

Pure pain — absolutely pure, totally uncontaminated by anything pleasurable

No meaning whatsoever to anything: life goals (who else have I been in the trenches with?), work (to what end?), priorities (mmmh!)


Marx’s greatest failure, however, was that he underestimated the power of reform—the ability of people to solve the evident problems of capitalism through rational discussion and compromise

The great theme of history in the advanced world since Marx’s death has been reform rather than revolution

Today’s great question is whether those achievements can be repeated. The backlash against capitalism is mounting—


Nietzsche was not multivariate in his approach

He didn’t consider that one may be weak in one dimension, yet strong in another. So that if they found a partner — a husband, for instance — they might submit to his overall leadership, yet also be the bread-winner from a financial perspective

St. Paul would say as much! Otherwise, without submission, without a protector-role, there’ll be no bond, no team, no community, and mostly frontier-type free spirits, brigands, conflicts, and fights. Without a greater purpose, that’ll be the issue


Genesis 27: 35 And he said, Thy brother came with subtilty, and hath taken away thy blessing


Kadi, you played us!!!


Carefree, mocking, violent – this is how wisdom wants us: she is a woman, all she ever loves is a warrior.

Thus spoke Zarathustra


Ragga Dee supplemented the success of Empeta with Nsaba Onyanjule.

This was Ragga Dee’s zenith period and is said to have raked in millions performing at weddings


Read Ephesians 3:14-21.


Mother: I’ve known him (some dude who is not your dad) and hang with him since I was 14

Son: Let me guess, Quayle understood you and your special gifts (Of mediation between folks and their loved ones who died)?

Mother: No, he had the best weed


That’s your biggest undoing in my view. You are not romantic! You are emotionless, and to think that you are just 35 – it’s rather bizarre. Only the very old who have seen it and done it all should be that way. I wish you could be more romantic and more sensitive and more in touch with my soul – not just to Bach and Mozart and Beethoven. (from 2015)


I value how lightly you take “serious” stuff, & how seriously you take “light “ stuff

— L.B. 2014


3545 Front Street, San Diego 92103


Sounds from a Waterfall 💦
Corridor in a Brothel
The Frenchman
The Worshiper
Missy🐱 on Heels 👠
Venus on Top
Venus Variations
Venus the Whore


There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our venture


That’s when Bezos considered what his 80-year-old self would say if he did or didn’t seize this opportunity. “In most cases, our biggest regrets turn out to be acts of omission. It’s paths not taken and they haunt us. We wonder what would have happened,” Bezos said at Summit LA. “I knew that when I’m 80, I would never regret trying this thing that I was super excited about and it failing. If it failed, fine. I would be very proud of the fact when I’m 80 that I tried. I also knew that it would always haunt me if I didn’t try.”


June 13 - 16
The Kayongo’s


Mine started first as farce, now on close watch for tragedy..




Only broken-hearted
– 1994