

reference for my 10GB of data running out randomly


Front of train
Barron’s court
Piccadelly line

Departed terminal 5 at 9am
Arrived Barons court at Xam
Cost me a bloody £11.20


Hey Lara — sorry for the late response. My initial response to you on Sep 23rd lingered in my outbox without actually being sent. Only learned about this yesterday.

In way of compensation (perhaps overcompensation, sorry), I decided to read through one more time. See comments. Remember, as I’ve pointed out to your before, your inferences are in conflict with those from another paper we just submitted to AJT. So either our submitted paper has a major type-I error, or this one has a type-II error, or both :-)

Regardless, I’ve suggested what may cause a type-II error in your inferences in the attached comments. Hope you find my comments useful.



If you are plain, then what are we? If the rainbow is dull, then what is the shadow? Regardless, I’m delighted by your gratitude.

I must confess that I was harboring a similar sentiment just these last few days: If I hadn’t met you, life would have been to me like the finest cuisine (French, Belgian, Caribbean, West African, name it) – but without any salt and spice.

You were the salt and spice. What seemed plain and humdrum in life, you revealed to be savory. So I’m glad that you brought sense (extra sense for flavor) into my life, while I in unmediated exchange brought sensibility (extra sensibility for Germanic tastes) into your artistic life :-)


13457493 Bridal dress order


Nov 4 — 15 Capetown


Boss this is Peter. Tomorrow the crew is having lunch at my house. Please do pass by and and join the fun. Address is 4 cloverwood ct apt 104 Essex md 21221. Lunch will be ready by 1:30pm please pass by.


Fraha, Peter


Bob loblow


This is a very tortured meme from the Inglorious basterds – or some other Nazi film, not sure which. I saw dozens of variations on this 6-8 years ago at Hopkins. But this one is the most messed up: one would expect Hilter to voice m7’s outrage, perhaps on learning about Mbabazi’s moves against him in the NRM or on the national scene. But for some weird reason, a Museveni sycophant thought it would be dramatic for the outrage to be directed against an incumbent? Doesn’t make sense. Hitler was the incumbent under attack in this meme


Bob Dylan - full discography

Allan, what do you think of The Cutting Edge 1962-1966: The Bootleg Series Vol. 12 (Available Nov 6th)?


Watching 2 hours of Kanye’s failed attempt to express his feelings and thoughts was very painful. He expresses himself effortlessly through music, but seems to have trouble doing so through the fashion & designs he creates. Guess the interview is his compensation for failure in fashion & design.

Isn’t it Oscar Wilde who tells us that beauty is greater than genius? Because it needs no explanation? Yeah, Ye’s music is beautiful. No interviews needed to explain it. But his creative forays into fashion & design aren’t genius; thus, the tortured interview in an attempt to make sense of it all. We all don’t get it.

Otherwise, he sort of confessed that he is bored by music, since he has done it all. Artists like Shakespeare retired at similar points in life. They didn’t try their “genius” at something new. Kanye is suffering from the pangs of success and loss of purpose. Fortunately, it’s very clear from this interview that he really loves his wife and child :-)


Quincy Jones’ mother had schizophrenia. Remarkable, isn’t it? Or perhaps a mere coincidence that yet another extraordinary talent (others include Einstein, John Nash) had the gene in his family.


Just read something that I thought I might share, given how much it resonated with a similar experience I had in 2004 when I visited an apartheid museum in Gauteng. The museum outlined, using visuals, how South Africa as a nation formed: starting with native bushmen, followed by Bantu from west Africa, Boers from the Netherlands, the Brits, and a hodgepodge of other groups from Israel, India, heavy African countries, etc. each wave of visitors became native.

This led me to view the dominance in numbers of Bantu (Sotho and Tswana) as no different from the dominance in economics and politics of the Wazungu (Boers and Brits). Of course, it led me to reflect upon the situation in Uganda: there’ve been moments of Ganda dominance, Acholi dominance, Lugbara dominance, and, lately, Hima dominance.

In other words, human society will always be divided along whatever convenient lines of division can emerge: geographic origin, skin color, and social privilege. This view preempt any view of an organized conspiracy against any struggling racial subgroup today. Quincy Jones, take it away:

“It gave you some sense of perspective of past, present and future. It took the myopic conflict between just black and white in the United States and put it on another level because you saw the turmoil between the Armenians and the Turks, and the Cypriots and the Greeks, and the Swedes and the Danes, and the Koreans and the Japanese. Everybody had these hassles, and you saw it was a basic part of human nature, these conflicts. It opened my soul, it opened my mind.”


I think this song belongs to the late 80s/early 90s: the generation of Divas whose voices could stand almost on their own, with barely any support from instruments. Whitney Houston’s Always love you is the archetypal song of that generation.

Adele looks prettier than I expected (don’t really know her), and she has a bigger voice than one would expect from someone her size (hadn’t seen her before). And I think with this song, it’s over – we don’t need to wait for the fat lady to sing an opera aria.

Whoever produced this track did well to emulate Whitney’s Always love you: barely any instrumentation at the beginning, relatively calm spirits; and a dramatic crescendo and more animated spirits as the song grows. Amused to see the kid in the video: he’s from Baltimore, and was barely 16 when he was in the cast of The Wire. Videography was superb, in dramatic effects.



Sounds accurate, and has been the case for at least 13 years (see article in The Economist from 2004). It’s also believable, given that our Budo cohort comprises mostly entrepreneurs. We few – we non entrepreneurial few – with formal jobs are without a doubt in the minority.

But this ranking isn’t really a great endorsement, given what is being measured. Indeed, most folks around the world would be very surprised by these rankings because few folks can readily name 3 products & services that this Ugandan entrepreneurial spirit has brought forth for the rest of humanity. Uganda isn’t a nation of exporters. Just one of very creative households.

We import almost everything we consume, with the exception of Matooke. We even import juice and rice. So our spirit of entrepreneurship is driven more by an urge to survive than to drive humanity forward – which is a harsh judgement on Museveni’s government. Where a nations fury and activity is driven by households, firms, and government, Uganda’s is driven mostly by foreign firms & Ugandan households, with most entrepreneurship taking on a household flavor. So I celebrate Ugandans will to live, under a poorly performing government.


swiss cheese


Burgers are definitely my favorite coronary artery blockers :-)