

James Midgley
-Professional imperialism: Published May 1981, No revised edition ever since -Indigenization of social work around the world: Published 1951, Not by Midgley* -Social Policy and Change in East Asia -Social Policy and Poverty in East Asia -Grassroots Social Security in Asia -International Perspectives on Welfare to Work Policy (Editor): 2012

Herman D Stein

*chapter of book


We are a bunch of scrappy guys from diverse backgrounds (Jewish, Muslim, Hindu etc) who enjoy outwitting pompous asses like yourself in financial markets globally.


4.64/5 rDev +11.8% look: 4.5 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.5

This was a 330ml bottle that was dated best before end of 2018 and poured into a Chimay goblet.

Appearance: It poured a very hazy brown colour with a very nice thick cream coloured two finger head that dissipates very slowly but when it does, leaves a nice curtain lacing.

Aroma: Aromas are fruity, mainly of dark fruits like plum, cherry, and fig. There is also some pear, apple and candied sugar and a hint of nuttiness.

Taste: Fruity cherry and plum upfront with hints of banana and pear. There’s also some light malt caramel and bready sweetness followed by a nice light bitter finish.

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with moderate carbonation. Smooth creamy and slightly sticky.

Overall: Admittedly, I used to think that this was just ok but I’ve grown to enjoy this beer the more I drink it. When I first tried it maybe ten years ago, Chimay Blue was far and away better and so I mostly bought that. However, clearly my taste changed and the last few years Chimay Red became one of my staple beers.

kitch, Jun 01, 2015


Henry II
Edward 0
Richard I/John 1200

Henry III
Edward I-III
Richard II/John of G 1400

Henry IV-VI
Edward IV-V
Richard III 1500

Henry VII-Henry VIII
Edward VI
Jane Mary Elizabeth 1600


First off, this first-person narrative style is very elemental, persuasive, and vivid. It leaves one with no doubt that the author is relaying historic facts, true to every detail. Otherwise, the author may be one of the greatest writers of fiction - in the same league as Shakespeare.

That said, the authors early statement, “..I am one of the world’s biggest fools. I am also a fat black boy raised by a village of fat black women practiced in surviving..” might as well have been copied and pasted from Nietzsche’s ‘Master-Slave Morality’ theme from his book On the Genealogy of Morality. Nietzsche, disagreeing with all prior philosophers, stated that the over-aching drive in man is “The Will to Power”, the urge to be master over others.. slaves. That’s the master morality. And what’s Good is what the master wants. What’s bad and wrong is what the master doesn’t want.

Slaves, on the other hand, react to this dominant master powerlessly by doing whatever it takes to survive (What all prior philosophers claimed was the driving force of humanity). So.. who ever is afraid of taking risks that might threaten ones survival – but that might also grant one power – has slave mentality; in other words, slave morality is risk-averse. And slave morality is a reaction to the master morality –unlike master morality which is self-determined; not a mere reaction to someone else.

Our author does an excellent job – in the voice of his fat grandma – showing us this slave mentality (literal and figurative) in the African American. Interestingly, Nietzsche says the master morality which dominated humanity initially was that of the Greek Hero (Achilles) and the Roman Hero (Julius Caesar). But through subversion, the Hebrew morality (Exemplified by Jesus), overcame it’s masters – not by becoming a master itself but by making the master a slave like themselves. Nietzsche concluded that the heir of this slave morality is Christianity – the dominant driving force in the world order today. He declared that the only way man may free himself from slavery is to abandon the Christian morality, which breeds weakness.

In summary, the authors grandma reached the conclusion that Nietzsche reached: don’t be fooled: you are either a master or slave. Period. As such, my question to my fellow brothers is simple: do you have a “Will to Power” or a “Will to Survive”? Our author knows better.


Charles Village Pub (CVP)
-Amanda (We knew that this day would come; we were like Abi is gonna die; you either chose to stop; or it chooses you)


Fungicidal soap + Hot water
Wear shoes in locker rooms
Anti-fungal bathing soap


Natural resource stolen: Das Ring
Human resource is exchanged: Erdas Sister
Social resource is utilized: Breach Contract


1200; plantaganet
-henry ii
-edward 0
-richard i, john

-henry iii
-edward i-iii
-richard ii, john of g

1400; lancaster; york
-henry iv-vi
-edward iv-v
-richard iii

1500; tudor
-henry vii-viii
-edward vi
-jane, mary, elizabeth


It’s just as well because the letter was 100% plagiarized from James Joyce. You might have wondered at all the references to Dublin


Thu, July 2
Tue, July 7
Air Canada: Booking Reference PDP4CV


He is a great dancer. I’ve never met him, but I’ve heard of ‘The legend of Segev.’ President Daniels

On learning that I worked in the Segev LAB


  1. Barley

  2. Yeast

  3. Sugar

  4. Hops

  5. Flavor