

Muzaale, POE/GTPCI PhD

1.Logical thinking
2.Breadth of knowledge
3.Develop and conduct research

10-15min presentation


— Insurance companies & others may use your calculators for harm
— Consider IRB implications of proposed EMR: consenting, aquisition
— Publishing a paper that reduces access to donation
— Accelerometer and hearing aids: pertinent to gerontology and in NHANES/EMR

— Big picture (increasing trends for older donors)
— Gerontologist hat (confounding by indication in frailty for EMR: cause-inference methods)
— Statistics hat
— Effect-modification a big problem? What do we know? How common is donation over 50?

— Validating EMR for donors as NHANES has already be done
— Quality of EMR data: I’m a lazy clinician for instance
— Power size calculation: what difference in risk between groups is clinically relevant?


— Missing data mechanisms
— Validating new national registry
— OPTN oversight encouraging on clinical practice (e.g. eGFR in donors, CMS flags, etc)






Roger/Ruth (Knows dad, tribalism)
Tayebwa/Anita, Joannita



"I got out there to entertain audiences the way Hollywood entertained me. Make them forget their lives for a few hours and be thrilled, awed, or excited at the big room where make believe lives," Jackson continued


Donald Lawrence



1.MPH vs PhD? She liked my recommendation
2.From an affluent black family 
3.West Baltimore 
4.Transition in career
5.From federal government (Forestry)
6.And to health (MPH vs PhD nursing) 





To die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly. Death freely chosen, death at the right time, brightly and cheerfully accomplished amid children and witnesses: then a real farewell is still possible.. 
               #36. Morality for physicians. Skirmishes of an untimely man. Twilight of Idols

If it was a dog you’d put it down
           11:47min left, Afterlife E1:S1 
(Here we are introduced to Tony’s cantankerous funk — which he calls a superpower — that is founded on a contradiction: an atheistic view of the afterlife, but an idealization of a wife lost to cancer)

Why do we give dogs a better death than we give ourselves?



Had a girlfriend at every time between 2007-2018

Underestimated just how soft I’d grown in the interim 

One needs a stern philosophy from as earlier in life as possible 



Julius Caesar 15
Cesare Borgia 7
Napoleon 61



This monk, with all the vengeful instincts of an unsuccessful priest in him, raised a rebellion against the Renaissance in Rome.... Instead of grasping, with profound thanksgiving, the miracle that had taken place: the conquest of Christianity at its capital — instead of this, his hatred was stimulated by the spectacle. 

A religious man thinks only of himself. — Luther saw only the depravity of the papacy at the very moment when the opposite was becoming apparent: the old corruption, the peccatum originale, Christianity itself, no longer occupied the papal chair! 

Instead there was life! Instead there was the triumph of life! Instead there was a great yea to all lofty, beautiful and daring things!... And Luther restored the church: he attacked it.... The Renaissance — an event without meaning, a great futility! — Ah, these Germans, what they have not cost us! 

Futility — that has always been the work of the Germans. — The Reformation; Leibnitz; Kant and so-called German philosophy; the war of “liberation”; the empire — every time a futile substitute for something that once existed, for something irrecoverable.... These Germans, I confess, are my enemies: I despise all their uncleanliness in concept and valuation, their cowardice before every honest[…]”



86min 07sec/17km
86.12 min/10.563 miles 


74min 46sec/9miles





Man City vs Liverpool   
Sunday 04/10/22


177.2 after swimming
178.9 after a Pilsner & Larger (anticipated)



Max’s taphouse 
There’s 3 Jason’s 
Jason Saturday’s :-)
Jason 1 y’already know 
Jason 2 no affect, really nice, deep eyes
Jason 3 slightly bald, big beard, shy, little affect, really really nice 
Bob y’already know 
Scooter (wife is with Bloomberg school) 
Jeff (long-ass beard 🧔) confirmed 
Diana/Big “D” (Cinco de Mayo birthday) 
Jason (another one, who knows me, bushy 🧔, little affect!!)
Tim (young, capped 🧢 dude)
? Cheerful bold guy who knows me! 
Mac: young, shy, goatee, cap, knows my name!!!!
??? Bold dude, knows me, somewhat cheerful, is NOT scooter :-) Jammie 
Jammie is def the most cheerful 👨‍🦲:-)
Jay: knows me, no smiles, but really nice 
Racheal: new 2021 chic 
Didi: extremely pleasant big black dude. Upgraded to bartender from bouncer during the 2020 shitshow 

Scooter really is the bold dude with 
A wife at Hopkins who 
Travels a lot to Africa and places 

But who is the young dude?? 

Confirmed (by 🛴, whose wife actual works at JHPIEGO, but does some mentor-mentee shit at  Bloomberg); the young dude with a reverse cap 🧢 is Tim (what are the odds???)

Jason — looks like there’s 3 of them
Yeah — 200% emotionless, no beard too 
That’s also Jason! Jay!!

Rachael — hot Jewish 
Matthew — young, southern accent (Nice guy)

Max’s [24]



L’homme moyen


Mark 8: 34-38 : For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 


Examples of slacker protagonist becoming ambitious (aka losing their soul)
1.Henry V
2.William James
3.Not “The Dude”!

“To those who want to know where the hell’s my ambition, I say: and you, where the hell’s your well-being? Usually they stammer a few words and I understand by them that they’ve postponed it. Because first, they need:

1.Money (and a job);
4.A house; and,
5.Retirement plan

And people say I’m the one wasting my time!





