

What is civic duty? Civilization?
Advocacy is always against a natural order of things:
The weak against domination and exploitation by strong!


  1. Humans

  2. Thinking

  3. Non-parametric

  4. Parameter

  5. Model

  6. Data

  7. Likelihood

  8. Inference

N.B: sufficient statistics: all needed for a likelihood estimate

                                          3. parametric
                     —> 0. humans  —> 1. twoway         4. model —> 5. data -> 6. likelihood -> 7. inference
                                                        2. nonparametric

                —> 0g.κοσμογονία,γ  —> 1f.ἡἔρις,κ       4d.∫δυσφορία.dt,ψ —> 5c.φάρμακον,δ -> 6b.ομορφιά,β -> 7a.τάξη,α 

                                    3. supervised
 —> 0. machines  —> 1. networks: adversarial       4. pca —> 5. autoencorder -> 6. deep -> 7. adaptive
                                                  2. unsupervised                                                                                                 

Happy 21st Anniversary from BoA today :-)



brilliant review on Iago

Honey badger really don’t give a shit


Matt Calkins / Columnist

One time I was listening to Beethoven’s 5th when a friend yanked off my headphones and said “that’s no Mozart’s 40th, bruh.”

Jordan often bristled at Bulls’ management, but it eventually constructed great rosters around him. James did not always have that luxury with Cleveland. So he took advantage of his free-agency leverage to increase his chances of winning


Work is what you do for others
Art is what you do for yourself
— The Day Off, Sondheim


Hilger’s Truck
— Couch
— Stools
— Desk/Old
— Weights
— TV/Lamps
— Foot rests
— Carpet


When a man arrives at the fundamental conviction that he requires to be commanded, he becomes “a believer.”


We can recognize a philosopher by the following: he walks away from three glittering and garish things—fame, princes, and women. That doesn’t mean that they might not come to him.


With a return to credit my impulsiveness is in trouble
It might easily be aided to my detriment
But yet its my duty to spend $1m
Over the next five years
This can’t be saved!


I believe every single word
And its from experience

Nike ZoomX
Nike Air Zoom Tempo NEXT%

Running shoes

Best ever

10/24/2020 5:00 AM - 6:37 AM
9 miles under 99 min


Iago’s objective is to provide a broad scope public services within Uganda, East Africa, and beyond. These services will facilitate various health, educational, and cultural activities. Iago will also engage in for-profit adventures to offset the costs associated with its public services and to incentivize its managing partners.


0. \(L(θ|x),\) Exclusion/Inclusion

  1. \(~S/n-1*,\) Adverse Selection/Justice

  2. Tests, Pre-existing/Unconditional

3. Intro, Quarterlies/Elections\((t)\)
4. R, Market Incentives vs Legislative Ch
5. \(p(x),\) Services

6. \(E[X],Var[X],kσ\), Quality
7. \(B|A\), Higher/Lower


To Mrs Daphine Kabugo
From Duncan’s friends outside Uganda

We are not sure how exactly Duncan vibbed you & made you fall in love with him

But we all suspect that he spoke to you in the tongues of angels

And seemed to you that he understood all mysteries and knowledge in  the world

Maybe he even gave all his possessions to the poor!! And  dedicated his weekends to serving the needy.

Daphine, If is from such things that you fell in love with Duncan, then well done!!

Because Duncan is all these things and more…

Duncan is patient, Duncan is kind. He does not envy. He does not boast, he is not proud, he does not dishonor others; he is not self-seeking, is is not easily angered, he keeps no record of wrongs. He does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

I speak on behalf of all his friends and with 100% sincerity.

Duncan is fiercely loyal. 
He will defend you, protect you, support you, cheer you, worship you, tell everyone about you, rejoice in your success — in a word, he will LOVE you to death.

Daphine, you are an extremely lucky girl in having Duncan as a friend and wife.

We wish you both the best years to come,.. and look forward to rejoicing in your happiness 


13675 Bent Tree Circle, Apt#201 Centreville VA 20121