





The two tribes of working life

Those who love networking and those who want to be left alone


Bookmark it already!!

Greatest peace of all time, along with Raphael’s school of Athens, and yours truly (Raphael 2.0’s) Venn diagram :-)


Happy 80th birthday, Daddy! Looking forward to celebrating the day with you. I pray that the good lord grants you many more exciting years.

Not a day goes by without me being grateful to you for all you’ve been & continue to be to me — could never ask for a better dad.

See you soon!


Nathaniel Nahamya’s in the house


Interesting. Just sat next to a Dutch woman in her 60s who was traveling with her husband (seared in business class). She’s traveling for pleasure. He for business. Reminded me of another couple I run into a few years ago under similar circumstances:-)


What would Aristotle have had to say about Mozart’s piano concerto no. 15 (andante)? Yeah, I thought so!


Musta gotta taste!!

Trappist Westvleteren 12 (XII)


Bob’s Top 3!!!

Cushwa Fog — Fredrick, Md (hazy NE IPA; smells like Pine đŸŒČ)

Mully’s — southern, md (hazy, not lazy)

Dogfish head — SeaQuench Ale (sour AF)

Not sure any really works for me!




Atc 2017

Restaurant dinner


  1. First-generation antihistamines

  2. Antiparkinsonian agents

  3. Antispasmodics4.Antithrombotics (only short-acting)

  4. Anti-infective

  5. Peripheral alpha-1 blockers

  6. Central alpha-agonists

  7. Other CNS alpha-agonists

  8. Antidepressants

  9. Antipsychotics, first (conventional) and second (atypical) generation

  10. Barbiturates

  11. Benzodiazepines (classify as short- and long-acting)

  12. Nonbenzodiazepine, benzodiazepine receptor agonist hypnotics (ie, “Z-drugs”)

  13. Ergoloid mesylates

  14. Androgens

  15. Estrogens with or without progestins (oral and transdermal)

  16. Growth hormone

  17. Insulin (classify as short- and long-acting)

  18. Sulfonylureas, long acting

  19. Proton-pump inhibitors

  20. Non–cyclooxygenase-selective NSAIDs, oral

  21. Skeletal muscle relaxants

  22. Nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers

  23. Thiazolidinediones

  24. Acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors

  25. Nonselective peripheral alpha-1 blockers

  26. Tertiary tri-cyclic antidepressants (TCAs)

  27. Corticosteroids (oral and parenteral)

  28. H2-receptor antagonists

  29. Antiepileptics

  30. Antiemetics

  31. NSAIDs (non-COX, COX selective, oral and parenteral, nonacetylated salicylates)

  32. Diuretics

  33. SNRIs

  34. SSRIs

  35. RAS inhibitor (ACEIs, ARBs)

  36. Opioids

  37. Anticholinergic


KLM $1,061 (Dreamliner!)

July 10 - 24


Not all who wonder are lost — Jeep 🚙


Jimmy Fallon and young metro


Many Americans probably don’t know that a Pentecostal movement exists in France
Probably 90 percent of the attendees were black
The people danced, sang at the top of their lungs, and sometimes spoke in tongues. I never had the feeling I was witnessing a collective delirium, or that I was in the midst of a cult
The sign of peace, reduced in Catholic Masses to a brief, irritated, and icy shake of the hand, gave way here to interminable warm hugs and kisses. And at the end of the celebration, we would share bountiful meals.
And it was almost entirely a group of white people—I say that in order to establish that whenever we are ­dealing with affairs of the heart (and religion is such an affair, indeed of the highest degree), race is not ­pertinent

While I very much liked these charismatic celebrations, there remained in me a certain uneasiness, which I fully understood only later, thanks to Douglas Kennedy’s very good book, In God’s Country, which relates his study of revivalist Christianity in the Bible Belt. In reading the book, you sometimes get the impression that this renewal can only involve people with a past in alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, or homelessness—that it does not address itself to people who are integrated into society in a normal way, having spent their childhood in a reasonably loving family.


Savage 21
August 21, 2018
Gotta see this!!!!!