2016 Oscars
— Mexican Best Director for The Renevant 
— Mexican Cinematographer for The Renevant

2015 Oscars “So White” (87th Academy’s)
— Birdman was biggest winner 
— Written, Produced, Directed, Cinematography— All Mexican!! 

2014 Oscars (86th Academy’s)
— 12 Years a Slave won best picture 
— Lupita won best supporting actress 
— Gravity (Mexican cinematographer, director)

2013 Oscars (85th Academy’s)
— Jamie Foxx nominated for best actor 



Chris Rock
Dr. Jamal H. Bryant
Keep my wife’s name out your mouth 

Romans 12:17-21
Vengeance is mine



Life = Will to Power
Evasion = Numbing this Will
Methods = Ideology or Chemicals


Will (to do)
Desire (to be)
Senses 🐘 🦒 🦓 🦔 🐄 🐅 

Only alcohol can keep man in hedonism 


She should have died hereafter;
There would have been a time for such a word.--
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing 

Ambition — thou shalt be king 
Meaning — signifying nothing 
Pleasure — increases the desire?

No, alcohol merely inhibits mans will 
Or numbs man whose will is too weak to climb 
What is left are base instincts, sensualist, etc 


0g.κοσμογονία,γ Mass/Energy
— Egypticism
— Roman 
1f.ἡ ἔρις,κ Flux
— Frailty 🐑 
— Robustness 🦅 
2e.πρᾶξις,σ Catabolism
— Peace
— War
3e.ἄσκησις,μ Anabolism
— Décadence 
— Culture 
4d.∫δυσφορία.dt,ψ Plus Ça Change 
— Memory
— Forgetfulness 
5c.φάρμακον,δ HPA-Axis
— Opium 
— Frenzy
6b.ομορφιά,β Exercise/Doping 
— Pretentious 
— Light footed 💃🏾 🕺🏾 
7a.τάξη,α Performance 🎭 
— Good & Evil
— Beyond Good & Evil



— Macbeth

L’Homme Moyen
— Hamlet

— Falstaff

Non plus ultra [25]



1.World views like “Jesus is the answer”
2.Virtually all ideologies 
3.Punchlines, devices, etc.

Metaphysical comforters


Study lucky daye — Teija is a fan & she’d thus far been disappointed by Neo RnB

Of course she’s an old soul — yob 1995 — and her late 50s dad was a DJ

Tisha-like, but looks 10 years younger!!



It’s art, and art only, that reveals us to ourselves 
     — Portrait of Mr. W.H. 

To err is human 
     — Alexander Pope 

All these things originate from that instinct which found in pain its most potent mnemonic. In a certain sense the whole of asceticism is to be ascribed to this
     — What is the meaning of ascetic ideals?



1.There should be an aristocracy
2.There should be mountains and valleys
3.Fresh brooks will always flow from high places to low


Psychology of money: the lesson here is.. 
— Anecdotes 
— Man of science isn’t moved 
— Successful
— Retired at 40
— Died at 92 with $8m
— Never trust retirement as achievement 
— It’s frailty 
— Patience as virtue 
— Greed as Vice 
Tremendous struggle reading this book 



Adams was a dedicated diarist and regularly corresponded with many important contemporaries, including his wife and adviser Abigail Adams as well as his friend and rival Thomas Jefferson


Ambitious — Kim
L’Femme Moyen — Khloe 
Slacker — Kourtney*

*PDA in S1E1 of both shows


80yo M

Presented: x 5 years (Insidious onset)?
— Palpitations
— Weakness
— Distance to bathroom

— Otherwise a very active person
— Above issues lead to Dx: NHL/CLL.. 2 cycles of CHOP including last one in march
— Received several blood transfusions (Hb was 4 earlier in the year)
— Bone marrow biopsy: CD20 immunofluorescence pattern on H&E
— Received x? Rounds of chemotherapy so far
— Chief issue now is??

Surgery: 10/2021
— Intestinal Obstruction
— Hernia

— HGB 8.2 g/dL (Origin of presenting symptoms)


Symptoms: nodes, fever, night sweats, weight loss, tiredness
4 types of NHL (this case is CLL)
60 sub-types
Rx: slow vs. fast-growing, local vs. spread
Chemotherapy increases risk of other cancers (e.g. R-CHOP: well tolerated)
Affects 2% of Americans at some point in life, 4% of all cancers
Mostly between 65-75yo
5y survival is 71%
Staging CT-scan after 3 cycles for response
Of increased prevalence over last 29y
Window of opportunity: had surgery in 10/2021.
Did he have anemia then?
Received a blood transfusion before surgery.. 


Hb at surgery


Peter Thiel and education reform


— Imposing 
— Lacrimosa 
— What makes man, Mr. Lebowski?

— Formulaic
— Lady, I got buddies who died facedown in the muck so that you and I could enjoy this restaurant!

— Circle of Fifths
— White Russian
— a “J” 🚬 
— Bowling

55. influence#

  • Many african americans have musical sensibilities that are heavily influenced by their grand patents. This is a consequence of the social disadvantages that result in young babymomas and daddies and the outsourcing of parenting to grand parents.

  • One beautiful unintended consequence is a strong generation-to-generation aesthetic, where type-I artists build their craft on a scaffolding of the past generations.

56. love, control#

  • Ms. Lauren Hill

57. Honesty#

  • Open up to both Vincent & Johnathan about my:

    • preferences

    • constraints

    • vision vs. what is best for them.

  • Who knows where this conversation will lead???


