


A framework for IT Project Implementation in Uganda 

— Business process & structure (hierarchical tree)
— IT process & structure (hierarchical tree)
— Synergy 

X Management/Not lacking.. 
X Governance/This is what is going wrong


Aspects of governance (e.g. project risk) — subject 
— object 


Cefixime 2x1


Pointers to the existence of God?

1.This isn’t subject to scientific inquiry 
2.It also commits the greatest human error 
3.Reality is turned on it’s head 

#1. Origin of an error
— First, an abstract concept is introduced (ie God)
— Second, human beings craving relief from a chaotic reality find comfort in this concept 
— The said human beings will go to pains to prove or support the concept 

#2. Where science differs 
— First, a concrete aspect of reality that our senses can detect is introduced (eg our eyes see light, our ears hear sound, our nose smells molecules, our tongue detects molecules, our other senses detect vibrations, heat, cold, etc) real stuff!! 
— Second, curious creatures called scientists document the impact of those external realities on their senses and attempt to reproduce this experience beyond their anecdotal experience (ie the trials are repeated across several observers) and statistical summary of the observations with a mean and variance is documented 
— Finally, the findings are submitted for peer-review to weed out abstract concepts, clarify errors in logic, and ensure reproducibility of findings 

As you can see, “God” isn’t subject to science


— Phillip Ntege


9b Prof Muzaale Close — Bazeyi
8 Prof Muzaale Close — J’s



Come Oh Long Expected Jesus 
Love Divine 
Come Holy Ghost 
The Lord Is My Shepherd 
Be thou my guide



Igumba iwala lifa ni ilizala


Peckham, Denmark Hill, and Camberwell Green



— summer
— 4th term

— summer 
— 4th term 

3.Primary SPH 
— epidemiology 
— aging, COAH 

— databases 
— clinicians strictly 


Ms. Ndagije,

You’ve brought the greatest joy to my life merely by being who you are & sharing a bit of you with me.

Thank you!!




— Understood root cause of human error: frailty

— Testing peak performance on land & in water 



Jeremiah 32:32



1.I don’t care (Ariana Grande) 
2.You’re all I need to get by (Marvin Gaye) 


Muddling through



— 140.642.71 sign of clinical experiments 
— W-2 forms in ESS
— https://sis.jhu.edu (overdue)

2.Benchmarks (of courses)
3.Oral exam
4.Tuition remission/Emma
5.Add/drop period ends Fri Jan 28th

*covid test!!! 



1.UG airlines reservation number: 3BG947 
2.Booking.com reservation: 2917532304 
3.ADMAS Entebbe: taxi at 5am, $16
4.Tamarid restaurant: david recommended 
5.E-ticket: 109-6963824869

— Tamarid 
— Jahazi 

https:arrivals.health desk.go.UG/home/

— 6pm. Arrive
— 7pm. Munyonyo 
— 8pm. Online registration 
— 9pm. Doodle for oral exam 



— anoga duuma aziraku: mukyala 
— plucked her flower 
— twida kulya duma ki nga bamumazeku? mpaata 

— irene instead “over interpretes” a concrete expression for a metaphor 



Rocket Health



Nkoye tamala gugwe

Bagalama — Bamwoze