

The only reason a warrior is alive is to fight

And the only reason to fight is to win


I don’t have a functional satiety center
Whether for food, sex, or alcohol
Hence my need for asceticism


Pembroke House — Gabby
Peponi — Bria


Simple lesson in life:  
Under no circumstances  
Do you give folks money  
That they can’t handle  
I repeat: under no circumstances! 
This is a question of class
Anyone in want of money
Will not treat a windfall 
Like one familiar with it:
Just like PEM and a meal
$600 a week is $2,400/mo
$1,350 four seasons
$1,000 puppy
Thats $4,750 for June


El Dragón: Return of a Warrior 

A tale of the origin of a jefe de jefas, ensuing succession battles, differential impacts on the strong, and the weak-willed; family dysfunction and alienation, use and abuse of CNS stimulants, search and discovery of a less harmful drug of refuge, and evolution of a plethora of love triangles wherein true love wins and the fake loses 

MAJOR critiques 
Detailed and frequent references to the past insult the imagination and intelligence of the viewer, would be a much richer and more succinct script if truly in medias res, several of the scenes feel like unpardonable long detours from the main narrative, which means these other characters aren’t developed enough to capture our interest, otherwise the exoticism of the Japanese origin of the protagonist offers sufficient stardust and mystery to hold this reviewer for an entire season 

OTHER critiques
For ambition and scope it scores quite high. But the creators, writers, and directors don’t lend sufficient depth to all the seven dimensions, the full breadth of “scope”, to make this a top notch TV series


Messing with a girl in your station with guidance from John Adams

1.Basic needs. She will literally be hungry and $15 can totally sort her out on a given day @McDonald’s

2.Keeping up appearances. To cover up strife in professional trajectory Instagram and Youtube channel to showcase her successful “life”

3.Leisure and art. Intimate and idiosyncratic tastes, adventure, obsession with antiquity or the spirit or its spirit



Jeremiah 32:7 Uncle Isabirye


  1. never criticize Estelle

  2. Help as much as possible

  3. Be resilient??

  4. Trust more

  5. Just be a guide


It should not be surprising that theomachy is difficult to identify in biblical passages because most of the theomachy categories only operate in a polytheistic system. Despite the fact that throughout much of Israel’s history they had not succeeded n discarding polytheism, the biblical text does not adopt a polytheistic worldview for itself.

Any reading of Genesis 1 makes it clear that the author has not employed a theomachy motif in this cosmogony. The absence of this motif could only. E labeled as polemical if theomachy were a consistent motif in cosmogonies. Its absence cannot be used as evidence that it has been suppressed. We have seen that it is not a consistent motif, and therefore we must seek an alternative cognitive environment for Genesis 1 in relation to the cosmogonic cognitive environment of the Ancient Near East


Why so hard?” the kitchen coal once said to the diamond. “After all, are we not close kin?”
Why so soft? O my brothers, thus I ask you: are you not after all my brothers?

I do not set up any new idols; may old idols only learn what it costs to have legs of clay


Jung, like others who become gurus, was originally an isolated child


Don’t judge a girl, and she will open up to you like a budding flower
— Yours truly on June 9, 2020 at 8:43 AM


Para siempre


Estelle, una bella donna!


Was Bach a genius?
If it is misanthropy, then Johann Sebastian Bach (born March 21, 1685) was not a genius. … But if genius is rational and productive, then Bach is a composer for all seasons, for no other composer produced so much excellent, cunning music or understood his craft so encyclopedically.


I regret that I’ve spent my life
Being hungry for power, games, and war
Never have I witnessed the beauty of the world
Go and live it for me
The further the better
— Shadow, 2018


Y tu madre también


This is pretty cool! He achieves in 14 min what Leonard Bernstein attempted over 11 hours in his “The Unanswered Question” lecture series


A glass of local wine went to his head, he looked up to me and said, “Oh yes, Trini Christmas is the best.. 🇹🇹”


The Road Not Taken is only to be recited in a British accent. Although the author was American, he wrote it while in Britain He even dedicated it to a British peer whom he’d interacted with One perceives phonetic resonance and rhyme at various points But only from the perspective of the somewhat aristocratic accent

I— shall be telling this with a 

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— 
I— took the one less travelled


What’s the point in doing all this research when access is literally the elephant in the room?

But what would be the point in access if there is no quality?


The loss of Mabel Kwatiraho on June 17, 2020 has disrupted all my sensibilities


When you have access to alcohol 🍺, food 🍣, sex 👩🏾, you just might run into an existential crisis


Oh, my son. You have to be careful / Oh figlio mio, devi stare attento
Beautiful women are heaven for the eyes/ Le belle donne sono un paradiso per gli occhi
And hell for the soul/ E l'inferno per l'anima
— And purgatory for the wallet / E il purgatorio per il portafoglio


The charm of the 23 year old girl Her stronger points lie in her confusion Confusion about life and everything So there’s room for poetry, adventure, love But as she approaches 30 all that is lost x Lost to an emergent certitude About what she wants out of life We see her become prosaic— More calculating, glorifying spreadsheets Fear of missing milestones than passion x Discovered the formula for her happiness: Yes: Exit out of the 1000y labyrinth No: Modern woman, no barbarian 👩🏾 Straight line: Cowardly compromise Goal: Life in ice 🧊 > south winds 🌬


Davis Ntulume is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: KCB class Church 
Time: Jun 21, 2020 11:00 AM Africa/Kampala

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 298 588 201
Password: busu

How sweet the name of Jesus music sound in b
Great is they faithfulness

Yesu byona abin=banyi


Tequila — from Monarca (powerful metaphor for the three heirs)


Each one with its flaws and virtues:

1.Silver tequila is young. Some find it immature, while others find it pure. 

2.The aging process has distanced rested tequila from its source, but deep down it retains its essence 

3.The wait has been long for aged tequila, but it has developed its own identity. Some claim that so many years spent in the barrel have made it impure, far from the agave from which it was born. 

But which one is best? All three are excellent. My compliments to the master tequilier. Dhatemwa Kulala 


I’m not misanthropic, but I’m reclusive
I’m a minimalist, but I’m not an ascetic monk
I’m a loner, but no longer an introvert whilst in society

So I might share a lot with the lone wolf
Acting alone rather than as part of a larger organization
But its always for the greater good —


I’ve chosen a different pantheon than the one wherein you dabble