58. killing me softly#

  • Lori lieberman: Great songwriter, ok performer

  • Robert Flack: Restructured Lori’s kadongo kamu, opening with the F-minor chorus in a brief circle-of-fifths progression, which comes off as a capella-like given the subtle Rhodes Piano but prominent Roberta vocals, initially solo-like, but ~~gradually &~~ magically suffusing the air with delicate harmonies from 9ths to 15ths, as we are ushered into a word-less wailing session, where a 1970s-style bass is fixed on the E-Flat dominant, accompanied by drums that skip a beat as they do in reggae.

  • Lauren Hill: Ancestral worship session. No worthy innovation or attempt at usurping Roberta!

59. edit wk3#

Hide code cell source
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import numpy as np
#import sklearn as skl

#plt.figure(figsize=[2, 2])
G = nx.DiGraph()
#G.add_node(" ",  pos = (0, 3) )
G.add_node("regress",  pos = (1, 9) )
G.add_node("sum", pos = (-3, 4.5) )
G.add_node("lincom", pos = (1, 4.5) )
G.add_node("r()", pos = (-3, 0) )
G.add_node("r()*", pos = (1, 0) )
G.add_node("local", pos = (-1, -4.5))
G.add_node("embed", pos = (-1, -9))
G.add_edges_from([      ("regress", "lincom")])
G.add_edges_from([("sum", "r()"),     ("lincom", "r()*") ])
G.add_edges_from([("r()", "local"), ("r()*", "local")])
        nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'pos'), 
        node_size = 3500,
        node_color = "lightblue",
        linewidths = 3)
ax= plt.gca()
ax.set_xlim([-10, 10])
ax.set_ylim([-10, 10])
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 1
----> 1 import networkx as nx
      2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      3 #import numpy as np
      4 #import sklearn as skl
      5 # 
      7 #plt.figure(figsize=[2, 2])

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'networkx'

60. aries#

  • trip

    • missed my train

    • uber $68å

    • inbound/outbound tickets unused on charm-city pass app

  • plot

    • oustanding stage director

    • great, great cast

    • left at intermission


61. calendar#

Reconcile with Paulo’s:

  • arrives May 24

  • leaves June 8

  • booked June 1-4

  • otherwise flexible

Proposed activities:

  • May 25 Washington DC

  • May 26-28, Hamilton, BD

  • May 29 Philadelphia, PA

  • June 4 San Diego, CA

  • June 5 Tijuana, BC

62. todoby042423#

  • R03/R21

  • IRB

  • Rasheeda

  • Vincent/Andrew/Johnathan

  • NHANES/Invoice/Final

  • DS4PH HW7-9

  • Consider ATC: June 3-6 (to honor June 7 appt)

  • When is Amy presentation?

  • Maybe Tijuana for June 3-4?

  • MD drivers license renewal

  • Calvin: next steps

63. ibtl#

  • 2023: sui generis

    • Unprecedented roles

    • Mentoring, teaching, PhD

    • Thrown me off-balance, schedule

    • Return to relative normalcy after July

    • Grants will be my focus, publication (Mickey!)

  • Funding questions

  • Post-K award

  • But of course!

  • Fiscal year 2024

  • Cost-cutting measures (SoM)

  • 1-Year time-frame

  • If we can mitigate some stuff before: keep Diane in loop

  • Output from Thesis -> preliminary data for applications

  • More than one: NIH/NIA by Oct with feedback score in Nov

  • When will you be hear back… with score?

  • So push for October: so that 1-year notice grabs you with estimate…

64. hilger#

  • 9980 ft^2

  • 12 units

  • 833 ft^2/unit


  • 50-11 x 196-9

65. death on the nile#

  • strength

  • will

  • cause

  • & means to do..

  • opportunity &

  • what is more: the disposition to… kill

  • motive

& means

66. chatGPT#

  • The error you are getting indicates that pd.read_fwf() is expecting a file-like object with a read method, but it is receiving a byte object instead.

To fix this issue, you can use io.StringIO() instead of io.BytesIO() to convert the content of the response to a file-like object that pd.read_fwf() can read. Here’s an updated version of your code:

investigate why this works seamlessly in interactive session but not when git is pushed to hub

import io
import pandas as pd  
import requests

url = "https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhanes3/1a/adult.dat"
response = requests.get(url, timeout=50) # does this timeout fix my issues?
content = io.StringIO(response.text)
df = pd.read_fwf(content, widths=[5,2,1,2], header=None, encoding="utf-8")
df.columns = ["SEQN","DMARETHN","HSSEX","HSAGEIR"]
  • Here, we’re using io.StringIO() instead of io.BytesIO() to convert the response content to a file-like object that pd.read_fwf() can read. Note that we’re also using response.text instead of response.content to get the response content as a string, since io.StringIO() expects a string.

67. baptiste#

68. verbs#

  • to do

  • to be

  • to have...

  • Of all that is written, I love only what a person hath written with his blood.

  • Write with blood, and thou wilt find that blood is spirit.

  • It is no easy task to understand unfamiliar blood; I hate the reading idlers.

  • He who knoweth the reader, doeth nothing more for the reader.

  • Another century of readers—and spirit itself will stink.

  • Every one being allowed to learn to read,

  • ruineth in the long run not only writing but also thinking.

  • Once spirit was God, then it became man, and now it even becometh populace.

  • He that writeth in blood and proverbs doth not want to be read, but learnt by heart.

  • In the mountains the shortest way is from peak to peak, but for that route thou must have long legs.

  • Proverbs should be peaks, and those spoken to should be big and tall.

