

8am UG Airlines
9-12 (Saturday, Tuesday)
UG Airlines 10pm


I don’t like the structure of 340.684.01 Pharmacoepi (includes group work)
And I don’t think I’ll like the philosophical XXX.XXX.XX either

Drop Grant writing (4)

— Lets add the Stata course
— Multilevel models (P/F)
— Biostats (P/F)
— Do the interpersonal communication class — Debra Roter (2) + Stata programming (2)


Bloomberg School
500 courses per term
4 terms per year
2000 courses in all


12pm — Monday (meet daph) xxx
Tell the boys xxx

— Buy ticket to Nairobi xxx
— Andrew, Allan xxx
— Alert boys of Monday xxx
— Sandra & Tasha condolence xxx
— Register: Pharmacoepi, Built Environment xxx


La Chouffe
Magma Obscura


NIRA — National ID (online)
Nexus approvals


Hama tribe — Ethiopia
Samburu tribe — Kenya


5 peter wedding
Jan 6 Edeet birthday
Jan 7 Jeff birthday


  1. COVID19 test

  2. Packing (before test!!)

  3. Lido beach

  4. Hotel (Simeon) + Ridders

  5. Shuttle to airport

  6. Resend Allan email

  7. Yellow fever vaccine

  8. Victoria medical services

  9. Julia sebutinde road

  10. Send J the Nairobi schedule

  11. Sam of Admas Hotel


Holy trinity

  1. Faith (or Research)

  2. Service

  3. Education
    Tracey Abrams


A married philosopher is ridiculous
They have already shown commitment
— irrational, steadfast commitment


Download the “signal” app in lieu of WhatsApp


Prada L’Homme — Duncan xxx
BVLGRI/Dior — Saidi xxx
Criteria — Response
Massie — Email xxx


14,321 Ruhindo North


Wild waters, Jinja
— Simeon recommended


Tragedy of their disappointments/Death Comedy of their incongruity/Sin
Jesus and St. Paul: the very worst exemplars!
For those seeking guidance to marriage :-)
And especially for those already married 🎭


18,321 — Tayebwa, FINAL


1.Khalil email Jan 13 (two week meeting)
— send five


Hi Dorry — I wish to bring you up-to-speed with my GTPCI endeavors:

My 1st Term GPA was 2.50, weighted down mostly by two Cs (Biostats 651 and Intro to US healthcare systems). And my 2nd Term GPA was 3.11, weighted down by one C (Life Course Perspectives on Health). The GTPCI PhD program expects only A/B grades and a GPA>3.0 and so my performance has been flagged.

I was mostly an A student during the MPH program and this recent performance is inconsistent with my track record. I’m happy to discuss what might have contributed to these recent Cs. But I’ll be having a discussion with Khalil some time next week regarding my plans to get back on track with the expectations of the GTPCI PhD.

Of course I got As for the GTPCI program requirements (Epi & Biostats) during my MPH. The Cs I’ve received were for elective coursework, some of it tangentially relevant to my interests in Aging. I’ll keep you in the loop with what I discuss with Khalil next week and will also update you on what else I’ve been doing beyond the GTPCI efforts.



Trudy’s delicious lunch luwombo
@Rainbow road/Gaba road junction
Worth trying one of these days!


It is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets he has done my office


Ann is Belge/Lingala
Miriam is from Ottawa
Prefer to meet around 12pm
Of course at quality Hill
Tomorrow is in on the table


Troubadour Obscura
At. Bernadus




“A first, tentative example: at all times morality has aimed to “improve” men — this aim is above all what was called morality. Under the same word, however, the most divergent tendencies have been concealed. But “improvement” has meant both taming the beast called man, and breeding a particular kind of man. Such zoological concepts are required to express the realities — realities of which the typical “improver,” the priest, admittedly neither knows anything nor wants to know anything.

To call the taming of an animal its “improvement” sounds almost like a joke to our ears. Whoever knows what goes on in kennels doubts that dogs are “improved” there. They are weakened, they are made less harmful, and through the depressive effect of fear, through pain, through wounds, and through hunger, they become sickly beasts. It is no different with the tamed man whom the priest has “improved.” In the early Middle Ages, when the church was indeed, above all, a kennel, the most perfect specimens of the “blond beast” were hunted down everywhere; and the noble Teutons, for example, were “improved.” But how did such an “improved” Teuton look after he had been drawn into a monastery? Like a caricature of man, a miscarriage: he had become a “sinner,” he was stuck in a cage, tormented with all sorts of painful concepts. And there he lay, sick, miserable, hateful to himself, full of evil feelings against the impulses of his own life, full of suspicion against all that was still strong and happy. In short, a “Christian.”

Physiologically speaking: in the struggle with beasts, making them sick may be the only way to make them weak. The church understood this: it sickened and weakened man — and by so doing “improved” him.”

Excerpt From
Twilight of the Idols
Friedrich Nietzsche
This material may be protected by copyright.


Expedited passport application — same day


I shall not be moved