

Suarez’s goal against Liverpool!!


PhD, player hating degree 📜


Lamb Hamiz?? Mezzos

Recommended by owner :-)


Riptide by the bay — whole crabs 🦀 (a dozen for $50 during season.. April/May)

Next to Thames Street Oyster House 🏡:-)

Life’s good!!


The Pendry
Fancy Italian hotel 🏨, restaurant :-)
Chianti & afetati misti


Thames Street Oyster House sea food salad 🥗

Gotta have it!!!


Tell tales about telomeres and teleology


Chapman performed Ben E. King’s “Stand By Me” on one of the final episodes of the Late Show with David Letterman in April 2015. Viral hit!


Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do. On the one hand the standard of right and wrong, on the other the chain of causes and effects, are fastened to their throne. They govern us in all we do, in all we say, in all we think…
— Jeremy Bentham,

End? pain, pleasure. Journey also
Deodontological: right, wrong
Teleology: cause, effect


A summary of the Umeme situation: the energy Authority’s purposeful “visible hand” sets the price (green); that leads you in the opposite direction (blue) of the “invisible hands” authority&guidance, which would have led you to equilibrium price (red). This results in a leftward&upward shift of your supply curve (purple) and a non-market equilibrium since the demand curve (yellow) isn’t moved at all by your boardroom decisions (you do absolutely nothing to increase utility — that’s for psychologists and magicians and great advertising).

So your only question to the C-suite is this: shouldn’t we be increasing supply? Moving purple curve rightward&downwards? Microeconomics can answer the rest of the questions after you set that “purpose.” (Hint: cut it, cut it!!!)

That’s how to “grow” supply, sales, revenue (blue stuff) and potentially bottom line (red stuff). It will automatically grow access. Because demand is elastic, as shown by the sloping yellow curve :-)


International | Living wills
Kidney donors are wanted, dead or alive

Since there are not enough of either kind, donation needs to be better organised

Melissa bensouda, of Kansas City, Missouri, was 25 when she was diagnosed with late-stage kidney disease. She had to start dialysis, hooking up three times a week to a machine that filtered her blood. “It wipes you out,” she says. Queasy and fatigued, Ms Bensouda struggled to care for her children and to keep working full time. To secure a place on the waiting list for a kidney transplant, she had to tackle other health problems first. It took a year and cost \(10,000 to treat dental problems, to which people with kidney disease are prone. In 2012, after nearly ten years on dialysis, Ms Bensouda was given a transplant. The new kidney lasted only five years. So she is back on the waiting list—along with 95,000 other Americans \)\cdots$



So there’s a possibility of getting a 1-year $250,000 supplement to the U01 – here’s the idea that I sent the NIH – they confirmed that it would qualify for an application – obviously there’s no guarantee, but these don’t go through full peer review etc so the chances are better than a standalone application
  “Would creating a tool to identify appropriate living donors (by using some clever statistics to combine our NEJM paper on pre-donation risk in HIV negative donor, our JASN paper on post-donation risk in HIV negative donors, and our AJT paper on risk factors for HIV positive living donors – and then turning all of this into an online tool to help counsel HIV positive potential donors) be a reasonable supplement? It would be one-year scope and VERY helpful to many centers who now want to use HIV+ living donors…”
  THIS MORNING can you put together a short, succinct, fancy-sounding specific aims page (I would use up about 2/3 of the page) that covers the above – remember the target audience is NIH PhD-trained administrators, not a study section, and not our colleagues, if that makes sense
  Obviously if this comes through, you have salary support for a year (that we could probably extend to 2 years) which would give you more time to get stable independent funding…


After going three goals behind in the first leg in Camp Nou the Reds battled back to win the cup (2017)

After going three goals behind in the first half the Reds battled back to win the cup on penalties (2005)


Xta: Get a youngin’
You can then confuse her for many years
Zeus, look at me, you were able to pull it off for, what, some solid 6 years!



What happens when:
— Your hero falls?
— Your lover runs off with another?
— Your shrine of worship burns down? (or your pastor falls?)
— Your hospital runs out of supplies? (or has the mortality rate of a war zone?)

Means the following:
— The adaptive responses of the collective
— That stuff bequeathed to you
— That its all shit

— We may filter out all that terrifies us 🙈
— We may focus our attention and energies on various projects to keep us distracted 🎯
— We may toe the line of our great heroes 👣
— But reality will every now and then manifest its self 🎲 ✂️ to us 🧠

Isn’t this what James Joyce meant by, “Terror is the feeling which arrests the mind in the presence of whatsoever is grave and constant in human suffering and unites it with the secret cause”?


Dwayne Wade commercial with wifey

Gatorade 🐊:-)


¡Gracias señor!