69. class700#

70. group#

  • Wafa: from 3/10 to 5/10

71. deus ex machina#

  • death on the nile coda

  • god emerges from the machine…

  • brings complete resolution to the plot!

  • sonata form a similar euripidean contrivance?

  • cantata has mostly been free of this corruption

72. fin#

  • Hercule Poirot:

  • I was thinking of Molière:

  • ‘La grande ambition des femmes est d’inspirer l’amour.’

Hide code cell source
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import numpy as np
#import sklearn as skl

#plt.figure(figsize=[2, 2])
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_node("truth",  pos = (0,700) )
G.add_node("women",  pos = (-2000, 960) )
G.add_node("nietzsche",  pos = (2000, 950) )
G.add_node("ambition ", pos = (-3000, 550) )
G.add_node("mrwh", pos = (3000, 550) )
G.add_node("beauty", pos = (-1900, 150) )
G.add_node("stendhal", pos = (1900, 150) )
G.add_node("inspire", pos = (0,0))
G.add_node("love", pos = (0, -475))
G.add_node("pon de ri", pos = (0, -950))
G.add_edges_from([ ("women","ambition "), ("nietzsche", "mrwh")])
G.add_edges_from([("ambition ", "beauty"), ("mrwh", "stendhal") ])
G.add_edges_from([("beauty", "inspire"), ("stendhal", "inspire")])
G.add_edges_from([("love","pon de ri")])
        nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'pos'), 
        node_size = 4500,
        node_color = "lightblue",
        linewidths = 3)
ax= plt.gca()
ax.set_xlim([-5000, 5000])
ax.set_ylim([-1000, 1000])


73. all nite’a#

  • wrap up ds4ph:

  • hw7

  • hw8

  • hw9

74. coen brothers#

  • A shaggy dog on the very subject of meaningless planted in the middle of the film ironically seems to be the “moral” of the story, it’s amorality if you will

  • In the final moments of the movie, the point is made by a huge, black, menacing tornado en route with Larry’s son at school. It’s the Coen’s most powerful and emblematic deus ex machina: an uncaring, unfeeling force of nature that needs no reason to appear, a literal finger of God that will destroy anything in its path

  • Like the force of God in their films, the Coen’s are getting further away from the mortal trappings of their stories. Plot, resolution, character development, message — these elements still exist in their films but they’re becoming increasingly abstract and removed from the proceedings

  • In their disappointing new comedy Hail, Caesar!, Ethan and Coen have a point to make, but fail in their purpose.

  • Never is there much sense that any of this is building towawrd anything. A soviet sub appears at one point, but it would take a much larger deus ex machina to rescue this shipwreck.

75. gender#

  • Not surprising that one critic is male and the other female

  • Women, who we may suppose embody whatsoever one may call Truth, often demand that things have purpose

  • Men are more open to meaninglessness. The female equivalent of The Dude will never get a cult following.

  • Yet we have famous royals including King Solomon, Prince Hamlet, Friedrich Nietzsche, whose philosophy is of existential despair or the overcoming of such despair through creation.

76. joshua#

77. ds4ph#

78. maidsmd.com#

  • $433 first

  • $227 monthly

  • M-F: This Friday

  • Will call me before

  • Local: 410-761-7300:

  • Julie (410) 847-9145

  • Towson manager

  • $182/month for 3 months

  • Includes $25/month discount

  • Normal prices after expiration

  1. isabel

  2. yeimy: yeymi@maidsmd.com

  3. claudia

  • call 24hr in advance to cancel

  • oustanding service, worth each penny!

79. dyndoc#

  • Lets push dyndoc

  • As close to Python’s jupyter-book and

  • R’s bookdown as is possible!

dyndoc nhanes-stmd.do, saving(nhanes.html)


80. annuŋŋamya#

Flowcharts have proven themselves good shepherds in relieving the anxiety of students in my classes, amidst the bewildering assault on their senses and confidence that my class material typically and deliberately is

Hide code cell source
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import numpy as np
#import sklearn as skl

#plt.figure(figsize=[2, 2])
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_node("workflow",  pos = (0,700) )
G.add_node("jupyter",  pos = (-2000, 960) )
G.add_node("dofile",  pos = (2000, 950) )
G.add_node("python ", pos = (-3000, 550) )
G.add_node("stata", pos = (3000, 550) )
G.add_node("build", pos = (-1900, 150) )
G.add_node("dyndoc", pos = (1900, 150) )
G.add_node("html", pos = (0,0))
G.add_node("push", pos = (0, -475))
G.add_node("ghp", pos = (0, -950))
G.add_edges_from([ ("jupyter","python "), ("dofile", "stata")])
G.add_edges_from([("python ", "build"), ("stata", "dyndoc") ])
G.add_edges_from([("build", "html"), ("dyndoc", "html")])
        nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'pos'), 
        node_size = 4500,
        node_color = "lightblue",
        linewidths = 3)
ax= plt.gca()
ax.set_xlim([-5000, 5000])
ax.set_ylim([-1000, 1000])

81. ta’s#


  1. rm help.ph34070071

  2. rm help.t4pmzoom

  3. rm tokenize.jasonhaw

  4. announce lab on T as in-person

  5. class content not identical to last years’

hw1 0. 1pt for correct .dofile name(everyone gets it), 1pt for correct .logname

  1. quietly { }: 10 pt –> 4 for qui, 3 for {, 3 for }

  2. if 0 { }: 10 pt –> 3 pt for if, 3 for 0, 3 for {, 1 for }

  3. if 1 { }: 10 pt –> 3 pt for if, 3 for 0, 3 for {, 1 for }

  4. quietly, if 0 indentation: 10 pt

  5. if, code-block indentation: 10 pt

  6. alignment of all if lodestars: 10 pt

  7. comments/annotation at each if: 10 pt (if 3 blocks, then each is 10/3 pt; if 2 blocks,then each is 10/5 pt)

