

May 23 — thats my day
Will be in NYC May 20 — May 23 (maybe 22)

Likely to be in Bermuda June 2 — 6

And in Boston June 11 — 18

May 16, 2pm


iweight — try it (allan’s suggestion)

because you didn’t get exactly 1:5 match

wouldn’t be a thing if you did (as with the propensity scores)


The cheesecake tart is divine!


Hey Pam – Patrick, my brother, had fallen off the grid for a day. But he’s back!

I’ve told him to expect you perhaps today? You can communicate directly with him via whatsApp on +256 772 423377. He’s a jolly fellow :-)

He’s at “No. 5 Chemin Taverne 1218 Grand Sacconex”



“who are you working for?” coen brothers


Sorry to be prosaic
But before we save republic
Octavian to defeat: Mouths2Feed
We ride to save republic
No poetry in you


It seems you feel slighted about this paper, and I apologize for that. But remember that this was a time we had a ton of papers to get out, many of which involved the national datasets that you were driving the bus for; we weren’t sure about the reliability of ascertainment of the WHOLE data; and you were on a less-than-one-paper-a-year trajectory. Also remember you had a first-authored JAMA paper that year, so it’s not like we haven’t let you take the lead on exciting things :-) Hopefully Allan will get this paper out soon.


It’s cool. For the record, I don’t feel slighted; however, I do feel misunderstood at times.

Because I’m more excited about writing biologically coherent analyses, rather than the agnostic-empirical kind that one might produce just because they have data & sophisticated analytical skills, I spend an inordinate amount of time studying transplant and non-transplant literature.

At first glance, this may come off as lack of productivity


the verb, transplantation vs. the noun Transplant

We’ve noted that at all instances when we used the noun Transplant (e.g. previous transplant; that is, a previous transplant graft), it has been changed to the verb transplantation (e.g. following transplantation of grafts) in these proofs

We wish to clarify that we meant “transplant” wherever we’ve indicated so in the attached document



Wamwenderaki her telephone
Nasamba wants to know how she is


Get under armour swim cap, suit, goggles, and running shoes :-)


As a reader of “have you heard”, a gossip column in New Vision, Uganda’s leading newspaper, your correspondent gets a sense of the kind of heroes modern day Uganda lionizes: roguish thugs with mysteriously acquired wealth whose only discernible aspiration is conspicuous consumption. Michael Ezra, a 39-year-old tycoon, who… , is the latest sensation in the city.

He is believed to have


.. and in the end, Britain, which had colonized the world, destroyed itself in fantasies that it was being colonized in turn


Softly and tenderly
Jesus is calling
Calling for you and for me
See on the portals
He’s waiting and watching
Watching for you and for me.

Come home, come home
Ye who are weary, come home
Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling, Oh sinners come home.

Why should we tarry
When Jesus is pleading
Pleading for you and for me
Why should we linger
And heed not his mercies
Mercies for you and for me.

Come home, come home
Ye who are weary, come home
Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling, Oh sinners come home.

Come home, come home
Ye who are weary, come home
Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling, Oh sinners come home.

Calling, Oh sinners come home…Th



Hi Greg,

I hope this finds you well. Quick question: is it at all possible for you to share my postdoc NIDA diversity supplement grant #? I’m updating my CV as I join the faculty of the School of Medicine/Department of Surgery this Friday. Also, I’m working on a grant due tomorrow and I just realized that I have no record of that #.

That said, thanks in part to you, and in part to serendipity, I’ve ended up leading a NA-ACCORD/NHANES-III analysis that quantifies the Risk of ESRD in Potential HIV+ live kidney donors vs. Potential HIV- live kidney donors. While working on this specific project, I’ve developed an analytic approach that might be well-suited for ALIVE analyses (especially those I initiated a while back but didn’t complete).

If at all you think its ok for me to complete those analyses some time over the next couple of months, I’ll be very much obliged.
