit
Backstroke Dolphin position
Knees slightly flexed 
Since legs are dangling 
And my arms streamline 


5 x 50s of each stroke = 100 laps = 1000 cals



Matt 22:17

17 Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?