  8. more detailed annotation at if 0: 10 pt (general statements about the purpose of the entire .do file)

  9. .log file specified in if 1 block: 10 pt (capture log close, log using, log close: ommission of anyone is -10/3)

  10. one point of ten (1/10) for each of these substantive issues:

  • q1 1pt: local maco content appears in logfile, embedded in sentence

  • q2 1pt: local maco content appears in logfile, embedded in sentence: 1/2 pt for male, 1/2 pt for female

  • q3 1pt: local maco content appears in logfile, embedded in sentence: 1/2 pt for male, 1/2 pt for female

  • q4 1pt: 1/3 pt for generate htn, 1/3 pt for label define, 1/3 pt for tabulate htn

  • q5 1pt: 1/3 pt for capture program drop, 1/3 pt for program define, 1/3 pt for end; 5 pt max bonus for correct output

  • q6 1pt: 1/3 pt for lincom, 1/3 pt for return list, 1/3 pt for any (r); 5 pt max bonus for correct output

  • q7 1pt: local maco content appears in logfile, embedded in sentence: 1/2 pt for r(N), 1/2 pt for c(N)

  • q8 1pt: writes sentence 1/2 pt, includes estimated time 1/2 pt

  • jianan

  • noshow

  • unresponsive

82. mickey#

  • write a grant proposing your original phd stuff as a pilot

  • larger u01 with hopkins as data-coordinating/ai-building center

  • this can be your career plan and grow it over next 20 years :)

83. city#

  • I live in the inner city, next to graffiti

  • Which might look shitty, but is actually pretty

  • And some would even say witty,

    • So… I’m totally down wit’ it!


84 love#

85 sharon#

  • permit

    • July 7, EU permit expires

  • conference

  • ESOT Congress 2023

    • September 17-20, Athens

86 todoby04282023#

  1. ATC

  2. BGE

  3. Xfiniti

  4. Visa


87 haydn#


Passcode: +F!U77Xz

88 vickings#

piers morgan hilarious 3:33/15:22

Who is gonna pay me and my family reparations for what the Vikings did to us?

89 coolstuff#

  • coefplot //idea from R

  • nmissing //install package

  • here are the references

90 arking#

  • talk to HR (Diane Call) or admin (Diana Brown)

  • how much would it cost me to hire him

  • is he still in the system anyway?

91 control#

  • old testament

    • god creates man

    • loses control

    • gets pissed

  • new testament

    • sends a fixer

    • mixed results

    • ongoing drama

  • before chatGPT

    • man creates ai

    • loses control (fiction)

    • gets pissed (fiction)

    • sends a fixer (fiction)

    • mixed results (fiction)

  • after chatGPT

    • openai creates chatGPT

    • goes live in 12/2022

    • 1m subscribers in 1 month

    • 100m subscribers in 2 months

    • tech titans and elon musk panic

92 jvalentine#

  • listen at 26:00/2:42:42

  • what makes a banger?

  • relatable to one who:

    • can’t sing

    • or is drunk

93 spjd#

  • sekimpi

  • nicolas

  • us, india, etc.


94. hand#

  • play the hand you are dealt whether it be:

    • melody

    • cards

    • life

  • they yield infinite possibilities:

    • harmonies

    • plays

    • tasks

  • case in point:

95. wagner#

  • symphony in c major, wwv 29

  • composed in 1832

  • he was only 19yo

  • thought it was beethoven’s 1st or 2nd

  • oh, the potential if he’d taken on the classical masters!

  • but instead of usurpation he invented his own aesthetic:

  • gesamtkunstwerk: chickened out against the big boys

96. hw1sol#

  • use as springboard for loops

  • #delimit ;

  • .dofile structure

  • if 0 { –> text, documentation > annotation

  • tidy summary of pwd, r(mean), by, program define

  • now: capture plus added flexibility with syntax varlist

  • anyways, hw1sol is a most succinct summary of the content of 1st half of term

    • created macros called row1, row2, row3, …, row12

    • in brief: macros row1 thru row12

    • the way to express it in code is:

      forvalues i=1/12 {
          di `row`i''
    • lines 170-174 in your hw1 solution

97. whitney#

  • watching this brings clarity to my mind:

    • bobbi kristina brown, and every other child

    • must be raised by the village

    • never by their moma!!!

    • and this is how

    • it has been done

    • since the beginning of time

    • yet in these modern times

    • this age of unbriddled

    • das kapital:

      1. family unit

      2. american dream

      3. suburban house

      4. narrow ambitions

      5. these things dominate

  • a renaissance is urgently needed

  • back to the spirit of sparta

  • some vestiges in the boarding-school system of the uk

98. beauty#

  • circle of fifths with brownstone

  • taking chances (opposite of circle of fifths)

  • playing games (mingling chromaticism & circles…)

  • gordon chambers (song writer)

    • i apologize - anita baker

    • brownstone - if you love me, in the game of love (my personal fave)

    • missing you - brandy, tamia, gladys knight, chaka khan

    • someone watching over you - yolanda adams

99. hierachy#

  • silent partner: daryl simmons

  • the underdogs

  • higher up: babyface, dark child

100. kim#

  • her life kris kross’ mine

  • same year of birth

  • and same state of birth

  • plus more nuance

    • damon thomas (babyface)

    • brandy (my fave in teenage)

    • kanye (warming up to him after a decade or so)

101 darkchild?#

  • i like them girls

  • and the actual credits?