Girlfriend: Kim
Been together at least three years
Obviously loves her
Those LeBron Jerseys!!!
He’d like for me to convey this info some day to Kim :-)


By 1886, Nietzsche himself had reservations about the work, and he published a preface in the 1886 edition where he re-evaluated some of his main concerns and ideas in the text. In this post-script, Nietzsche referred to The Birth of Tragedy as “an impossible book… badly written, ponderous, embarrassing, image-mad and image-confused, sentimental, saccharine to the point of effeminacy, uneven in tempo, [and] without the will to logical cleanliness.”[8] Still, he defended the “arrogant and rhapsodic book” for inspiring “fellow-rhapsodizers” and for luring them on to “new secret paths and dancing places.”


In 1888, in Ecce Homo, Nietzsche was back on the attack. He defends The Birth of Tragedy by stating: “…It is indifferent toward politics,—‘un-German,’ to use the language of the present time—it smells offensively Hegelian,


Today I would state that it was the problem of scholarship itself, scholarly research for the first time grasped as problematic, as dubious


This “new soul” should have sung, not spoken! What a shame that I did not dare to utter as a poet what I had to say at that time


Greeks will continue remain, as before, entirely unknown and unknowable as long as we have no answer to the question, “What is the Dionysian?”


A basic issue is the relationship of the Greeks to pain, the degree of their sensitivity


That question whether their constantly strong desire for beauty, feasts, festivities, and new cults arose out of some lack, deprivation, melancholy, or pain


If we assume that this desire for the beautiful and the good might be quite true—and Pericles, or, rather, Thucydides, in the great Funeral Oration gives us to understand that it is—where must that contradictory desire stem from, which appears earlier than the desire for beauty, namely, the desire for the ugly or the good strong willing of the ancient Hellenes for pessimism, for tragic myth, for pictures of everything fearful, angry, enigmatic, destructive, and fateful as the basis of existence? Where must tragedy come from? Perhaps out of desire, out of power, out of overflowing health, out of overwhelming fullness of life?



And, on the other hand, what if, to turn the issue around, it was clearly during the time of their dissolution and weakness that the Greeks became constantly more optimistic, more superficial, more hypocritical, with a lust for logic and rational understanding of the world, as well as “more cheerful” and “more scientific”? What’s this? In spite of all “modern ideas” and the judgments of democratic taste, could the victory of optimism, the developing hegemony of reasonableness, practical and theoretical utilitarianism, as well as democracy itself (which occurs in the same period) perhaps be a symptom of failing power, approaching old age, physiological exhaustion, all these factors rather than pessimism?


Does not a fundamental bass note of anger and desire for destruction rumble underneath all your contrapuntal vocal art and seductive sounds, a raging determination in opposition to everything contemporary, a desire which is something not too distant from practical nihilism and which seems to say “I’d rather that nothingness were the truth than that you were right, than that your truth was justified!”


Is your book not a true and justified Romantic declaration of 1830, under the mask of the pessimism of 1850, behind which is already playing the prelude to the usual Romantic finale—break, collapse, return, and prostration before an ancient belief, before the old gods… . What? Isn’t your book of pessimism itself an anti-Greek and Romantic piece, even something “as intoxicating as it is befuddling,” in any event, a narcotic, even a piece of music, German music? Listen to the following:


Hi Everyone,

I wanted to let you know that as corresponding author, it is really important to make sure that the manuscripts are deposited in PMC and that they get an PMCID.

I have a co-author that has not been diligent about this and it is holding up the 3rd year of R01 funding for me (and been quite a headache). For simplicity and not risking our funding, please list me as corresponding author for our projects, especially ones that are directly related to the 3 R01s.

Thank you!


“On the other hand, to an intrinsically sound nature, illness may even constitute a powerful stimulus to life, to a surplus of life”


What else is the goal of vaccination, the greatest and most successful achievement of scientific medicine?


“He believes neither in “ill-luck” nor “guilt”; he can digest himself and others; he knows how to forget—he is strong enough to make everything turn to his own advantage.”

Excerpt From
Ecce Homo
Friedrich Nietzsche
This material may be protected by copyright.


From homeostasis to Allostasis


Mic drop, drop top




My formula for greatness in man is! Amor fati


Emmanuel Njeuhmeli’s
Call Bernard— dual citizenship for Okello

My cell number is +1 443 825 7619


From the moment that Tristan was arranged for the piano —all honor to you, Herr von Bülow!—I was a Wagnerite. Wagner’s previous works seemed beneath me—they were too commonplace, too “German.” … But to this day I am still seeking for a work which would be a match to Tristan in dangerous fascination and possess the same gruesome and dulcet quality of infinity; I seek among all the arts in vain. All the quaint features of Leonardo da Vinci’s work lose their charm at the sound of the first bar in Tristan.

This work is without question Wagner’s non plus ultra; after its creation, the composition of the Mastersingers and of the Ring was a relaxation to him

— Why I am So Clever


Dorry ACLU donations

Assert “Trump” == “Smart”


Klein Duvel — Camden (bar)
Ermiece Straub
Liden (between Amsterdam & Rotterdam)
X the dutchest town!!