We are right to expect that the Church will point out a path toward God, independently of the jolts and shocks of the epoch
Independently of the jolts and shocks of the epoch; that it will remain, subsist. x
Latin was supposed to mark a difference between everyday language and the language with which we address the Creator
The incense, rising up into the nave, pointed out a path for the soul
Priest, with his back to the faithful, was in reality turned toward heaven


What doesn’t kill you makes you..
No it gives you PTSD. Remember Ricky..
I think this is a very interesting debate!!


Rochefort vs Chimay
Westvleteren — Belgian
Mardesous 10

Monks in Philly 16th & Spruce
— Max’s in Pilly
— Great mussels


Rochefort vs Chimay

Seriously vet:


Met a self-described beer nerd đŸ€“


Chimay on tap in Philadelphia
Inspired the birth of craft beers in USA
Look at us now? Hugest revolution
Regardless of replicability in the 256
Sounds like a pretty story


Free will vs. will to power
One is delusional
The other is conditional


Hi Abi,
  Yes, I’m happy to assist with developing your search terms.  This is going to be a lot of work so I’ve asked my colleague, Stella, who is the Informationist for the Department of Surgery to work with me on this project.  She’s copied on this email.
  I think it will be best to have a group meeting so we understand the parameters of your search.
  Can you send us some dates and times you are available to meet? 
  From: Xxx Xxx Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 11:23 AMTo: Xxx Xxx xxx@jhmi.eduCc: Xxx Xxx xxx@jhmi.edu; Xxx Xxx xxx@jhu.eduSubject: Catalog of generic drug names by drug class   Hi Lori – Xxx referred us to you and we hope you might be able to help us out, given your expertise.   We are embarking on a study that will query a large national database for certain generic drug names. We have a list of about 38 drug classes of interest to us (please see attachment), but the query will call for precise generic drug names. Is it at all possible to produce a catalog of the generic drug names under each drug class? Creating a comprehensive list of these drugs would be the first and, perhaps, most consequential step of this project. And so we thought it wise to consult an expert in these matters.    Mara is the PI of this study and her primary appointment is with Epidemiology. It is for this reason that Donna referred us to you. Please let us know if anything needs clarification.   Thanks!   Abi     Xxx Xxx, MD MPH Instructor of Surgery Department of Surgery/Division of Transplant Surgery Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Office: (410) 955-XXXX Cell: XXX XXX-XXXX Email: xxx@jhmi.edu    .

Heaven = No Rich Folks
Earth 🌎 = Selfishness
Bridge 🌉 = Eye of a Needle


Bruges and Brussels, Belgium 🇧đŸ‡Ș
The two places to visit


What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: ‘This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence’ 
 Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: ‘You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.’ The Gay Science, §341


We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, unremembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree


Centuries of husbandry, decades of diligent culling, the work of numerous hearts and hands, have gone into the hackling, sorting, and spinning of this tightly twisted yarn. Furthermore, we have not even to risk the adventure alone; for the heroes of all time have gone before us; the labyrinth is thoroughly known; we have only to follow the thread of the hero-path. And where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god; where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves; where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence; and where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world.

Joseph Campbell


The Triumph of Bacchus

The time of youth indeed is sweet,
But all too soon it slips away.
If you’d be happy - don’t delay!
Tomorrow’s ills we’ve yet to meet.
Welcome Bacchus, Ariadne!
An ardent couple, loving, fair.
They spend as one their days with glee,
For time flies fast and does not spare.
Thus these nymphs - and others - fare.
Happy they the livelong day!
If you’d be happy - don’t delay!
Tomorrow’s ills we’ve yet to meet.
These nymphs are tickled by the thought
To be deceived by lover’s wile.
If Love’s sweet remedy were naught,
Folk sure would be uncouth and vile.
Commingled now, they dance and smile
And sport and play the livelong day!
If you’d be happy - don’t delay!
Tomorrow’s ills we’ve yet to meet.
Upon a donkey, corpulent,
Silenus wends his weighty way.
Heavy, drunk and senescent,
Years and blubber on him lay.
He can’t stand straight, he is quite bent -
Yet still he smiles the livelong day!
If you’d be happy - don’t delay!
Tomorrow’s ills we’ve yet to meet.
All ye lovers, boys, girls too -
Long live Bacchus, and Love, I say.
Play, dance, and sing, each one of you,
Let sweetness o’er your hearts hold sway.
Fatigue and weakness throw away,
For what must be you cannot beat.
If you’d be happy - don’t delay!
Tomorrow’s ills we’ve yet to meet.