  • harvey mason, jr

102 ai#

sneak peak

103 oral#

104 eufa#

  • rma vs. man city may 9: odds 365 +200 leg 1, + 130 leg 2, man city

  • ac vs. inter may 10: odds 365 +170 leg 1, + 187 leg 2, inter

104 ph340700#

  • i can’t recognize a few folks

    1. wog

    2. jg

    3. jm

    4. sk

    5. xz

  • email me: 0% for participation thus far

105 xinran#

  • trouble reproducing this: https://jhustata.github.io/book/ddd.html

    • split

    • destring

    • encode

  • similar trouble with hw1.q5

    • dx

  • notes that classmates don’t seem to have similar issues:

    • her “trumination” causes her to “overthink” things

    • wonders how she may “distribute the energy” away from one issue

    • constantly facing “decision trees”, which quickly get overgrown

    • is self-confessed \(3\sigma\) extrovert

    • responds to emails at 3am, maybe needing little in way of sleep

    • distracted from in-person class sessions on Th by meeting with mentor

  • otherwise is all-round charming

106. macro#

di "hello `c(edition_real)'"
  • name

  • content


107. aiko#

Good morning,

I wish to express our frustration at the inconsistency in the pool-related services at the Weinberg Y. A number of us have very tight work-schedules with a narrow time-window from 5:00 AM - 6:30 AM to put in our 90min of lap-swimming.

When a lifeguard is late or a no-show our start to the day the day is disrupted. Unfortunately this has become a well-established routine at Weinberg and, as such, the first question I always ask the front desk on arrival at 5am is “do we have a lifeguard today?”

This isn’t a question I should ever be asking! Regardless of what difficulties you are facing in proving a consistent pool-service, the minimum your no-show lifeguards ought to do is send out a notification by 4am letting us know that the pool will not open.

Maybe this is too much to ask?


108. dawking#

  • top 5 rnb: 2:13:13/2:42:42

    • ribbon in the sky - stevie wonder

    • a song for you - donny hathaway

    • after the love is gone - earth, wind & fire

    • after all - al jarreau

    • get here if you can - oleta adams

109. joshua#

  • BoA: $775 from nite

  • GS: $799.25 ($775 + $24.25 processing fee); confirmed

  • However, only $593.90 charged by NBX* Campus Living Cntr

  • Deposit or rent, this first charge?

110. ds4ph#

  • begin: 5:30pm

    • ~desktop/0g.κοσμογονία,γ/2.pantheon/python.ipynb

    • my pwd for interactive, exploratory, learning session

  • end: 5:30am

    • now able to run R in terminal, interactively

    • still unable to run R scripts in .ipynb


111. diamonds#

  • sons in netflix series rought diamonds

    • prodigal

    • orthodox

    • weakest

  • analogous to type I, II, III artists

  • god father series

    • michael

    • sonny

    • fredo

  • my emergent credo:

    • tameth

    • whineth

    • hideth

112. non-Hodgkins#

  • b-cell

  • cd20+

  • cd138-

113. ds4ph#

114. torch#

Hide code cell source
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sklearn as skl

#plt.figure(figsize=[2, 2])
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_node("X1",  pos = (0, 5) )
G.add_node("X2",  pos = (1, 5) )
G.add_node("X3",  pos = (2, 5) )
G.add_node("X4",  pos = (3, 5) )
G.add_node("X5",  pos = (4, 5) )
G.add_node("X6",  pos = (5, 5) )
G.add_node("X7",  pos = (6, 5) )
G.add_node("X8",  pos = (7, 5) )

G.add_node("H11",  pos = (1.4, 4) )
G.add_node("H12",  pos = (2.8, 4) )
G.add_node("H13",  pos = (4.2, 4) )
G.add_node("H14",  pos = (5.6, 4) )

G.add_node("H21",  pos = (2.1, 3) )
G.add_node("H22",  pos = (4.9, 3) )

G.add_node("H31",  pos = (1.4, 2) )
G.add_node("H32",  pos = (2.8, 2) )
G.add_node("H33",  pos = (4.2, 2) )
G.add_node("H34",  pos = (5.6, 2) )

G.add_node("H41",  pos = (0, 1) )
G.add_node("H42",  pos = (1, 1) )
G.add_node("H43",  pos = (2, 1) )
G.add_node("H44",  pos = (3, 1) )
G.add_node("H45",  pos = (4, 1) )
G.add_node("H46",  pos = (5, 1) )
G.add_node("H47",  pos = (6, 1) )
G.add_node("H48",  pos = (7, 1) )

G.add_edges_from([ ("X1", "H11"),  ("X1", "H12"),  ("X1", "H13"),  ("X1", "H14")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("X2", "H11"),  ("X2", "H12"),  ("X2", "H13"),  ("X2", "H14")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("X3", "H11"),  ("X3", "H12"),  ("X3", "H13"),  ("X3", "H14")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("X4", "H11"),  ("X4", "H12"),  ("X4", "H13"),  ("X4", "H14")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("X5", "H11"),  ("X5", "H12"),  ("X5", "H13"),  ("X5", "H14")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("X6", "H11"),  ("X6", "H12"),  ("X6", "H13"),  ("X6", "H14")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("X7", "H11"),  ("X7", "H12"),  ("X7", "H13"),  ("X7", "H14")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("X8", "H11"),  ("X8", "H12"),  ("X8", "H13"),  ("X8", "H14")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("H11", "H21"),  ("H11", "H22")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("H12", "H21"),  ("H12", "H22")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("H13", "H21"),  ("H13", "H22")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("H14", "H21"),  ("H14", "H22")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("H21", "H31"),  ("H21", "H32"),  ("H21", "H33"),  ("H21", "H34")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("H22", "H31"),  ("H22", "H32"),  ("H22", "H33"),  ("H22", "H34")])