— Hopkins Neurology
— Very Swedish Ancestry
— Maastricht
— Biking 🚴‍♀️


Giving Beer Lovers Freedom of Choice | John Rossheim for MSN Local Edition

Yes, the vast bulk of Americans still drink the schlock of beers, from the big brewers that seem to spend more on marketing than on the corn and rice that fill out their bland product. But the bourgeois beer bohemians among us – whether 20-something hipsters or middle-aged connoisseurs – are going strong, restlessly racking up exotic brew experiences from Rochefort Trappistes to Lost Abbey Duck Duck Gooze, like so many notches on a bedpost.


Top picks from Maryland craft fest

  1. Monument city

  2. Brookeville Beer farm Rye BA Belgian dubbel

  3. Burley Oak/Amswe-tangle jream

  4. Duclaw Mezcal BA sour

  5. True respite the plunge

  6. union older pro: blueberry


Charnell — stage name
Scarlett— real name
Mom is my age
Is a Foodie
Told me “don’t be shy, you’ve got my number”
Yea-saying (literally, see correspondence)
Wants to travel around the world
Been only to Toronto
Her friends are broke
So has limited options
Looks like wants to be cared for
Is only 20!!
Wants children
Like me!!
Anything to hold me back?
I’m yea-saying :-)
She is an “old soul”
Got brain freeze, couldn’t remember
Bruno Mars
This is it!


When I cast about me for my highest formula of Shakespeare, I find invariably but this one: that he conceived the type of Caesar. Such things a man cannot guess—he either is the thing, or he is not. The great poet draws his creations only from out of his own reality

— Why I am So Clever


Mozart, Beethoven & Nietzsche knew too much?

Why God took away their life, hearing, and mental faculties?

Before they’d open the words eyes?



Rebirth of the desert island disk

  1. If you were to live your life all over again, what would you do different?

  2. Ok, so that is called editing; so, to restate the question, if you were to relive it over and over again , as if in an eternal recurrence, and you were not able to edit aspect, but you were allowed to bring something along this time, what would you bring along?

  3. Hint: Mozart brought his magic flute along
    What antidote do you need?


#78 Ambition a surrogate for moral feeling. — Moral feeling must not be lacking in those natures that have no ambition. The ambitious contrive to get on even without it, and with almost equal success. That is why, if they should ever lose moral feeling, the sons of modest families that know nothing of ambition decline very rapidly into compete good-for-nothings



— South Park
— Craft Beer
— Weed


163th richest person in America
Also richest black person



Donald Trump Loses It With CNN’s Chris Cuomo And Don Lemon

Donald Trump’s wild week continues.
The president lashed out at CNN and two of its prime time hosts, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon, on Twitter late Thursday. Trump claimed a reported drop in the cable news network’s ratings was down to viewers “getting tired of so many Fake Stories and Anti-Trump lies.” He said Cuomo’s “Cuomo Prime Time” show was “failing badly,” and called “CNN Tonight” host Lemon “the dumbest man on television.”

Wow! CNN Ratings are WAY DOWN, record lows. People are getting tired of so many Fake Stories and Anti-Trump lies. Chris Cuomo was rewarded for lowest morning ratings with a prime time spot - which is failing badly and not helping the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon!


#159 Nietzsche on Chopin

Sooooo spot on!!

#born to etiquette



Tuna carpaccio
Spinach pies 🥧
Roasted salmon in bourbon
Mussels in season

Roasted lama beans
Braised beef
With mushed potato’s

Lamb chops with roasted potatoes 🥔


I knew he had a way with words — prose, but not with poetry! But now that I think of it, all the greatest generals were also poets. One who comes to mind is Patton. But if we stretch further back to antiquity, we find Aeschylus, perhaps the most celebrated tragedian in Pre-Socratic Greece. Yet all he wanted to remembered for were the battles he’d won. So is it here with Ali: he wants you to remember the people he beat. Yet, judging by his oratory skills, he was as extraordinary in those arts.

There’s something that unites these disparate performance arts 🎭 (battle field, boxing 🥊 ring, and poetry): isn’t it, like the famous haka, a ceremonial dance or challenge to the enemy? Isn’t that a legitimate way to show off ones dexterity through space & time?

I believe it is. And it’s the cerebellum and the striatum of the 🧠 that play key roles in all these tasks. Natures irony, that this is the very system in Ali that got corrupted by Parkinson’s!!


Look up what Nietzsche stresses about:
2.Climate; and,


Good morning! Kindly acquire and send for me via the clouds a book entitled Social Development in Social Work : Practices and Principles by Richard Hugman


While socialism is on remand,
Capitalism I do commend.
Like no other system known to man:
It aligns supply & demand
And so with that I do command—