

Can I just say, thank you for always and genuinely celebrating authenticity in others, even when you’re not strong enough to be associated with it , courage doesn’t just happen, it is people like you, that give one the courage to continue to be.

✊🏾 my authenticity is my activism.


But your parents raised you way too well, budo groomed you way too classically for you to waiver far from the apple tree.

I think that, that classical conditioning is stronger in you, stronger than the need for authenticity.

So you end up stuck in the middle , trying to make sense of it. A man that seeks wild imperfection in the most perfect of women.



Ka-D, women need security. Emotional security. Without it, we don’t feel our partners are solid and are for us. You don’t have a lot of that to offer. Which makes anyone you date awfully insecure.

(Whether they were before you or not)


— Ariana Grande: Canvas
— Tayla Parx: Painter 👩‍🎨 🎨
— Tommy Brown: Dealer
— Victoria Monét


August Friday 9, 2019


The Nobel prize in physics 1903
— Antoine Henri Becquerel
— Pierre Curie
— Marie Curie

Nobel prize in chemistry 1935
— Irêne Joliot-Curie
— Frédéric Joliot

Nobel prize in physics 1922
— Niels Henrik David Bohr

Nobel prize in physics 1975
— Aage Niels Bohr

Nobel prize in physiology or medicine 1973
— Karl von Frisch
— Konrad Lorenz
— Nikolaas TInbergen

Nobel prize in economics 1969
— Jan Tinbergen


Everything decisive comes to life in defiance of every obstacle


I don’t think history has any value except for the pleasure its stories provide


The best artists are the most seductive story tellers
Science at its best is a mode of thinking that is immune to seduction
And so products of art are enjoyable
While those of science are dull and mostly unbearable


Popper: criticism is one of the greatest acts of friendship, even if some of your friends end up hating you for it. Discuss

This might be the place to remind you of Popper’s old joke that ‘Social science began with the idea that we need a new science so we can get rid of our social problems – and now our biggest social problem is how to get rid of the social scientists’.

For Daddy


Sprechen sie Deutsch
Do y’all speak German?


Don’t we need folks who are impervious to the charms of the chorus?


You shared this some years ago. The key idea here has come into sharp focus in my mind this morning. Because it has just occurred to me that our dear character “the flâneur” is by nature immune, impervious to any single narrative.

After all, the flâneur is essentially that individual, the deliberately aimless pedestrian, unencumbered by any obligation or sense of urgency.. wastes nothing, including his time which he spends with the leisurely discrimination of a gourmet, savoring the multiple flavors of his city.

“Multiple flavors of his city” is the key here. From introspection, I have come to appreciate just how much these flâneur traits dominate my thinking about clinical medicine, tradition, and ‘best practice guidelines’. I instinctively have issues with best practice guidelines - typically a kind of “single” narrative or algorithm. Always have and this caused me some trouble in med school and adversely affected my grades. But it’s the same stuff that drives my research, which has already overturned orthodoxies — and will continue to. It’s a kind of investigate journalism. A useful fourth estate. A thorn in the flesh of anyone in authority. Uganda needs me as an irreverent journalist 🇺🇬 :-)


Aunt ?


questo è sublime


We have supported 2 analysts

— think of everything from ERGOT
— say that’s from the department
— thats commitment
— we have ensured 100% protected time for research, regardless of funding status
— we have provided over 250$$ including salary, analysts, computing time, etc. office
— then let Dorry read over that

Work on institutional commitment TODAY and send asap to Dorry


Gujarat match-making
And ERAS match-making
Does this confer advantage?


Johnson & Johnson Ordered to Pay $572 Million in Oklahoma Opioid Case
Verdict caps first case to go to trial among thousands brought by U.S. states, cities against drug

Industry with starkest info asymmetries


Long the standard-bearer of craft beer bars in Baltimore, Max’s Taphouse is a model of consistency. With more than 100 rotating taps and a selection of bottles topping 1,500, it’s nearly impossible to have the same experience twice. But it’s everything else — the guiding staff, special events, weekly karaoke and the lack of pretension — that elevates Max’s beyond just a beer haven. It’s a one-of-a-kind Baltimore bar, through and through


General de Gaulle who once asked, “how can anyone govern a nation with 246 kinds of cheese 🧀 ?”