G.add_edges_from([ ("H31", "H41"),  ("H31", "H42"),  ("H31", "H43"),  ("H31", "H44")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("H31", "H45"),  ("H31", "H46"),  ("H31", "H47"),  ("H31", "H48")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("H32", "H41"),  ("H32", "H42"),  ("H32", "H43"),  ("H32", "H44")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("H32", "H45"),  ("H32", "H46"),  ("H32", "H47"),  ("H32", "H48")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("H33", "H41"),  ("H33", "H42"),  ("H33", "H43"),  ("H33", "H44")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("H33", "H45"),  ("H33", "H46"),  ("H33", "H47"),  ("H33", "H48")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("H34", "H41"),  ("H34", "H42"),  ("H34", "H43"),  ("H34", "H44")])
G.add_edges_from([ ("H34", "H45"),  ("H34", "H46"),  ("H34", "H47"),  ("H34", "H48")])

#G.add_edges_from([("H11", "H21"), ("H11", "H22"), ("H12", "H21"), ("H12", "H22")])
#G.add_edges_from([("H21", "Y"), ("H22", "Y")])
        nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'pos'), 
        node_size = 1000,
        node_color = "lightblue",
        linewidths = 3)
ax= plt.gca()
ax.set_xlim([-.5, 7.5])
ax.set_ylim([.5, 5.5])

115. autoencoders#

  • missing data

  • bootstrap

  • cryptography/disclosure risk

review 04/25/23 ds4ph recording

116. cobb#


117. arsenal#

  • today: 1 -182 x +350 2 +450

  • epl: -450 man city, +333 arsenal

  • and the streets have spoke

  • they were right: 4-1

118. mylife#

  • X1 worship/revere

  • X2 son

  • X3 brother

  • X4 playmate

  • X5 classmate

  • X6 aquaintance

  • X7 friend

  • X8 student

    • H11 organist

    • H12 pianist

    • H13 heaven-bound

    • H14 co-instructor

      1. H21 rugby-coach

      2. H22 prefect

        • H31 self-conscious

        • H32 lover

        • H33 navel-gazer

        • H34 decadent

          • H41 md

          • H42 mph

          • H43 phd

          • H44 faculty

          • H45 mentor

          • H46 teacher

          • H47 researcher

          • H48 swimmer

119. reverence#

  • fave hymn

  • very engaging harmonies

  • deeply poetic verses

120. l’homme#

121. eli#

  • noah: rigorous

  • eli: defrauded

  • yanki: simpleton

    the simpleton flirteth with wolves yet he really should be in hiding!

122. xenotx#

  • 05/08/2023

  • 12-1pm

  • zoom


123. text#

  • import nltk

    sentences = nltk.tokenize.sent_tokenize(note)
    words = nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(note)
    for i in range(3):
  • identify geriatric syndromes in a process of unsupervised learning

  • EHR from 2013-2023 (e.g. Kaiser Permanente, Hopkins)

  • footprints left in large databases not available for most research

  • this is a major innovation that i’ve gots to pilot!

124. emails#

  • check for conflicts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • diana call

  • fawaz (diana call vs. diane brown)

