

Second best mini-biography of Nietzsche


School toughened me up… as you walked down the chapel aisle to assembly they graded you out of ten.” If girls wore white shirts, they would spray them with water so they could see their bras. “I just thought it was absolutely pathetic.”


I am emailing to invite you to become an Associate Editor for Clinical Transplantation.


Xta: this movie is about us to the last detail…


— That’s how wisdom wants us: 
She’s a woman 
All she ever wants is a warrior 


First, no iTunes 
Then, piano..
Only k. 545 &
Two-part invention 
In D minor 
Soon, no alcohol 
And no Estelle 
Come to think of it..
No more DAGs
We now have a 8*5 Matrix! 
Meet with Higgins 
Usurp Dorry on Google Scholar 
Lodda student mentees 


Not marble, nor the gilded monuments
Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme;
But you shall shine more bright in these contents
Than unswept stone, besmear'd with sluttish time.
When wasteful war shall statues overturn,
And broils root out the work of masonry,
Nor Mars his sword, nor war's quick fire shall burn
The living record of your memory.
'Gainst death, and all-oblivious enmity
Shall you pace forth; your praise shall still find room
Even in the eyes of all posterity
That wear this world out to the ending doom.
So, till the judgment that yourself arise,
You live in this, and dwell in lovers' eyes.


In the video, Prince Harry said the Commonwealth, which is, of course, lead by his grandmother the Queen, needs to follow the example of others who have “acknowledged the past” and are “trying to right [their] wrongs”.


— No rules apply
— Except resiliency
— Got shit when I did
— Above market rate
— But got it anyways


A type with few, but very marked features, a species of severe, warlike, wisely silent, reserved, and reticent men (and as such, with the most delicate sensibility for the charm and nuances of society) is thus established, unaffected by the vicissitudes of generations; the constant struggle with uniform UNFAVOURABLE conditions is, as already remarked, the cause of a type becoming stable and hard.


Jethro showed up late to the orgy to discover that the gentlemen far out numbered the ladies. He could be heard exclaiming to himself, “I’m just stuck here with my dick in my hand”


  1. Harmonic series

  2. 16th-31st partials

  3. Chromatic scale

  4. Diatonic scale

  5. Fantasy K.475

  6. Not average Joe

  7. Sense a becoming

  8. Much like the series


Sample a 2018 South African wine 🍷


DiCaprio’s reign, especially over the last decade, has run almost comically contrary to what defines Hollywood success and Hollywood stardom. He has never made a sequel, he has never explicitly made a franchise flick, his films tend to be R-rated, often brutal or violent, targeted at adults and often featuring bleak endings. No spoilers, but his onscreen mortality rate would make Sean Bean proud. Not unlike Denzel Washington (relatively speaking), DiCaprio has maintained his movie star draw by continuing to make himself the “franchise” or the “brand.” And that brand is generally “DiCaprio giving it his all in a high-quality, big-budget event movie for grown-ups courtesy of a marquee director.”


Find and follow Forbes’ Scott Mendelson

I’ve studied the film industry, both academically and informally, and with an emphasis in box office analysis, for nearly 30 years. I have extensively written about all of said subjects for the last 11 years. My outlets for film criticism, box office commentary, and film-skewing scholarship have included The Huffington Post, Salon, and Film Threat. Follow me at @ScottMendelson and “like” The Ticket Booth on Facebook


Twateera embundu


Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinct feature: it has simplified class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other – Bourgeoisie and ProletariatOur epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinct feature: it has simplified class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other – Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.


0g.εξέλιξη,γ history
1f.θεοδικία,κ conflict
2e.πρᾶξις,σ freeman
3e.ἀσκέω,μ slave
4d.∫δυσφορία.dt,ψ hidden/open
5c.φάρμακον,δ revolution/ruin
6b.ομορφιά,β bourgeoisie 
7a.τάξη,α rank-order


No character in The Brothers Karamazov is afflicted with more trauma or inner conflict than Ivan. Ivan is a brilliant student with an incisively analytical mind, and his intelligence is directly to blame for his descent into despair. Unable to reconcile the horror of unjust human suffering—particularly the suffering of children—with the idea of a loving God, Ivan is consumed with doubt and argues that even if God does exist, he is malicious and hostile, and loves to torture mankind. Ivan believes that human concepts of morality are dependent on the idea that the soul is immortal, meaning that people only worry about “right” and “wrong” behavior because they want to experience pleasure rather than pain in the afterlife. Because of his feelings about God, Ivan himself is unable to believe in the immortality of the soul, and thus he argues that good and evil are fraudulent categories, and that people may do whatever they wish without regard for morality. But Ivan only starts thinking about these concepts in the first place because he loves humanity—it is his concern for human suffering that initially leads him to reject God. His logical disbelief in morality is terribly painful for him because it would make a way of life such as Fyodor Pavlovich’s, which Ivan detests, an acceptable mode of human behavior. Dignified and coldly moral, Ivan wants to be able to accept an idea of goodness that would exalt mankind and reject Fyodor Pavlovich’s brutishness, but, trapped in his own logic, he is unable to do so. He is so beset with doubt, and so defensively determined to keep the rest of humanity at a distance, that he is unable to act on his love for Katerina, and seems to scorn the very thought of pursuing happiness for himself.

After Smerdyakov murders Fyodor Pavlovich, Ivan’s crisis of faith becomes more traumatic still. Convinced by Smerdyakov that Ivan’s philosophy made it possible for Smerdyakov to kill Fyodor Pavlovich, Ivan is forced to confront two very difficult notions: first, that he is responsible for another human being, and second, that his beliefs have paved the way for murder. Ivan’s subsequent collapse into hallucination and madness represents the novel’s final rejection of his skeptical way of life. When the novel ends, Ivan is feverish and unconscious, having been taken home by Katerina to recuperate, and his future is uncertain. It may be that, with Katerina’s love, he will find a way to accept Alyosha’s faith or come to terms intellectually with morality and his own responsibility for others. Or it may be that he will never resolve his crisis—he may become permanently insane. But the extremely optimistic note on which the novel ends suggests that he will find some form of redemption.