“What is it that Raphael did not paint? He painted no scene on the Mount of Olives, no Crucifixion. True, he painted a “Bearing of the Cross,” but it was a very poor picture and gives the impression of having been done to order. Neither did he paint any of the scenes leading directly to the Crucifixion. His creative genius begins to reveal itself again only when he portrays the figure of the great successor of John — the figure of Paul in “The School of Athens”; or when, passing over the other events in the life of Christ, he paints “The Transfiguration.” What Raphael has not painted helps us to understand that it was alien to him to portray those events on Earth (not events in the spiritual world) which took place after he was beheaded in his previous life. We realise why it was that Raphael painted fewer pictures of these particular events. When we look at the pictures, we feel that all those which portray events subsequent to the Beheading of John the Baptist, are not, like the others, born of earlier remembrances.”


In defense of Trap music (and rap music, in general):

If modern art is sometimes shrill,” he said, “it is not the fault of artist alone. We all incline to raise our voices when we speak to people who are getting deaf

Edgar Wind


the presence of unresolved residues of meaning is an obstacle to the enjoyment of art


These lectures were later compiled into a book, also entitled Art and Anarchy. In it he notes that, over time, public audiences have lost their capacity for an immediate and visceral response to art. The production and appreciation of art, he observes, has become marginalized and domesticated to a point where it can no longer significantly and lastingly move its addressees. Wind’s impulse in the piece is apparently restorative; he seeks to impede the observed tendency toward apathy and recover some of art’s latent anarchic quality


Wind begins his argument by presenting the long-standing conceptual correlation between art and forces of chaos or disorder, citing a lineage of thinkers and artists including Plato, Goethe, Baudelaire and Burckhardt. Particular emphasis is placed on Plato’s distrustful view of the imagination as fundamentally uncontrollable; Plato explicitly denied the true artist a place in his imagined ideal republic, not for lack of respect for the artist’s talent but out of fear for his capacity to upset the social balance. Wind also notes the repeated historical coincidence – in Greece at Plato’s time and in Italy during the Renaissance – of peaks in artistic accomplishment with political turmoil and breakdown


Plato explicitly denied the true artist a place in his imagined ideal republic, not for lack of respect for the artist’s talent but out of fear for his capacity to upset the social balance


when art is removed to a zone of safety, it may still remain very good art indeed, and also very popular art, but its effect on our existence will vanish


Art has thus, according to Wind, moved to life’s periphery. Again, Wind notes that this distance carries with it certain benefits for the scholarly approach to art; “detachment brought freshness and breadth, and a freedom from prejudice, a willingness to explore the unfamiliar, even the repulsive, and to risk new adventures of sensibility.” At the same time, however, art has lost its ability to resonate at levels deeper than the intellect, to incite the passions. Engaging with a work of art has become an act of mere observation as opposed to “vital participation.” Art has, for Wind, gained interest at the expense of potency.




The labyrinth is no longer unknown
A threadđŸ§” maps out the path of the
Heroes đŸŠžâ€â™€ïž that went before us


We are not alone


These days, the value of a firm lies as much in its reputation, its processes, the know-how of staff and relationships with customers and suppliers as in tangible assets. Putting an accounting value on these intangibles is notoriously tricky. By their nature, they have unclear boundaries. Not every dollar of r&d or advertising spending can be ascribed to a well-defined asset, such as a brand or patent. That is in large part why, with a few exceptions, such spending is treated as a running cost, like rent or electricity.


War Story
\   Opioid Use —> Tolerance —> Rx
Vulnerable Folks

#2 What’s her war story?
#3 What’s you poison?


You’ve gotta meditate everyday
Clear your garbage regularly 🗑
Under the rag cleaning đŸ§ŒđŸ§»đŸ§č


Otherwise gets unbearably unhygienic
And something will have to give
Eves drop three 40 something divorcées



Who needs a 6pack when you have a keg?


At a time when a lot of us feel buffeted by a daily onslaught of grim news, 1843 takes you on a different journey. We cover the enduring stories of our age. Many of them have been around since The Economist, our sister publication, was founded in – you guessed it – 1843.


Our aim is to take a sideways look at the world and season it with a dash of humour or irreverence.