  • hotel, flights, conferences

  • vincent emergency

  • betsy, durand

  • class700 office hour

  • rasheeda response

  • cltx ***

  • irb

  • nhanes invoice

  • ds4ph 7-9 ***

  • amy presentation

  • md drivers licence

  • tijuana

  • calvin

  • arking

  • voice memos

  • wagner neatly fits without

  • find henry lang essay on mozart at 250

  • email noshow class700s

  • kajjimbi, kase

  • i say rejoice: nltk

  • xujun gu

  • ping

  • asma rayani

  • mahanna elsheik

  • cris/gtpci

  • amy chang


125. meetings#

  • 01:30 Mahanna

  • 02:30 Mozart at 250

  • 04:00 Calvin

  • 05:00 Arking

  • 06:00 Cltx

  • 06:30 NHANES invoice

  • 07:00 Cris

  • 08:00 Diana/Vincent

  • 09:00 Kase/Kajjimbi

  • 10:00 Fawaz, Betsy/Durand

  • 12:00 Class700

  • 14:30 Amy

  • 15:30 Asma

  • 16:30 Xujun

  • 17:30 MD license

  • 18:30 Rasheeda

  • 20:00 Fawaz

126. catchup#

  • todoby

  • emails

  • other

127. remember?#

  • act one 1:45/4:49

  • secrets about

  • hardier sex

128. describe#

  • john singleton

  • tyler perry

  • david simon

  • rich harrison

  • raphaelsanzio

  • general patton

  • richarc ii

  • verzuz

  • elizabeth truss

  • pearl of africa

  • homerΟμηρος

  • john falstaff

  • julius caesar

  • epicurus hamlet

  • daft punk

  • cornel west

  • empedocles

  • gaius cassius

  • democritus

  • aristotle

  • armondo iannucci

  • oscar wilde

  • tucker carlson

  • hamlet dane

  • big lebowski

  • kevin duncan

  • anthony kennedy

  • heraclitus ephesus

  • epilogue

  • aléjandro iñarritu

  • dionysus

  • st. paul

  • linda fried 20747

  • sigmund freud

  • lucy-fa de telos

  • james watson

  • mohan kiwanuka

  • théophile gautier

  • augustine hippo

  • jeff bezos

  • gangubai kathiawadi

  • worthy adversaries

129. dropbox#

  • 0g.κοσμογονία,γ

    1. cosmogony

    2. pantheon

    3. dna.origins

    4. germline

    5. zero.woman

  • 1f.ἡἔρις,κ

    1. ontology

    2. theomachy

    3. histone.steroids

    4. forecast

    5. one.adversary

  • 2e.πρᾶξις,σ

    1. strong

    2. warfare

    3. acetyl.neurotrans

    4. explain

    5. two.changeable

  • 3e.ἄσκησις,μ

    1. weak.oppressed

    2. peace.guilds

    3. transferase.muscle

    4. xplicate

    5. three.faith

  • 4d.∫δυσφορία.dt,ψ

    1. shibboleth

    2. dystopia

    3. expression.skeleto

    4. describe

    5. four.hope

  • 5c.φάρμακον,δ

    1. plus.ça

    2. opium.utopia

    3. metabolome.diet

    4. change

    5. five.love

  • 6b.ομορφιά,β

    1. revelation

    2. powerwill

    3. wide.r2.climb

    4. become

    5. six.telos

  • 7a.τάξη,α

    1. epistemology

    2. hall.of.fame

    3. association.rank

    4. aesthetic

    5. seven.comfort


130. inflection#

  • uc irvine has a position

  • vincent should submit app by nonday

  • the uci folks understand the process quite well

  • hr will offer job and release necessary info or certification

  • let vincent call fawaz at 9:00am PST tomorrow

  • fawaz used Diane Brown, not Diana Call

  • \(48/hr\) + 34% fringe -> \(70k\)?

  • with f->60%, a->40%

  • hopkins hires, uci subcontracts

  • if f->100%, comes to $90k

  • may ask diane brown what lowest pay for v is

  • she can find the code for this

  • f & a -> email diane brown on monday

    • r03 is exclusively for k08/k23

    • use to support analysts, extension of grant, etc

    • its sort of guaranteed money

    • because it is non-competitive

    • r21 is competitive; may subsequently apply for it

    • v !-> trc, but 100% -> f&a

    • asn may 23 abstract

131. amy#

  1. Use active voice throughout:

    • We did this, then we did that

    • NOT this was done, then that was done

  2. Great table1 that is native to .PPT:

    • But highlight one item at a time, when you speak about it

    • NOT three items simultaneously; no one can process all that at once

    • And you have an additional minute!!

  3. Crude cumulative incidence:

    • I’ve never heard of this term before

    • Report a cumulative incidence or not at all, but there’s nothing like “crude” incidence

    • How did you get these numbers? Kaplan-Meier? If so, then give us a graph!!!!

  4. Figure 1 = Model 1; Figure 2 = Model 2

    • Give each a name:

    • Predonation risk (Model 1); mostly useful at donor evaluation and during the consent process

    • Postdonation risk (Model 2); useful for postdonation vigilance

  5. You talked of tests for interaction in your model

    • Was this motivated in the background section?

    • If not then completely eliminate that stuff from your talk

    • Do not surprise us with new ideas like ADI in the results; motivate them in the background or remove them!

  6. To recap:

    • Show more interest in what you are presenting by TAKING YOUR TIME AND SAVORING IT

    • We in the audience could tell that you couldn’t wait to get done :(

    • Use highlighted boxes to HIGHLIGHT one-item-at-a-time

    • *Never, EVER highlight more than one item at a time: you have a WHOLE extra minute, and less content!

    • It’s perplexing to the audience when you do that; our delicate, distractible minds can only take so much at a time


132. source#

  • weihenstephaner (hefe weisßier, vitus)

  • st. bernardus abt 12

  • rocheforte 10

  • orval

  • 3 fonteinen

  • saison dupont

133. fav#

  • jhu analysts $46800, $22/hr

  • adds up to $25k at 100% effort

  • its $21k at 80% effort

  • f wants this analyst and i’m collaborating with him

  • so it becomes cost-efficient, this arrangement

  • talk to my post-award manager

134. constraints#

  • self-imposed

    • neglected old customs

  • origin of aesthetics

  • jhustata

    • book chapters

    • .dofile right margin

    • if xxx { code-blocks

    • bare minimum of green annotation text

    • absolutely no /// line continuation

    • incidental discovery of */

    • */ style line-continuation in stcox.ado v 06mar2023

    • spurred even more innovations including:

    local q1p1: di "a very long string1, the first half of one mega string"
    local q1p2: di "a very long string2, the second half of one mega string"
    di "`q1p1` `q1p2`" //concatenate
    • mechanism by which tradition -> innovation

135. innovate#

  • teaching

    • 2 classes in spring

    • 1 class in the summer

  • student

    • 1 class in the spring

  • mentoring TRC

  • working on doctoral thesis

  • completing grant research

  • how to find time to apply for grants?

  • absolutely critical that i hire!!

136. grants#

  • r03/r21 deadlines

  • feb 16, june 16, oct 16

  • limited to k awardees (100K max over two years)

  • this would finance two analysts

137. apple#

138. guitarcenter#

  • digital piano

  • my #1 recommendation

  • for last 15y